
Akane Enchanted: Journey to the Edge of the Earth

When a young girl begins to see things that she shouldn't see. and discover things that she shouldn't discover, she finds herself needing to put in some unexpected effort during her summer break. Will she pull through? Or die trying?

Elsie_Oboro · Fantasía
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6 Chs

I'd Like to Drive a Benz Too

Mist? What on earth is this craziness?

Julia wasn't even paying me any attention, she was drawing symbols in the air again, and her eyes where closed. I didn't want to accidentally distract her. But maybe we should er- leave, before the next class ends, you know, so I can avoid getting into a scandal.

Just some food for thought.

"Okay kid lets go", Julia's eyes snapped open, and she grabbed my upper arm, pulling me towards the gates. For some reason the gate men had disappeared from their posts. Odd.

"Go where?"

"Out the gate. We are borrowing a car."

She said its so casually.

And of course. What other car would be more suitable than the filthy rich principals fancy new Benz? Nothing else will do of course. Ugh, I'm finished.

"I've always wanted to drive a Benz you know"

No, I don't know. It literally hasn't been up to an hour since I met you. But I just said this bit in my head.

She didn't go below one hundred and twenty m/h the entire way to um, wherever she was taking me.

"Welcome to the port", she said throwing her arms out dramatically.

I climbed out of the car quickish and looked around myself. There was nothing there. It was literally just a bit of sidewalk overlooking the sea. Pretty dangerous if you ask me, the place didn't have a barricade at all, anyone could just fall.

"Where exactly is the port?", I asked.

"Its right there", she said, gesturing to the open sea. I double checked her expression to make sure she was being serious. She was.

"Okay... so how do we use it?"

"Oh, pfft. Easy. We jump", she said and then she started moving backwards.

I literally chocked on nothing, "Did you say we jump?"

"Yes, Jump Akane"

I stood back and watched her leap into water. She did not resurface, I got the feeling she was waiting for me to jump. Oh no, my life is over.

I jumped.

It was like nothing I had ever felt before.

Was this real water? It was warm and I could see perfectly. It was completely clean and not a fish or seaweed for at least sixty feet in front of me, and not just that but I was- was standing.


News flash, I can breathe. It didn't take long for me to locate Julia; she was walking in front me. Yes walking. She turned back and smiled, most likely at my marveled expression.

"There are Oceans like this all over the world. Created by some of the most powerful water users as a means of transportation between realms- oh, realms mean different magic locations. Like countries, you know?"

"Yea, I think I understand", I mumbled following her.

She led me to a door about quarte of a mile from where we jumped. Despite being wood underwater, it looked very well preserved. Beautiful in fact. She knocked three times on the lower left part of the door with her left hand. Must be a passcode or something.

It opened to reveal swirling water. It was like looking into the top of a tornado made of water. It was beautiful. Julia walked through it super casually. And I followed. It felt wonderful, the way you would imagine a car felt while going through the car wash. When next I opened my eyes, I definitely was not underwater anymore.

It looked like... well, it looked like a super small estate. With about seven different buildings all arranged in a straight line on one side then a large open field on the other side. The field had all sorts of activities and was full of kids. I had to wonder briefly whether I would fit in here too.

"C'mon Akane." Julia said pulling my arm again.

"Where are we going?", I asked trying to avert my gaze from the kids lining up against one of the whicker fences staring as Julia dragged me across to the first building.

"We are going to present you to the Interuniversal Director. ID for short, handpicked by the four elemental beings themselves-"

"Wait they exist?", I gasped

"- and not happy about it", she continued as if I never spoke.


His office? The office was huge and spacious, almost as if it was bigger on the inside than on the outside. The squishy faced man was sitting on a chair at the far end of the room. Julia stepped forward I stayed back.

"Professor Bernard sir, Miss. River for you",

"Yes, yes, yes. Step forward child. And quickly", he called.

The man had a certain commanding presence around him. I hurried forward immediately.

"Go on, create something on your palm. Do be quick, I have not got much time"

"Yes sir", I said, glancing back at Julia, she gave a thumbs up. I took a deep breath and made the smoke curl of my fingertips again.

His face went from pink to white in a matter of seconds. And it didn't stop there, the next minute it was bright red.

"Impossible child! Are you trying to humor me? Julia!", he yelled, I curled my fingers back into my pocket as Julia hurried forward.


"Wh- what is this? What is this that the girl just did?", he yelled, his face slowly changing to purple.

"Sir... sir, the girls element is mist", Julia said.

This mist stuff again?

It was quiet for a while and then he let out a deep breathe. "This is certainly a development. The mist Elemental being has been lost for nearly a hundred years. Queen Miranda has not been seen for over a century-"

"Miranda? Thats my mom's name", I said.

Both adults froze. Julia looking at me dumbfounded the squishy faced man changing to green.

"Say that again?"

"My mom's name is Miranda. She disappeared about three months ago. I haven't seen her since."

"Sir... sir, wasn't that when-"

"Quiet Julia. Take the girl to the ZLevel dorms. Get her acquainted."

Julia took my hand again and started pulling me back. Before we walked out of the office i distinctly heard the man say, "This is a problem."