
Aincrad: Ascendance

A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky. That was all this world was. It took a vagarious group of craftsmen one month to survey the place; the diameter of the base floor was about 10 kilometers — large enough to fit the entirety of Setagaya-ku within. Above, there were 100 floors stacking straight upwards; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of. Inside, there were a couple of large cities along with countless small-scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through was no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a city on the upper floor, the «Teleport Gates» there and of every city on the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels. With these conditions, the huge castle had been steadily conquered for two years. The current front line is the 74th floor. The name of the castle was «Aincrad», a world of battles with swords that continued floating and had engulfed approximately six thousand people. Otherwise known as… «Sword Art Online» -*-*--*-*-*- Updates are from monday to friday, so total of 5 chapters a week, extra chapter every 200 stones. Source of this fanfic is from the Novel, and I also added some elements from different worlds just to add some twist. I dont own the cover or any character from SAO, this is a fanfic I made for fun dont take it seriously.

LazyTanaka · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
87 Chs

⌜Chapter 70⌟

(A/N: this chapter is made by an amateur romance author so if you don't like romance then just don't read this chapter, I was just trying out romance)

"Hosaka! what a coincidence to meet you here"

Not noticing the rivalry that started, Tanaka acted like he wasn't caught and met a friend on the streets, Hosaka turned her head towards him and sighed.

'Yeah, he was a god in fighting and the greatest leader she had, but this guy is much dunce than how he looks'

Hosaka knew this, and that was why she fell for him, not because he was rich or powerful but because of how caring he was to his friends.

"Yeah, why don't you introduce me to this kid here?"

Hosaka is 16 years old, the same age as Tanaka so what she meant by calling Shino a kid is an insult, a tick mark appeared on Shino's head and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch

"This is Shino, I met her in GGO"

Tanaka cheerfully introduced Shino, he was just too happy today to get on a date with a girl.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Hosaka"

Hosaka extended her hand to shake hands with Shino, Shino exchanged handshakes with Hosaka, but their grip on each other is powerful in terms of strength, Hosaka has been training with Tanaka and Shino is but a normal girl so Shino was in pain after their handshake.

But Shino didn't wince and just smiled like it was nothing.

"Nice to meet you too umm... Sir"

Hosaka's brows twitched from irritation as she was called sir, she knew it was not because she had a short hair and doesn't look feminine at all, but because her chest was flat, that was the weakness of Hosaka and she couldn't help but feel irritated as it was used to insult her.


Hosaka replied back, the two then glared at each other and the spark turned into a laser as they each tried to assert their dominance with each other.

"It's good that you too now know each other, do you have any important meeting or something Hosaka?"

Tanaka clapped his hand as the two got to know each other, though, he was much more excited for the date he had planned.

"Uh... I don't have any, how about I come with you guys? seems like you are enjoying yourselves?"

Hosaka said as she looked at him, Tanaka sighed before leaning closer to Hosaka and whispering on her ears.

"No, you can go back, I will talk with you later"

Hosaka pouted as she heard that but she knew she won't be able to do anything as she understood from the tone of his voice that it was not a request, but an order, sighing, she glared at Hosaka.

"On second thought, I have to go now, sorry for taking your time"

Hosaka then walked away, when Hosaka is out of their sight, Tanaka turned to Shino and smiled.

"Shall we continue our date?"

Shino blushed when she heard that, she was now back to being a shy girl.


Arriving back at his office, Tanaka sat on his chair with a happy smile on his face, his date just ended with Shino and he was fortunate to have a kiss on the cheeks before they left.

"Well, I will invite her after the BoB, for now, time to go back to work"

Tanaka stretched his arms and took off his suit, but just as he was about to enter his VR cabin, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in"

Tanaka replied, and the door opened.

"Hosaka, do you need something?"

Tanaka saw Hosaka who entered, her head is down and she was not in a good mood.

"Is she the reason why you didn't answer any of our confessions?"

Hosaka didn't beat around the bush and directly said.


Tanaka answered without lies, Hosaka, Rika, Suguha, Ayano, and Sachi, these girls had already said their love for Tanaka but he hasn't given them any answers after a long time, they knew the girls that loved Tanaka so they thought Tanaka must be caring for their feelings not answering any of them.

But they already agreed to Tanaka having a harem but Tanaka also hasn't accepted this proposal, today, Hosaka finally knew why.

"It's okay if you love her, you can add her to your harem plan if you want! none of us mind it"

Hosaka looked at Tanaka in the eyes but only saw him look away from her, this made Hosaka flinch and she immediately ran towards Tanaka and hugged him tightly.

Tanaka didn't push her away as he could see tears streaming down her eyes, then she heard her plead.

"Please, please, I don't mind if you don't love any of us, just please, don't leave us alone"


There was no answer, Hosaka's hug became tighter, she never want to let go of Tanaka, she got the feeling that if she let him go he will forever disappear, she then felt Tanaka finally move and raised his hand, she knew she was going to be pushed away.

But the push she was expecting never came but instead a soft pat, then Tanaka hugged her.

"I'm sorry Hosaka, I'm such a selfish guy aren't I?"

Hosaka heard his voice but this time, the voice she usually heard from Tanaka is different.

"Yes, you are very selfish"

Hosaka buried her face to his stomach.

"Yes, I am a selfish guy who didn't know anything"

"Then know that you have to make us happy"

"... yeah, though, I may not be able to make you all happy, I will create a heaven for you angels"



-ALO: Alfheim Continent-

Kirito and Asuna stood before a huge portal in front of them, behind them, an army of level 100 players are waiting.

"We can finally catch up with them"

Asuna said as she looked at the portal.

"Yeah, but we must be prepared because according to the information, Asgard is very dangerous, so the first thing we must do after entering is to clear the monsters around and then build a base around the portal"

Kirito spoke.

"I just got info that the Iceforge Guild has already built their base"

A girl with purple hair spoke, her name is Mito.

"So fast?"

"What!? did they not clear the monsters around?"

The people near them who heard it exclaimed in shock, they knew the strength of the monsters in the other gate because they are released on the information page of the game, and they knew how troublesome to fight these monsters.

Asuna and Kirito looked at each other and sighed.

"That is normal, they have him after all"

Mito flipped her hair back.


Everyone wondered.

"Guild Master Ice"

Kirito replied but under his breath, he whispered.

'Much known as Madara'


Finally recovered! and laziness is corrupting me hard! I like it!


Don't call me lucky, Because when you're sleeping I'm working.