
Chapter 4:

It had been three days since they walked out of the dark forest. He was holding Atain's little hand leading him to the nearest river, he could see a bridge connecting the two sides; the red forest and the green one.

He turned to his angel saying, "Remember don't tell anyone from where we came. Ok"

" I won't. I promise dad" the little kid promised.

"Good my boy" Aiden patted the boy's head.

"Where are we now?"

"Look there," he pointed to the distance."There is a bridge over there which leads to the green forest.. when we reach the green forest. we will head to the city and stay the night. And then will continue our journey."

Aiden walked the whole night through the green forest. From his tower, the green forest seemed small. Not that big. He followed the river after some, minutes of walking out off the forest, he heard voices; the sound of tools. The sun was shining, spreading its warm rays. He saw people working in the fields. There were kids playing. One kid was standing aloof. He went to him and bent down "hi" the boy looked at him surprised. Aiden smiled " hi, I am Aiden, and this little creature who is sleeping is my kid Atain"

"Hi" the little boy replied shyly.

"Can you direct me to a closer Inn, my son and I need a place to stay at"

The little boy grasped Aiden's hand "come with me"

The little boy led him through a field to a wooden house. In front of the house, there were kids of different ages playing.

"Come," the little boy said dragging Aiden with him. Upon hearing Lee's voice the kids turned looking at Lee dragging a stranger.

The stranger was wearing a hood, they can't see his features. Aiden smiled at the kids without noticing that some kids were not human. The little kid dragged him inside the house.

"Grandma. We have a guest"

"what?" an old lady came running holding a stick "Lee, I told you one hundred times do not lie to…." She stopped when she saw Aiden


"Sorry to intrude on you. I was looking for an inn, and this little boy" he smiled at Lee "dragged me here"

He looked at her and put his hood off while introducing himself "I am Aiden"

"Oh" she gasped, and the other kid came running they looked at him and gasped.

"You are beautiful," a little girl said

"Dad!" Attain rubbed his eyes, "Did we arrived" He nodded "I am hungry" he said,

"Is he your son?" asked one of the kids

"How old is he," asked another girl

"Can I play with him"

Aiden bent down rubbing the little girl head's. "Why don't you ask him" he smiled at his shy kid "Atain this beautiful angel want to play with you" he teasingly went on "are you gonna let her wait, that not a nice thing to do"

Atain let go of Aiden's neck, he stood and turned to the girl looking at his feet he said "hi"

The girls grasped his hands and led him outside. The other boys and lee looked at her." You can go and play with him too….hee is shy, so be nice with him" he winked at them, they laughed.

A little boy approached him and hugged him. "Stay with us for a while," he asked him and run outside.

Matilda looked at the exchange astonishing, Mark had never approached a stranger by his own decision. Truth to be said, he didn't approach anyone than herself and Linda.

"you can stay as long as you want"


She smiled at the man in front of her. He had beautiful hazel eyes. Golden brown hair with some grey on. He has a contagious smile.

She felt safe in front of him. Maybe that is why her little kids liked him. But, she had only four little kids, who were the other little kids. Some of them, she couldn't believe seeing them. She saw them die. This man wasn't normal, and if others knew about his strange power he sure would be in huge danger.


Veronica looked at the man, she and the other kids were sitting on the table having dinner. Aiden unexpectedly made her and the other ghosts were seen by normal people. What was even strange was that she felt warm and could eat what normal people ate. The four living kids treated them normally, they acted like it was a normal thing to have a meal with many kids who appeared from nowhere suddenly. Maybe they were feeling lonely after Linda and Ben left the orphanage.

She started at Aiden, he was acting normal. Didn't he notice what he did? Veronica was a smart girl she lived in this world for a long time and have witnessed horrible things. She is not the only one, the kids who died many decades ago decided to stay here at the orphanage and protect it. It has many years and they are living here. They came here when Matilda built the orphanage after losing her husband and kids. She took the orphans kids out of the street and brought them here. She raised them, and many of them become older and got married. Some of them died and become ghosts.

"Is what happened to Linda related to Atain. If so he may have answered" thought Veronica.

"Aiden you are not from here if you don't mind me asking, where did you come from?"

Veronica and the other ghost kids looked at Aiden.

"I am really sorry, I can't reply to that question" he flashed her a sad smile.

"I won't push you"


"About three days ago, something strange happened to my oldest girl. Her name is Linda. You may not believe it but the roots and the ground around the house were cracked, She controlled the three elements of the earth and that was strange. The royal family is the only one who can do that. … Ahh, my sweet Linda's appearance has changed. The guards noticed what happened and took Linda to the White Empire. I heard Six have gone through the same thing. They are now at the White Empire."

Aiden listened to her carefully, remembering what the elders told him. "Don't worry about her, your girl will be safe with the others."

A chilling wind went through the room, and a dark shadowed figure appeared. Matilda and the kids were terrified. The ghost kids stood up holding their hands.

"Stop it"

"What is the wrong shadow"

"Do you know him?" asked Veronica

"He is no evil person." He assured her " You should leave. Before they notice what is going her if you spend the night here… they might get attacked"

"What do you mean?"

"There are witches out there, your powers soon will affect them and bring them here."

"I will cover your paces" then the shadow disappeared.

"Thanks, I am sorry for causing you trouble." he touched his hair nervously, " I think we should leave"

"Wait, I will come"

Matilda went to the kitchen and after minutes she came holding a bag. "Take this, you may get hungry"

"Thanks" he hugged her, and she felt a warm feeling like she is hugging her gone son.

" No, It is thank to you, without you we couldn't see these little angles.. From now on we will know that we are not alone"

"Go my boy! be safe"

He picked his bag and put it on his shoulder, then he picked Atain. While he was walking out of the door he turned to Matilda and said," By the way, if you have ever met someone like the six help them and keep their existence secret. Being with others like them is the safest thing to do, but they should be caution."

"Come and see us again" shouted Mark.

Aiden nodded his head and walked out saying "we will"

Matilda watched him walked out and watched the other kids starting to fade and disappear. She looked at them. I am glad that you are protecting my kids. "Thank you"

The ghost kids smiled at Matilda and went to their seats.

"We will always protect you" they said

Matilda cried and the four orphan kid cried as they recognized that they no longer could see them.

For a long time, Matilda felt like there were something living in the orphanage. When she first built the orphanage the first year nothing strange happened, but the second year she was going to die but miraculously she was saved. At that time she knew something was helping her and the children. And now she had her answer. Her kids who left this world in early age were protecting her and the kids with the help of other ghosts. She learnt different things about them.

She closed her eyes taking a deep breath when Mark shouted "Don!"

She looked up and the ghost kids were seen again, they were chocked as well. Then they heard a knock on the door.

Mark jumped out of the chair and went to the door.

"Hi there," they heard a soft voice who didn't belong to Aiden. "Can, I talk to the owner…" then Mark dragged the stranger inside the house.