
Aidans Bizarre Adventure Part 1

Aidan is weirded out about a thing that follows him around. Later he learns that, that thing is called a stand and he needs to kinda save the world

PrinceRandom · Cómic
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#1 Aidans Bizarre Adventure

#1 Aidans Bizarre Adventure

--1997 Monday--

Aidan was a young man around the age of 16, he had black hair and black eyes. Aidan was sweating bullets he then hid in an alleyway but that thing continued to follow him.

'What the hell is this thing! And why am I the only person that can see this!?'

[I was going to write the appearance but I'm way to lazy for that so I'll just post a pic]

Someone then came from the shadows. It was a man with grey hair and a grey beard.

"That is what you call a stand."

Aidan then kind of got startled since the guy came out of nowhere.

"A stand what the hell is that?"

"... Follow me if you want to know more about it, or you could just stay here and let your stand kill everyone you love, it's your choice."

Aidan whispered to himself "My mom…" He then yelled out. "Well then what are you waiting for, come on!"

"Okay follow me and next time don't talk so loud or people might think we're crazy."

They walked until they eventually got into a car and then they drove off after a few minutes which turned into hours. 3 hours had passed and they were just pulling into a high secured place. When they pulled into the place they got out of the cars and a blind fold was put onto AIdan. But then when they got into the building and into where they were going they took it off.

"Hey what was that for?! You didn't have to be so aggressive with putting the blindfold on!"

The old man then sat down and other people came in about three.

"We just did that so you wouldn't know where the hideout was."

"Well that was dumb I already know did you forget to put the blindfold on why you were driving?"

"No that would be dumb, we injected you with something and it made it look like that."

"What the heck are you guys, the C.I.A or something?"

"We have no time for questions so let me tell you about stands. A Stands a visual manifestation of life energy in other words, the manifestation of the soul of the user. The creator of the stands is a villain and he plans to wipe humanity out, so we have to stop him"

"Well I'm strong enough so I'll protect my mother. What about you guys?"

"No your not Aidan and that's why we'll put you in the time chamber"

"Time chamber?"

"A time chamber is spirit and time 1 day in here is 1 year in there. You'll spend a week training there, And if you refuse we'll kill your mother."

Aidan then got up from sitting and his stand activated, when he came out of his body it started throwing barrages


The punches got faster and faster until they stopped.

"My stand has already Infiltrated your brain your under my control now, and it looks like you don't want to go to the time chamber so I'll make you go"

Aidan's body then started to move until it got to something that looked like a bank vault. It then opened and Aiden went inside when he was inside it closed and the old man pushed a button that said who 1W (1 week) a robotic voice then said Vault will not open until 1 week

[EYE CATCHER - STAND - Simple Mind - Simple mind is a super tiny stand the size of bacteria that only looks big to the user. This stand will go inside the opponent's mouth, ear, and nose And work its way up to the brain, when it's in the brain that's when the stand really uses its power. To control the opponent but the weakness is the user of the stand gets older every time the ability is used. The other catch is the stand gives the user the ability to stay alive for forever not dying of old age. The only thing that can kill the user is a disease or a simple gunshot to the head.]

--In the time chamber 1 second on the outside world has passed and six minutes for Aidan--

"Well If I'm going to be here for 7 years I guess I'll train my hardest--

I know this is pretty short but yeah, next chapter on the nineteen

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