
02 | Max

(AN:Just watched m3gan again and I realized that not even one week goes by and Megan is already obsessed over Cady!!!!!)

Max Zoloman was just 4 years old when he lost his mom, Sarah Zoloman, wife to his dad, Adam Zoloman.

Now he was just 4 years old and was confused why everyone was crying for her but as time passed, he never saw her again. Being sad and alone, he asked his dad for where his mother was but, all he got told was that she was never coming back

And like that, 4 years passed with Max eventually knowing why she won't come back. She was dead. He didn't understand death but he knew that she was truly gone and so he grew up without his mother love.

Max was now 8 years old and having no love. Well, except from the occasion his dad comes home and ask about his day but that was all.

For the past 4 years, Max always got greeted about his day by his dad and then he disappeared into their garage. From days he was off, he would spend almost the entire day there.

Even when he went to work and came back home, he would ask his son how was his day and then disappear.

A little kid was left alone in the house with the occasional nanny taking care of him but on the off chances, Max only friend, Samantha would come often to play and accompany him.

He understood that she had to work like his dad. Long hours. So he would only see her 4 chances a month. A total of 48 or less days he would see her in a year.

Of course Max appreciated the day when his father watched his soccer match. Ever so often he would appreciate the tiny things he did like tuck him to bed and say goodnight.

But that didn't change anything, he still felt the same sad feeling when he wasn't there. Until That all changed on a Saturday morning.


"Rain, rain, go away, come back yet another day, daddy….wants to play. Come back another day"

A little boy who was 8 years old said as he looked out the big window that lead to his backyard as he saw his toys get wet.

Max, was inside his house with the nanny fixing something to eat early in the morning. It was about 11 in the morning as the grey clouds covered the sky with rain droplets falling down and creating a soothing sound while the atmosphere seemed gloomy.

Putting his hands on the window he saw his trampoline getting a small puddle while seeing his pool covered in some kind of cover that prevented some trash getting into it

"Ava please brighten lights a little bit more please" A young voice said from the kitchen as it happened to be Max nanny, Claire. She just turned 23 so she was still young which meant she had that young energy that Max needed.

But, Claire was only hired because a neighbor of Adam recommended her because she was cheap, only 20 dollars an hour which for Adam basically meant not that much.

Her specialty was to cook and clean, her only problem was that she was awkward around kids. Claire had been watching max for about 3 months as the other nanny's couldn't handle Max as he would often disappear.

But Claire has been holding down the fort because of her excellent dishes while also her cleaning abilities which meant that Max couldn't make a disaster and blame it on her.

Ava was one of Althing creations that could control the house and a person could control her with just a voice. But that wasn't important because Claire brought out 1 plate of omelet with water and set it on the table.

"Okay, your dad called me and he should be coming early so eat up" She told him as Max jumped up and quickly sat down with the TV turning on.

Max was excited because today his dad was coming home early and that was so rare that he had a better chance of finding a dollar bill on the streets.

Claire just chuckled as she that and put on a kid show that was supposed to keep this quiet house, somewhat noisy.

Once Max had finished he hopped off the seat and went onto the couch to cover himself with a blanket.

The look outside, plus with the satisfying sound of the raindrops hitting the concrete outside, and the now dimly lit room, it was the perfect recipe to kick back and relax.

But all that tiredness escaped his body as he heard the door opening behind him. Max turned around and saw his dad there, his black hair that was usually parted to the side, now messy.

Still wearing a lab coat, he just smiled at his son as he put the keys back on the holder and spread out his arms as Max came running into them.

"Hey there Stephen"


"Oh right my bad, Tom Brady"


"Okay okay, Messi"

"You got it wrong again!"

"What? No way then what is it?" Adam said as he sat on a chair with max sitting in front of him. Claire put a bottle of water on the table right next him as he just gave her a nod and a thank you.

"The names Max, Max Zoloman and I'm gonna make my name my own" He said proudly as Adam looked surprised and clapped for him

"I sure hope so buddy, that way you will be famous and have tons of fun." Ruffling his hair, Max just giggled.

"Hey I got a huge present for you but give me time to talk to Claire won't you?"

"Your not going into the garage are you?"

"Nope, not today because the huge present is there"

Max looked at his father suspiciously as he just shrugged. But he didn't dwell on it as he went back to watch TV while Adam got up and grabbed his water as he headed for the kitchen

He saw Claire cleaning 2 plates and glasses as Adam started some small talk

"Sorry for calling you so early in the morning"

"It's no big deal, didn't have much planned today and I was already back from my jog so it worked out well because you got a sweet gym here"

Adam chuckled "Thanks, I been meaning to get in shape but I think pretty soon a bigger version of Ava is going to kick anyone ass for me"

"Yeah, until it goes full terminator on us" Claire laughed as she put the dishes on a racket and cleaned her hands

"Anyways your done"

Claire got confused for a bit as she didn't know what she did wrong "I'm sorry?"

"You won't be able to need to babysit him"

"Is it because I did something wrong? I told Max not to food coloring in your shampoo"

"He did what?!…Anyways, no, you didn't do anything wrong but I got someone who's more…capable for this"

She looked offended as she scoffed "Well that's good to know"

"Let's be honest here, you can barely talk to him but your dishes are beautiful!"

"Well" she faked smiled "Maybe next time I'll gladly cook up a dish called "Your an ungrateful person""

"How? I complemented your dishes"

"Yes but you should realize how hard it is to take care of a child, heck you cant even take care of him without-….."

She immediately stopped herself as he looked at Adam and was apologizing. But Adam didn't want to hear it and kicked her out. Who was she to bring up a dead family member that she didn't know.

"Dad….what happened to Ms.Claire?"

Max was standing up on the couch as his father took a deep breath and shook his head to the sides.

"No. I got someone better and what did I tell you about doing that?"

"That if I do stand on couches I should be ready to break something….." His voice drifted off as he got off the couch and went to his father after seeing him waving his hands to come

His eye bags were easily noticeable as Max was worried when he saw his dad yawning multiple times.

"You ready for your present?"

"Yeah but…didn't you kick Ms.Claire-"

"That women can't keep her mouth shut from saying the wrong things so don't talk about her" He said harshly as max nodded slowly. But Adam quickly apologized to his son about his voice.

Sarah Zoloman was an extremely sensitive topic for both him and Adam so max could get why his father would be mad if someone mentioned her name without care.

The atmosphere in the room wasn't the best as Adam was rubbing the bridges between his nose while Max still had his pajamas, his blue eyes were still looking at the floor while his bronde hair was somewhat still messy.

"Anyways, let's go see your present yeah?" Adam tried to brighten the mood and it worked. Max always liked surprises, especially when it was from his dad as he could invent some cool stuff

After putting some rain boots on, they walked outside with Max holding his father hands that was holding an umbrella open as they walked to the garage.Where Sophie was sitting on a couch, deactivated and waiting.

"So remember how your alaways home alone because I work to much?"

"Yeah…." Max said, seeing the rain hit the ground beside him as he was walking.

"Well what if I told you, I know someone who is funny, smart, and pretty that can be with you. Like the best friend that's always with you"

"Well thet would be awesome. We'll play forever and ever and ever"

Adam chuckled as he input a set of numbers into a keypad. It turned green as it opened. The garage was full of equipment with silver background when they entered.

But on the corner where Adam was leading Max, there they saw a couch that was dark blue that had one "women" sitting on it, looking like she was sleeping uncomfortably.

"Max. Meet your new best friend that's gonna be in your life to help you, Sophie."

He let go of his hands as Max walked in front of her, looking at her oddly.

"Is she sleeping?"

"No, she's off. She's a very smart robot"

"A cool robot?"

"Yeah let me show you" His hands slipped behind her ear and pressed the power button as she turned on.

Her head was rising as Max got startled and backed away a bit as he saw her pupils going in and out


"It's alright. Sophie. Commence MZ"

Sophie turned her head and look at Adam for a second as she redirected her face to see Max. Information about him started to flow in her view as she started to see his emotions.

With excitement at 81 and curiosity at 79.

Adam grabbed Sophie hand and max hand as he put them together and told him to hold it for 5 seconds.

As they did that, Adam grabbed his laptop that was sitting beside Sophie and opened it as he saw her pairing with Max.

Her priority was Max so it made sense to make him the first and primary person to listen instead of Adam.

He knew this could be dumb so he inserted some safety features that he knew and could only be accessible to him and no one else. Or so he thought.

"Hello there Max, nice to meet you. I'm Sophie,Your best friend. Nice boots, do you like cars?"

Max chuckled a bit as he looked at his dad who just indicated to talk to her. He looked down to see that his boots had sports car stickers on them

"Hey Sophie, yeah, I like cars that go fast and look cool"

"That's awesome, hey, don't you know that the fastest car in the world can go from 0 to 100 in 2.4 seconds?"

"What no way! Is that possible?"

"Uh huh, and the best part, that's its a car that can be acquired by people with lots of money."

Sophie said as her voice was so soothing that Max sat down beside her and faced her with no fear or caution as Adam was seeing this with a smile.

"But it most cost a lot right?"

"Yeah, but it can be acquired if you follow your dreams, I heard that you wanna be the best soccer player."

"Yeah, I wanna be so good that my name is mentioned when people talk about soccer"

Sophie saw the excitement and the happiness in her view as the 2 emotions of Max were 100.

"Well it should be possible if you take soccer seriously, work hard and rest!" She smiled and giggled as Max suddenly held her hand.

"For real?"

"For real!"

(The next chapter will be on Saturday. But ummmmm yeah this genre FOR ME is gonna be hard.

ALSO, I don't know if this is gonna be a long book, because let's be honest we don't need 100 chapters about Max childhood. But Let me know what you guys think)