

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs


After laughing for a while, the forest seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting the next act in this curious drama. The woman before Ye Chen was no ordinary mortal; her voice resonated with the primal echoes of forgotten ages. It was a symphony of growls and howls, a language that transcended mere words.

Ye Chen squinted, trying to decipher her intent. She gestured toward the foxes, her eyes intense, and he shook his head. Her gibberish baffled him. Was she casting a spell? Or perhaps issuing a challenge?

The woman tilted her head, studying him. Her eyes held ancient wisdom, a connection to realms beyond mortal understanding. Ye Chen pointed at his ears, then hers, miming confusion. But she only smiled, revealing teeth sharp as obsidian.

Meanwhile, in the virtual space, Xiao observed the unfolding scene. His digital form leaned back, fingers steepled, and he chuckled. "Boss," he said, his voice echoing in Ye Chen's mind, "she's speaking the language of beasts. Unless you learn it, you won't be able to communicate."

Ye Chen frowned. "How do I learn it?"

Xiao's pixelated grin widened. "Simple. Just speak as I do my magic. Your voice will transform, resonating with the primal forces of the forest."

Ye Chen hesitated, then took a deep breath. He opened his mouth, and the syllables spilled forth—a guttural, wild language that seemed to echo from the very trees. The woman's eyes widened, and she nodded approvingly.

"Good," Xiao whispered. "Now, let's see who she truly is." He projected an ethereal screen, displaying her information:

Name: Soo-Jin

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: None

Age: 18

Hobbies: Riding foxes, hunting

Other strengths: Great comprehensive abilities

Ye Chen marveled at the details. Soo-Jin was no ordinary girl; she was a creature of the forest, attuned to its secrets. As their voices melded into the primal chorus, they conversed like ancient spirits.

And so, the man and the system cooperated, bridging the gap between worlds. As the forest listened, they spoke the new language, their words echoing through the trees.

Dear friend, should you find yourself in need of a translator, seek Xiao's help via 111-097-674-XIAO-HELP.


"Hey, am Ye Chen, nice to meet yah!" Ye Chen's voice emerged in a rough, guttural cadence—the language of beasts. He couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Was he conversing with a forest-dwelling woman in primal tones? It felt like a scene from a fantastical tale.

The woman, Soo-Jin, regarded him with those ancient eyes. "Ooh, Ye Chen," she replied, her voice a symphony of growls and whispers. "The name is a bit strange, but it shall do." She leaned closer, her breath carrying the scent of moss and pine. "Now, tell me, what brings you to my domain? Why did you run away from my precious babies?"

Ye Chen blinked. Babies? He glanced at the slumbering foxes around them. They looked harmless enough, curled up like fluffy pillows. "I'm not a poacher," he blurted out. "Nor a hunter, tourist, spy, or challenger." He paused, then added, "I'm just a lost wanderer."

Soo-Jin's eyes narrowed. "A wanderer?" Her voice rose in a crescendo of questions. "Are you here for negotiation? Or perhaps you seek forbidden knowledge? Are you a seeker of secrets, a whisperer of winds, a—" She rambled on, her words a torrential downpour of curiosity.

Ye Chen sank to the forest floor, cross-legged. "I'm just… lost," he repeated. "I followed a path, and it led me here. I didn't mean to intrude."

Soo-Jin tilted her head, considering him. "Intrusion," she mused. "A curious word. The forest welcomes those who listen, who respect its rhythms." She gestured to the foxes, now stirring from their slumber. "My babies—they know you. They sense your intentions."

Ye Chen sighed. "I apologize if I offended anyone. I seek no harm."

Soo-Jin's laughter echoed through the trees. "Harm? Oh, Ye Chen, you're a peculiar one." She settled beside him, her eyes softening.

And so, in the heart of the ancient forest, they sat—a man and a woman, bridging worlds with their strange language. The foxes watched, their tails twitching, as Soo-Jin continued her rambling monologue.

Ye Chen closed his eyes, surrendering to the whimsy of it all.


Ye Chen came to learn that this well 'refined' lady did not even know her origin. Her lineage was unknown, her past a blank canvas. Her only kin were the creatures of the wild, her existence intertwined with theirs.

She was a child of the forest, her consciousness awakening amidst its verdant embrace. Oblivious to the world beyond the emerald canopy, she spent her days in the company of her animal brethren, learning the art of survival. Every dawn brought new lessons, every dusk, new revelations. The animals were more than just her companions; they were her family, her subjects. She was their queen, leading her precious brood on daily hunts, a regal figure amidst the wilderness.

Her education was the jungle itself, her curriculum, the laws of nature. She was a scholar of survival, mastering the art of hunting, the martial ways of the wild. Her teachers were the animals she shared her life with. From them, she learned to leap from tree to tree with the agility of a monkey, to face fierce beasts with the courage of a lion, to escape danger with the cunning of a fox. She even learned their language, a symphony of sounds that echoed through the forest.

This was her world, a kingdom where she was both queen and student, a place where every day was a new adventure, a new lesson. This was her story, a tale of survival, of learning, of becoming one with the wild. A tale that was as captivating as it was unique, as eccentric as it was inspiring. A tale that was, in every sense, a slap in the face of convention, a fresh perspective on life and learning. A tale that was, indeed, a testament to the indomitable spirit of survival.

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