

Rajiv had always been fascinated by the ancient teachings of yoga and meditation. He had read many books and articles on the subject, and practiced diligently every day. He wanted to experience the ultimate state of consciousness, where he could awaken his kundalini, activate his chakras, and attain all the siddhis or supernatural powers.

He had heard of a guru who lived in a remote ashram in the Himalayas, who claimed to have achieved this state and could guide others to do the same. Rajiv decided to take a leave from his job and travel to meet him. He packed his backpack with some essentials and boarded a train to the nearest town.

After a long and arduous journey, he finally reached the ashram. He was greeted by a young disciple, who led him to a small hut where the guru was waiting. Rajiv bowed respectfully and introduced himself.

"Namaste, Guruji. I have come to seek your guidance. I want to awaken my kundalini, activate my chakras, and attain all the siddhis."

The guru smiled and looked at him with piercing eyes.

"Are you sure you are ready for this? It is not an easy path. It requires great discipline, dedication, and detachment. It can also be dangerous if not done properly. Many have tried and failed, or worse, gone mad or died."

Rajiv nodded eagerly.

"I understand, Guruji. But I have a strong desire and determination. I have prepared myself for this for many years. Please teach me your method."

The guru nodded.

"Very well. But you must follow my instructions exactly. Do not question or doubt anything I say or do. And do not expect any miracles or wonders. This is a subtle and gradual process that takes time and patience."

Rajiv agreed.

"Of course, Guruji. I will do as you say."

The guru then gave him a set of instructions on how to sit, breathe, focus, chant, and visualize. He told him to practice these every day for at least four hours, without any interruption or distraction. He also told him to eat only simple vegetarian food, drink only pure water, and avoid any contact with other people.

Rajiv followed the instructions faithfully. He felt some changes in his body and mind as he practiced. He felt more energetic, calm, and clear. He also felt some sensations in his spine and head, as if something was moving or vibrating inside him.

He reported his progress to the guru every week. The guru nodded approvingly and encouraged him to continue.

After six months of practice, Rajiv felt a sudden surge of energy in his lower back. It was like a coiled snake that had awakened from its slumber. It shot up his spine with great force, piercing through each of his chakras along the way. He felt intense heat, light, sound, and bliss as it reached his crown chakra at the top of his head.

He had awakened his kundalini.

He opened his eyes and saw the guru smiling at him.

"Congratulations, Rajiv. You have done well. You have awakened your kundalini."

Rajiv felt a wave of joy and gratitude.

"Thank you, Guruji. Thank you for your guidance and grace."

The guru said.

"Now you must learn how to control and balance your kundalini energy. It is very powerful and can cause problems if not handled properly. You must also learn how to activate your chakras fully and harmoniously. Each chakra has its own qualities and functions that affect your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being."

Rajiv said.

"Yes, Guruji. Please teach me how to do that."

The guru said.

"Very well. But remember, this is not the end goal. This is only the beginning. The ultimate goal is to transcend all these phenomena and realize your true nature as pure consciousness."

Rajiv said.

"I understand, Guruji. But I am also curious about the siddhis. You said that one can attain all the supernatural powers by awakening the kundalini and activating the chakras."

The guru said.

"Yes, that is true. But it is also a trap. The siddhis are not the purpose of this path. They are only side effects or distractions that can tempt you away from your true goal. They can also create egoism, attachment, pride, jealousy, greed, fear, anger, and other negative emotions that can hinder your spiritual growth."

Rajiv said.

"I see, Guruji. But can you at least tell me what kind of siddhis are possible?"

The guru said.

"Well, there are many kinds of siddhis mentioned in the scriptures and stories of yogis and saints. Some of them are:

Anima: the ability to become very small or invisible.

Mahima: the ability to become very large or omnipresent.

Laghima: the ability to become very light or levitate.

Garima: the ability to become very heavy or immovable.

Prapti: the ability to obtain anything or reach anywhere.

Prakamya: the ability to fulfill any desire or wish.

Ishita: the ability to control or influence anything or anyone.

Vashita: the ability to subjugate or dominate anything or anyone.

There are also other siddhis such as:

Clairvoyance: the ability to see beyond the physical senses.

Clairaudience: the ability to hear beyond the physical senses.

Clairsentience: the ability to feel beyond the physical senses.

Telepathy: the ability to communicate with others through thoughts.

Psychokinesis: the ability to move objects with the mind.

Teleportation: the ability to transport oneself or others from one place to another.

Bi-location: the ability to be in two or more places at once.

Shape-shifting: the ability to change one's form or appearance.

Healing: the ability to heal oneself or others of any disease or injury.

Immortality: the ability to live forever or avoid death.

And many more. But these are all illusions, Rajiv. They are not real. They are only manifestations of your mind and energy. They do not bring you any lasting happiness or peace. They only bind you more to this world of maya, of illusion. They only make you forget your true self, which is beyond all these things."

Rajiv said.

"I see, Guruji. But can you at least show me one siddhi? Just for fun?"

The guru said.

"Alright, Rajiv. Just for fun. But don't get attached to it. And don't try to imitate me. It is not good for you."

The guru then closed his eyes and concentrated. He then opened them and looked at Rajiv.

"Watch this."

He then snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Rajiv gasped.

"Wow! Where did you go, Guruji?"

He heard a voice in his ear.

"I am right here, Rajiv. I just became invisible."

Rajiv felt a touch on his shoulder.

"Can you feel me?"

Rajiv nodded.

"Yes, I can feel you. But I can't see you."

The voice said.

"That's because I have activated my anima siddhi. I can make myself very small or invisible at will. It is a simple trick, really. Nothing special."

Rajiv said.

"That's amazing, Guruji. How do you do that?"

The voice said.

"It is not something I do, Rajiv. It is something I am. I am not this body, Rajiv. I am not this mind. I am not this energy. I am pure consciousness, Rajiv. And so are you. And so is everything else. Everything is consciousness, Rajiv. Everything is one."

Rajiv said.

"I don't understand, Guruji."

The voice said.

"You will, Rajiv. You will. In time."

The guru then reappeared in front of him.

"Did you enjoy that, Rajiv?"

Rajiv said.

"Yes, Guruji. That was incredible."

The guru said.

"But remember, Rajiv. That was not real. That was not me. That was not you. That was not anything."

Rajiv said.

"Then what is real, Guruji? What is you? What is me? What is anything?"

The guru smiled and said.

"That is the question, Rajiv. That is the question."