
Chapter 20

" In...3..2..1.."


A sudden rumble sounded in the sky shocking Leon, it sounded like, like...A whale. Looking up he was shocked to see a 200-meter blue whale floating, no flying across the sky. Then it hit him like a bolt of lightning.

"That...is Astraea"


" This is Ceilo Market place, it's around 1 km in width and length. Around 1300 years ago merchants from the south migrated here to stay as the weather in their lands was almost non-livable.

And what you see here is the by-product of their presence. One of those merchant families became Nobles of Ceilo."

"Amazing, it's so... colorful." Hundreds of Stalls and Stores were pitched and all types of things were being sold from Pets to Exotic fabrics and it came from all around the Galaxie.

Lucia and him, walked about just checking things out. He saw a lot of stuff that tempted him to buy but he held back. He just wanted to get some souvenirs like a cup or something. And maybe a few articles of clothing.

"Leon come here what do you think of this." Lucia held up a black long Shirt that looked really good. The style reminded him of the Nigerian clothing he used to wear when he visited. He liked the style and the culture.

" Ye it looks amazing, can I try it on." He looked at the store clerk to ask for permission first. The store clerk a middle-aged Dwarf nodded and was about to point to a nearby stall that he could change in but was dumbfounded when Leon just took off his hoodie exposing his muscular physique and Growing Muscle.

A few girls who saw the scene were dazed and accidentally bumped into stalls. Leon was so used to just changing in front of others that he didn't find his actions weird or out of the norm. Lucia who saw all this couldn't help but chuckle.

Leon put on the shirt and looked at himself. He liked it.

"How much."

"Mhh, I'll give it to you for 35 credits."


"Pleasure doing business, and boy you've got quite the physique for a child, ever thought about becoming a Blacksmith, you might have the talent for it."

The dwarf said he might but at just a glance the Dwarf seller could tell Leon had an amazing physique and coordination. His were almost robotic, this boy has definitely been trained.

"I've never really thought about it, but I don't think..."

"Never say never Kid...here's my card if you ever feel interested in the topic. The names Hulnir but you can just call me Crazy Hul."

"Thanks, I'll definitely call if I'm interested in learning about blacksmithing." He didn't decline the card and put it in his pocket for safekeeping.

If there was one thing his mother always taught him was that if you can make a connection with an interesting character you should do it because in Ceilo even a simple shop clerk could be someone of importance or power.

With that interaction over Lucia and Leon made their way around the market. There were definitely some interesting things but Leon mostly just focused on the Clothes section. He did buy some jeweled hair accessories for everyone at home like his mum, Mia, lea, Marigold, and the lot.

And finally, after two hours of scouring the market, the pair made their way To the Ceilo Aquamarine Water park.

Leon had one word to describe it...huge. There were two parts to the park, on one side there was the indoor park, and on the other the Outdoor park. Hundreds of people were entering but the majority were female.

He could also see a lot of males checking the females out which they didn't seem to mind. In this World females were much more, daring they didn't mind being cat called or approached.

Though that doesn't mean all women just the majority.

" Alright, the women's changing room is that way, and the Men's room is that way. Do you want to come with me since you are young enough or would you prefer to go to the men's changing room?"

Leon thought about it for a second before deciding to just change where the men do.

" Alright, you can Rent some trunks and a towel over there. We will meet at the Red Slide in the Indoor park, It's the biggest ride there."

"Sure thing see you there."

Leon Made his way to the place where he could rent some trunks. He decided to just get the black ones since that was his favorite color.

He then made his way to the changing rooms and looked for an empty stall. Once he did he quickly changed and put all his stuff in his locker.

He hadn't noticed the looks of admiration he was getting from the other kids his age. They thought he looked really cool with his long hair painted nails and muscular body.

Even a few adult males were a bit jealous. They looked down at their beer bellies then at Leon's 8-pack and taper. The urge to go to the gym had never been greater.

Leon tied his hair back and made his way to the indoor park. But as if He had lost all sense of direction( Like a certain green-haired Swordsman.) he was lost.

" I'm pretty sure I followed the map on the walls, so how did I end up here of all places." He looked around and seemed to be in a place where they kept equipment and stuff.


"Huh, what was that." He looked towards the origin of the noise and saw it was behind a door that said staff only. He also noticed wet footprints on the ground. They were faint but he could see them.

Now in a situation like this someone( Mainly people of color would say Nope and walk away.)So what did Leon do... he made his way and followed the footsteps that lead to the door.


He slowly opened the door and saw the door only lead to a hallway and some stairs. There were a bunch of pool noodles and floaties on the floor and some human-size silver lockers.

He looked at the footsteps and saw they led to the lockers. He found it strange that the footsteps ended there yet there was no one there.

And judging by the person's footprints he would guess that they are female. He walked towards the locker where the footprints stopped in front.

"Could someone be hiding inside one of these? But why?" He put his ear beside the locker but heard nothing.

He twisted the handle and surprising it unlocked.

He opened it but what he didn't expect was a dainty fist to rush straight at his face at 185 miles per hour.

If it weren't for the attacker stopping an inch away from his nose, he would have been knocked out cold, or possibly dead.

The attacker's fist shook" L-Leon...Is that you?" The attacker called out to him. Leon came out of his stupor and looked at the person who was hiding inside the locker.

" A-Aunt Chifuyu."

What the hell is going on.

A bit of a spicy Next Chapter. The next chapter will slowly introduce Leon's Condition and powers of sorts.

Heyimmr_69creators' thoughts