
Agent: Calypso

Calliope Balgron, an aloof women who's addicted to online games. A women who choose to stay at home and play all day. The was a time when she doe not sleep and eat for several days that caused to her death. But little did she know that it will be the start of her new adventure. She was able to live again but not in the world she exist before. Calliope Balgron was reincarnated into another world. A world where she did not expect that exist. A world she only sees in game. A new adventure awaits to Calliope Balgron, meeting and experiencing a battle between human and monster. A battle of hardship in life and protecting someone important.

Milo_Zepeto · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 6 - Adventurer's Guild

[Calliope - Calypso]

After we bid goodbye to Uncle Ed. We decided to look around the Capital to look for a place to stay and buy some clothes.

"Uncle Ed is so nice. Ah, right! He mentions that he has a son, looking forward to meet him. It is good to build connections while we are in the Capital. We might need it in the future." Fria keeps talking. "Look! There's a clothing store, let's take a look we might find something nice." She run towards the store.

"Wait! Don't just run hastily Fria!" Kezef shouted.

Now now! Look at that older-brother tone.

"Sis! look they sell affordable clothes here. They got a mask as well!" Fria happily said and check every shelf of the store.

"Yes, they sell nice clothes here. But first we need to get money, we do not have money with us." I told them and walk towards a person that seems to be the owner of the store.

An elderly woman, roughly around 50 years old. As I arrived in front of her...

"Hi! We are new in the Royal Capital; I would like to ask if we can pick some clothes and reserved it? We do not have the money for now but we will purchase the items we will reserve. also, do you know where can I sell some stones and monsters drop?" I asked her nicely.

"Oh my! Youngster, you can sell stones and monsters drop at the merchant guild. Rare stones and drops are being sold there. You can also go to a blacksmith shop near to my store if you have metal or iron. Regarding with the reservation, one item each person can reserve and it should be purchasing the same day or pay half the price if you plan to reserve it for a couple of days." She spoke.

"Can we choose items that we need and reserve it, then if it's fine with you, I can give you a stone in exchange of reservation?" I negotiate with the owner.

"Hmmmm. Can I see the stone you would like to give in exchange for the reservation?" She spoke.

I pull out one stone on my storage so that she can check if it's fine.

"How is this stone value in exchange for the reservation of the items we will purchase later on?" I ask her. Then I notice that her eyes widen. Huh?

"Where did you get this? This stone worth five Nol Silver, this stone is used for creating magic ornaments. This should suffice for the reservation." She spoke.

"Then It's a deal? Fria & Kezef, you can pick the items you need." I said, and when I look to them, they already picked quite items on their hands. Wow!

"I guess I'm the only one who need to choose" I scan the whole store and it got my attention.

A pair of black cloaks and a mask! Bingo. I hurriedly grab them and look for other clothes. After choosing quite lots of items we went to the counter so the owner can pack and reserve the item for us.

"Is this all the items you will be purchasing?" She asked.

"Yes, this will be all for the meantime. We will visit the store again if we ever need a few items. how much should we pay when we came back later?" I asked her.

"Two Nol Gold. When you purchase next time, I'll give you a discount." She winks and store the items under the counter top.

"We will be back; we will just sell these stones. Also, can I get the cloak and mask now?" I ask.

"Sure, here's the cloak and the mask. Please be sure to pick up the item before eight in the evening." She reminded us.

"Alright! We promise to get it before 6pm." I told her, to reassure that we will get it.

"Let's head to the Adventurers Guild so we can register before going to the Merchants Guild." Kezef suggested.

"Yes, we might need an identification card before going to the Merchant Guild, they might require us to show any ids." Fria agreed to what Kezef said.

"Come on, we better hurry since we will be meeting Uncle Ed later." I told them.

"Ahh right, we better hurry up." they both said.




"We would like to join as an adventurer, do you think the process will took long?" Kezef and Fria talk to the staff.

"It will only take less than an hour for the registration for Adventurer Identification Card." The Lady Staff.

I'm just observing and listening to my surrounding. Few people keep looking on our way. There are group of men who look at our direction then they will laugh. What a bunch of dumbasses.

"I'll be needing your information and we will test your skills so we can give you a definite Adventurers ID. Now please fill up this form, once done submit the form back to me." She said and gave us a paper.

We fill up the form with our information and hand it back to the staff.

"Very well, I'll test your skills now. Please put your hand in this stone. This stone is an Appraisal Artifact that the high-tier mages created to test one's ability. Who will be the first one?" She looks at us.

"Me! you can check mine first." Fria put her hand on the appraisal stone artifact. The stone then releases a paper that includes the details of the person.

"NAME: Scythe



TITLE: Strategic Dominance Master



Stamina: 50533

Attack: 67468

Defense: 9580

Magic: 115867

Speed: 75841

Intelligence: 112953


Combat Knowledge, Language Knowledge, Fire Mana Manipulation, Physical Strength


Reaper Weapon Mastery

Wow, you got a high battle points for a beginner." She spoke.

"Please test mine as well." Kezef said and put his hands on the artifacts.

"NAME: Jingo


CLASS: Paladin

TITLE: Master Monster Slayer



Stamina: 60533

Attack: 77468

Defense: 10580

Magic: 110867

Speed: 79841

Intelligence: 110953


Combat Knowledge, Language Knowledge, Fire Mana Manipulation, Physical Strength


Knight Shield and Sword Mastery

This is a good standing for both of you, you got a good ability. The last one, please put your hands on the artifact." She spoke.

I put my hands on the stone and I can see that the stone slowly create a crack. Oh-Oh~ Will I pay this one? this is out of our budget. We are a penniless youngster who just arrived at the Capital.

"NAME: Calypso

LEVEL: Unidentified


TITLE: Ancient Mount Tamer



Stamina: 560***

Attack: 380***

Defense: 100***

Magic: 150***

Speed: 95***

Intelligence: 520***


Elemental Magic, Language Comprehension, Grand Combat Knowledge, Saint Healing, Aero Technique, Poison Resistant, Potion Master, Mentor Skill Ability.


**Class ----- Master, ---- Magic Shadow --------**

What is this?! Some of your abilities are hidden! The artifacts have a crack as well, unbelievable! The Guild Master should be informed! Please wait here for a second." She said and run towards to the second floor of the building.

"Uh-Oh~ I think we're in trouble?" Kezef said in a low tone voice.

"Look people starts to gather now. Tsk!" I said with a frown.

"And whose fault is this?" Fria said with a teasing voice.

"I did not expect that this Artifact is useless, If I should have known then I at least I should have hidden my power." I said and shrug my shoulder.

The lady staff already came back and guide as to the second floor. We stopped in front of a door. She knocked to notify the person inside that we are already in front of the room.

"Guild Master, I brought the people I told you a while ago." She said in a polite manner.

"Please come in." A male voice.

As the Lady Staff open the door, there's an epitome of a young pretty lad sitting in a table in front of us. Wow! what a hot man.

"Please sit down. Kelly, prepare a tea." He said to the Lady Staff.

"Right away Sir." She then excuses herself.

"I was informed that a group of three youngster have a outstanding ability that catches few adventurers attention down stair. May I know who's the one who last took the test?" He looks at us one by one, seems like observing our gestures.

"Why do you want to know and what is the purpose of this meeting? We just want to register and grab an Adventurers ID." I told him and sigh. "Also, we're no longer a kid. We may look young but we're on the right age to travel and kill people in a snap of our finger." I gave a sharp look to him. He flinched when I said we can kill people without remorse.

"Please do not be offended, we just want to meet the you guys so we can discuss what we will be putting on your IDs." He said like defending his self from danger.

"I see, then get straight to the point." Kezef said in a serious tone of voice.

"First, we cannot give you a higher rank than D, it may sound unfair to the other adventurer who partake today. Second, we can give you a special treatment since you got a High-tier Ability amongst the beginner adventurer. You can visit my office or ask Kelly to approved the quest. Of course, you can pick higher Rank Quest above your Adventurer Rank. Is the condition fine with the three of you?" He spoke.

"That's fine with me, Rank does not matter." I said in a blunt manner.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it also. As long as we can earn money" Kezef agreed same as Fria.

"Great! First, may I know your names? I am Viscount Reuben Andovine, you can address me as Guild Master Benny Andovine. Can you tell me your name now?" He said in a questionable state.

"You can call us on our Adventurers Name, this is Scythe, Jingo and my name is Calypso. We are looking to have a meritorious benefit on both parties." I said to him and smile.

"Very well, I will let Kelly assist you to get your IDs." Guild Master Benny Andovine.

He rings the bell on the table and Kelly appeared in front of us.

"Please get their IDs and bring it here. Please enjoy the treats and tea" he said with a smile on his face.

"We will graciously accept this offer." I said and started sipping the tea. Ahhh~ what a refreshing tea.

We're almost finish with the tea when someone knock on the door.

"Sir, I already have their IDs with me." A female voice, it's Kelly.

"Come in, Kelly" Sir Benny said with an authority.

"He grabs the IDs and look to them one by one." He smiled and look at me. Okay what the hell?

"Please keep my identity secret" I told him.

"Alright, your identity is safe. Here's your IDs. Please do not hesitate to ask any of my staff or me if you have a question. You may go now." He reassured us.

"Thank you for your gracious offer, we will leave now." I said and walk towards the door.

Kezef, Fria and Ms. Kelly follow me.

"You can pick any quest on the bulletin board, there are a lot of quest fits to your rank or higher quest that you may be interested in." Kelly said

"Thank you! we will look into it." Fria said.

And we walked down, all eyes are on us. Too much spotlight, eh?

"We will take our leave now. Thank you for your assistance Ms. Kelly." Kezef said, we bid our goodbye greetings and head out to the building as fast as we can.