
Agent: Calypso

Calliope Balgron, an aloof women who's addicted to online games. A women who choose to stay at home and play all day. The was a time when she doe not sleep and eat for several days that caused to her death. But little did she know that it will be the start of her new adventure. She was able to live again but not in the world she exist before. Calliope Balgron was reincarnated into another world. A world where she did not expect that exist. A world she only sees in game. A new adventure awaits to Calliope Balgron, meeting and experiencing a battle between human and monster. A battle of hardship in life and protecting someone important.

Milo_Zepeto · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 3 - Goblin Stinks

after one year...

The sunlight coming through the window woke me up. One year had past already. Time flies so fast. I am learning more and more about this world. I decided to take a bath before leaving the house to hunt some animals. I wonder if I can find another rabbit or boar some fresh fruits as well or mushroom. Their meat taste good to be honest.

After taking a bath, I went back to the house and checked my things. Making sure I won't forget something. I close the door and walked towards the forest.

I was in the middle of picking some herbs and mushrooms when I heard someone scream.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" a female voice.

I hurriedly grab my things and went to the place where I heard the scream. I hide on the bushes to check what is happening.

There was a girl and a boy, I think we're the same aged. The boy was on unconscious and bleeding. The girl looks so terrified. I look at the other side and there was a group of goblins.

"Goblins? That's a rare sight here in the forest" I said.

The Goblins started to attacked the girl and I immediately run towards them and fight the goblins. Good thing that I have my dagger with me.

I look at the girl and tossed the potion I made. "Please use that potion to help lessen the damage on his body. You can drink that as well." I said to her.

"Y-y-yes." She responds to what I say and nodded her head. I started to fight the goblins.

I count them and there are 8 Goblins in total. "What a pain in the ass." I said, and stab the goblins in front of me. Two goblins from both of my side run towards me but I kicked them and slash their neck. I run towards in full speed and stub their body. One Goblin left. It seems that it fears me. I walk slowly, but then it walked backwards giving a space.

"I don't have a patience for a lowly life like you." I said and finished it off. The blood drops off from my hand since I only used my dagger to kill them.

"Ahhhh, I really need to take a bath and wash my clothes well. It stinks!" I said aloud and it caught the attention of the two people who lays down.

"Are you alright? Did you let him drink the potion I gave you?" I asked and look at the guy.

"Oh, it looks like the potions is working now. Can you carry him? You can stay at my house, it's dangerous at the forest." she did not response to my question when I ask her if she can carry the guy who's unconscious so I walk towards them and ask her again.

"I ask you if you can carry him or not?" I said with authority. "I-I-I can't carry him." she said and looked down; it was like she's about to cry.

"Alright, can you carry my things instead?" I said to her and handed over the basket full of herbs and mushroom. There's a dead rabbit and fish as well.

"Let's go to my house for now, it's much safer to stay on a shelter than sleep here in the forest defenseless." I carry the guy. He's so light weight.

When we arrived the house, I placed him gently on the bed. I get some basin and water as well as a cloth. I handed it to her so she can clean his body.

"Thank you so much for helping us. Please tell us how we can pay you." She said with a smile.

She looks beautiful when smiling. I smiled back "You don't need to pay me. As long as you're not harm, that's good for me." I spoke.

"After cleaning him up, we can go to the fall and take a bath. There's no other person here so no need to worry if someone might see us." She just nodded. I prepare the ingredients that I'll needed for cooking our meal tonight.

"I'm done cleaning his wounds." She came over to me and ask. "I don't have extra clothes." She blushed.

"I'll lend you some of my clothes." I said "Let's take a bath. I'm really annoyed by the smell of the Goblin's blood on my body" I said and goes to the falls.

She follows me until we reach the area. I immediately remove my cloths and slowly walk towards the water.

"Ahhhhh, this is so rewarding! A fresh cold water running through my whole body!" I blurted out.

" Haha. Indeed, it's so refreshing." She spoke. I forgot to ask her name.

"By the way, what's your name?" She looks hesitant when I asked her name.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell our names. My name is Fria Neisi and the injured one, he's Kezef Saniel." Fria said.

"My name is Calypso Balgron. Nice to meet you." I said and relaxed myself.

"What happened earlier? Where do you live?" I said and look at Fria.

"We came from a small-town Summerville, near this forest. This forest is the outskirt place for people on our town. We plan to go to the Royal Capital to work as an adventurer and unfortunately got lost in the forest since we're a little bit hungry and decided to look for food to eat. Then while picking some fruits, several goblins attacked us. Kezef fight them and killed few, but a load of Goblins is too much for him." She explained.

"I've been living here in the forest for about a year now. Seeing Goblins in a daylight is new to me." I spoke.

"Usually Goblins attacked at night." I spoke.

"W-WHAT?!" Fria stood up and shouted.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I'm confused.

"You live here alone for about a year now? How did you manage to live here?" She asks and comes near me.

I can't say that I came from another world. It's best that no one will know where I really came from.

"Surviving every day? Killing monster and collecting herbs and edible fruits and mushrooms I can eat I guess?" I bluntly say it out loud.

"I guess that's just explained how well you fight back those goblins." Fria said.

"Let's head back to the house, I'm hungry and tired" Standing up and walked back to my house.

Fria followed me and once we have returned Kezef was not in the bed.

"Where Kezef did go?" She looked so worried.

I sigh and walked in my house.

"Don't worry, he's hiding on this house."

"Where? I can't see him."

"You can come out now" I said

"Who the hell are you? Where are we? Are you a bandit? Sorry to say but we do not come from a wealthy family! Release us now!" He said while leaving his current place where he hides.

"Kezef! Don't be rude to her!" Fria shouted.

"Why? Did you got fooled by her?!" Kezef guy said

"She helped us Kezef! SHE HELPED US!!!" Fria said

"What if it's just her front!?" Kezef

What the hell? I look at my chest, it's not that flat though. What his problem with my chest?

"Show a little gratitude to the person who help you!" Fria insists.

I let them argue with themselves and walk to the table where the food was placed. I am really hungry to deal with that shitty argument.

I sit on the middle and grab some food and devour it. This is all I need, a good meal to end a tiring day!

I did not hear them anymore and felt gazes towards me. I look at them and ask in confusion. "What?" mouthing while one of my eyebrow lifts.

"Sorry Calypso, this ungrateful man over here keeps overreacting." Fria said and glared Kezef.

Kezef looked at me, his gaze moves down to my chest. Then he shows a grin.

I throw the dagger that I kept in my inner thighs. His reactions are priceless. I glazed with the intention of not wanting to missed my next shot of dagger.

He gulps and moves his hands up. Fria then look at Kezef then smack his head.

"You fool, what did you do?" Fria scolded Kezef then look at me. "I'm really sorry Calypso."

I gesture my hand to let them know to eat with me.

"You did not put poison on theses food, aren't you?" Kezef ask.

"I can kill you with my bare hands, why would i put poison on the same food I'm eating?" I said in a cold tone.

"Just eat, will you?" Fria said and handed him a plate of food.

I look at them and smirk. "You too look like a couple."

"No! No! No! We're not like that!" Fria retorted.

"Are you planning to leave tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes, we are" Kezef answered my question.

"Good to know you can leave after you eat, Fria will stay the night"

"WHAT?!!!!! I WILL NOT LEAVE FRIA HERE!" Kezef in an angry tone while he stands up.

I look at Fria and it seems that she thinks what I'm thinking. And suddenly we....

"Pfffffftttt-" I kept my composure.

"Pfftt- Kezef please, pffttt- sit down." Fria turning into a tomato for keeping herself not laughing so hard.

"Wooooo~" I let out a breath but can't help it now.



Fria and I both laugh out asses out! That's so funny.

"HAHAHA! that was just a joke, you can stay here as long as you want. Just clean the house and collect foods." I said while wiping my tears off.

After that we settle down and eat. A few questions are done as well.

"We wish to become strong. Maybe staying here and training for a while will be best for us before we can sign up as an adventurer." Fria said

"What class do you two belong?" I ask.

"Both Kezef and I do not have a specific Class. They call us a dual class user." Fria said.

Ho? Perfect! Since I'm planning to go to the Royal Capital sooner or later. I needed a trusty and worthy companion that will not die easily.

"I prioritized being a Paladin but can be a Mage. Fria uses magic as well and practicing to be a Warrior." Kezef explain.

"There is a legend as well that 500 years ago, there was a person who can full off all class. A magnificent all-type class. They fear that person and all a shitty nobles and high rank people want to have that person to gain more power over the kingdom."

"Normal it may seem; everyone can be an adventurer as long as you have the aptitude that meets the guilds requirements."

"In joining a guild there are ranks and class rank. The Guild Ranks used to sort adventurers to a certain level of Quest they can only go. It is a measure made by the Kingdom so less casualty can be made. The Guild Ranks are, S, A, B, C, D and E. Everyone who's new to the guild will be in Rank E. Every quest you made can be a leverage for you to step up your rank. Class Rank classified to how many classes you can used. Uno, Duo at Tre, and the legendary class Unix."

"Now, everyone who can use multiple class is above normal. They are being targeted by the guilds"

"It was like a gem to them. So, it is much better not to be known that you can use multi-class"

Kezef and Fria explain. Interesting!

"Ho? So, you're saying that you guys are above average? A duo class user. Subarashi!" Omo! I blurted out.

"We plan on using a single class to our identification card when we register to a guild." Fria said.

"I want to be strong! For me to protect the people on our town." Kezef looks determine.

"How old are you? The two of you?" I ask suddenly. I'm just curious they look the same age as mine.

"I am 21 years old." Fria said. What? I am older than her.

"I am 22 years old." Kezef said. What then? So, I'm the big sister here?

When I came to this world, I'm already 23 years old and one year had past so I'm 24 now. What?!

"Geez! I feel so old and oblige to look after you two." I whisper to myself.

"Why? What's the matter Calypso?" Fria said.

"I'm older than you so you should be polite with me. Same with you Kezef. You don't need to used Big sister or what. Just the respect is all I need." I look at them and face palm may forehead.

They seem to be suppressing their laughter.

"Pffftt." "Hah-pfffttt" they both containing not to let out a laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" They both laugh. Ahhh, karma is a bitch.

"I will train both of you! In return, you will form a team with me." I said to them, changing the subject.

They stop laughing and look at me in surprise.

"Really???? Wow!" Fria looks so excited. Her eyes glow.

"So, you want us to for a party with you? Are you really that great?" Kezef give me a stern look.

I look to him, giving him a dead flat gaze. "I can kill you in an instant here. Are you questioning my capabilities? We will recruit more people once we got to the Royal Capital." I said to him.

"Who will be the Leader and what will be our team called?" Kezef ask again.

A team name ha? Interesting!

"Let's go by the name Agent. Each of the member will have their position name. I will be the Leader. My name will be Calypso but no one should know who really, I am. I will assign you Fria to be my 3rd in command and Kezef you will be the Vice Leader. I am expecting you Kezef to excel." I spoke.

I saw a wide smile on both of them. They both nodded their head.

"Let's start the training tomorrow. Prepare yourself, I won't tolerate laziness." I stand up and went to bed. So exhausted.