



'This is a desperate venture' Azrael said to Elkar on horseback as his horse galloped leaving dust behind it. Elkar looks at him, pitifully and just nodded to his words. He has nothing to add, because he can't.

Azrael and Elkar have begun marching to the Blessed Land.

The faction has united and has brought out their army. Thousands and thousands of Demons Lord all wanted to bask in the glory.

Surely, they will not be satisfied just to be the exploratory expedition. They must want to mount the wall and take back the Lost Lands

Azrael could see the desires in everyone. They are all burning with morale to regain back their Lost Lands

The Eight race who rarely agree on anything surprisingly agree in the mobilization of their soldiers and people but the faeries and the Elves Council prefer to stay out the war with the Orcs acts as the infantry of Arakath forces.