

Kyle who sees that Arial is riding down the hill is worried sick. Quickly he ordered one of the units that are ready lead by one of the lords to aid the Duke.

'Lord Eustace, go and support the Duke. He seems to be having some difficulties'

Eustace nodded and without a word, his unit begun moving to Arial to try to lessened the pressure on the Duke. 

To the other person eyes, the Duke look like he is overwhelmed and as such every lord of Arrandy that sees this is trying to broke the enemy lines and rush to their duke aids. 

But how could they do that? 

Arial since the beginning of the battle rushed forward, a one-man wedge formation that broke enemy lines in the front not caring whether the line reformed backs. 

In a way Arial is now cut off from his troop behind him. He is at the centre while the front and back is Vanguan soldiers with Arrandians trying to break in.