
Age of Evolution#

"If I could live my life again, there'd be nobody in this world who could stop me." Although Lin Zhen was a Star Realm Warrior, he had led a stifled and frustrated life. Starting from the Earth era, up until humans migrated beyond the Solar System, he never made a name for himself. In his lifetime, countless grudges went unavenged, and countless desires were left unfulfilled. As he approached death, he summarized his life's experiences, thinking that if he could start again, he would use his foresight to reach the peak of his life. Holding on to this fantasy, he closed his eyes. Then, a cosmic black hole appeared. Time and space collapsed, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to Earth during the great catastrophe... PS: Readers can join the group "613961070." All subscribers can join the group "614441139." Updates on extra content will be provided from time to time.

Smoking Black Soil · Oriental
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1440 Chs

Chapter 157: Two Years Later (4 more updates)

After listening to Zhang Sicheng's introduction, Lin Zhen finally had a basic understanding of the situation here.

Lin Zhen knew about the Dantian Air Compression, but in his previous life, he didn't have the opportunity. Only elite and genius Martial Artists could compress their Dantian air, and he didn't qualify.

In the three major areas of the Star Fruit Tree, Sky Dome was the strongest, while the Beehive was second, and the Ant Nest here was the weakest.

Lin Zhen wanted to go to Sky Dome to save Su Mingyue, but he couldn't do it for the time being. He still needed time to cultivate and settle down.

Without asking Zhang Sicheng more questions, Lin Zhen let him go.

However, not long after Lin Zhen returned, he saw Brother Guang go out, and Lin Zhen knew that Zhang Sicheng might be finished.

After a while, Brother Guang came back, glanced at Lin Zhen, and did not initiate any conversation. Lin Zhen didn't speak either, and the two acted like strangers.