
Age of Chaos: Tale of Blood

A ruthless killer. That killed countless lives without any sense of guilt. He, who was feared by the world, hated by the world and cursed by the world. And, today finally after all those years of cursing from the world. That killer, now was presented infront of the Chamber of Death. Today, was the day. World's most dangerous Serial Killer will be executed. But... Is that all? Will he really die... just like that? Sadly, the answer was no. After, his execution. He now was mysteriously inside another body. He didn't knew anything about this new world. He after all was just a slave in this new life. Now, in this new mysterious worlds. Let us follow Blade! Earth's most ruthless killer. Welcome, As the Age of Chaos has began! —----------------- Extra Note: Everything inside the story is made with author fantasies. I don't own the picture above.

Dark_Crown98 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Awakening Sword Aura..

Chapter 7: Awakening Sword Aura

Author: Dark_Crown98




"Hmm… It seems like you have basic knowledge on swords…"

"...But your body is too weak!" Clay said, dashing forward. He was wearing a tight tunic, unlike his previous full-plate knight armor. His well-refined body was revealed. Him punching Blade.

It has been four days, him training Blade.


"Even with this weak body. I am fine." Blade said, blocking Clay fist with his palm. He felt his entire body trembling. He knew Clay wasn't even a little bit serious in this duel.

When throwing a slap kick toward Clay.

Clay blocked it with zero effort, gripping Blade's legs. He smiled.

"Slow and full of openings. You have a long path to go. Your movements are like that of a killer with no fighting experience." Clay said, pointing out Blade's opening. Then Immediately, tabbing seven opening spots of Blade in an instant.

Blade felt sharp piercing pain on those seven spots.


Then kicking in Blade's thigh. Blade was dropped to his knees.




"Use your knees to block this kick!"


"Maintain your breathing! Feel your breathing speed while dodging this kick!"



"Now get ready, for another windy love." Clay playfully said, forming a fist with his right hand. His hand shining with his purple aura, his hand completely enhanced with sword aura.


Wind gathered up in his hand. Then, shooting it in the straight line. Blade being infront of the line of wind strike.



"Urggh!" Blade grunted, splitting the wind in half with a chop. He was pushed back by six feet.

He then strengthened his legs, to get a quick hold of himself.

"Ha.. Ha.." he breathed heavily, sweat dripping from the corner of his eyes.

"Good! Now, try defending my attack one more time. This time, breathe like I instructed you too, got it!" Clay said, gathering winds around his hand once more. He looked toward Blade, he had a cruel and amused filled smile in his face.

'He is quite good. If he is trained well, He may help fulfil Dabira's aim of dominating the upcoming ritual ceremony.'

While the technique he currently was using is something, anyone who has reached 5th-stage of aura could use.

It basically is using an aura inside their body circulating it around a focused point. Then manipulating air around them to their focused body part, one can use it as a weapon. This technique is called wind manipulation.


"Here I shoot, take it!" Clay announced loudly, throwing the wind strike gathered around his arm. This time attack was more powerful than the previous one.


The ground travelled by the wind strike was slightly splitting into two parts.

'Feel the air that is sucked by my nostrils. Know the movement of air that travels from my nostrils to my heart. Then, use my heartbeat to suck the air inside my heart, using it as energy…'

'...These were the instructions he gave me.' Blade remembered Clay's words.

He has been doing this for four days straight. And, now finally. He was confident in successfully doing it.


"Fooo" taking a deep breath, he only could sense the half-way of air he sucked in. When..

'I can feel it!' Blade exclaimed, feeling air passing through his nostril, to his pharynx.

When, the powerful wind force of Clay's wind strike, also reached near him.

Blade still focused on his breathing. The sharp wind almost splitted his head into two.


When, Clay sprinted forward, appearing right infront of the focused Blade. He raised his hand, blocking the wind strike.


"What are you doing, idiot! I told you. Be aware of the surroundings, while at the same time be concentrated. You could have died just now, if not for me."Clay scolded, turning toward Blade. Who stood motionlessly in his place.

A seconds later..

Blade slowly opened his eyes. His eyes bleaming a mysterious light.


"Wha..!" Clay screamed in shock. He was pushed back by the force, imitated by Blade.


While, Blade felt an forgein force merging with his body. He felt his bone shivering, his heart pumping faster, his hair falling and his blood boiling. He was covered in a red aura.

'Grrr! Wha.. It hurts!'

He had two pairs of red wings sprouting behind him. His eyes beaming red, a slit replacing his normal pupil.

"Arghh!" Blade grunted, gripping his chest tightly. He felt something awakening within him. He felt something coming from inside him. He…



"Ughh!" Blade clenched his chest tightly, falling to his knees, his aura formed wings fluttering. Ground trembled violently.



The ground trembling hardly, the lawn covered in red thick mist. His wings began fluttering more wildly.

"He is awakening his sword aura? But, it has only been four days. And, What is with this phenomena! This is too overbearing!" Clay exclaimed, blocking his face with his hand. He was amazed with the aura Blade produced.

Clay then noticed, his legs getting chained down by the red mist, he now couldn't move from his place.

But, he was sure. He could easily break free from these chains. If he used force.


Blade was now almost out of his breath. He was now also having some hallucinations. When his body dropped to the ground, his body shivered.


All of the red mist around the lawn were getting absorbed in his body.


"This..! Could it be that? He also has awakened his energy seed, with his aura!" Clay guessed, completely surprised and terrified.

No one in history has ever awakened aura and energy seed at the same time.

Immediately, sprinting toward the fallen Blade.

"This! He really awakened his energy seed!"


"He has awakened his aura and energy seed? Hahahaha Ahahahah."

"He really possesses a Body of Blood! I can't believe it! Hahah!" Abigor laughed, watching the scene from his observer orb.

"Yeah, He indeed is one." Elder Lily said. She was beside Abigor, looking toward the orb.

"Yeah, That red aura really brings back memories."

"Yeah, It does... But, I also have another thing to say. That Ruinia Kingdom has placed a capture bounty in his head." Elder Lily then said. Abigor grimly nodding, he knew what it means.

[Ruinia Kingdom]

Ruinia, Royal Capital and heart of the Kingdom. It was a beautiful, luxurious city of 130,000 sq ft.

It was a fortified city, with a huge 70 meter tall wall surrounding the city.

A huge gate of 20 meter, placed in all four directions of the city. It was the only entrance inside the city.

While, In the centre of the city. There was a massive castle, it reached about 60 meter. Many observation towers also surrounding the castle. It was a colossal castle.

Gigantic Wyvern Eagles circling the tower of Castle Eight Wings, Royal Castle.

Currently, In throne room.

"Your Majesty, We have received a report from Captain Robert." an old man in his late 60's said. He was bald headed, wrinkles all over his face. He was wearing the ministerial robe of Ruinia Kingdom - full-length blue gown, stole around their neck.

"What does Captain Robert say in the report?" a majestic voice asking. He was sitting on his throne, four wings coming from the back of the throne. He was the absolute monarch of the Great Ruinia Kingdom, King Conrad Areté Riddari De Ruinia IV.

"Your Majesty, He reports that a one star B-tier Mother Earthworm attacks the miner. Causing a major casualties of 28 mine guards, 89 slaves..."

"... and, one slave escaping. Captain Robert also has reported that, the slave outrunned a 2nd-stage sword aura user." The minister reported, shocking many ministers behind him. Who were lined up in three lines.


"What! No way is that possible. How can a mere mortal slave outrun a 2nd-stage swordmaster."


"Is it a joke? There is no way this report is true. If it is, we must execute that useless swordmaster. How shameful of him, to be outrun by the likes of a slave."


"Silence! I demand silence. This is my court." King Conrad exclaimed, slamming the armrest of his throne.

Everyone silent the next second.

"Minster Victor. Continue your report." King Conrad spoke, looking toward Old Victor.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Apparently, the slave that ran away from the cave…"

"...Is the slave, you personally send, Blade."



"What!" King Conrad exclaimed, when he heard the name of Blade.

A monstrous power unintentionally leaking from his body. His throne suffered many cracks, the entire castle shaking from his pressure.

"Kughh! Your Majesty, please calm down."

"Grah! Mercy, Your Majesty." under King Conrad aura, many ministers fainted. Some standing still, they still wear on their knees.

"No way!"

"Now way! It can't be. He can't escape. I need him for my future plan, this can't be! He must not escape." King Conrad muttered, veins popping around his face.

"What happened, Your Majesty. What's with this commotion?" when a calm, noble voice sounded.

Everyone turned toward the voice.

"Lord Conqueror! It is His Grace, ArchDuke Wendell!"

"Lord Conqueror, Please calm His Majesty! He is going berserker again!"

"Berserk? Hai~ This brat." ArchDuke Wendell sighed, looking toward the muttering King.
