
age of adapts

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Chapter 1age of adapts

2032, Earth.



years ofthe first

development,generation of the BiologicalAssistance Chip was released.

This Biological Assistance Chipas said to work by beingembedded into one's DNA andwould perfectly merge with thehost, fully utilizing the currentabilities of the host andassisting them in all facets oftheir lives, whether they bework, school, or entertainmentrelated.

Of course, in order to avoid thechip becoming too intelligentand taking control of the user,the first generation of the chipdidn't possess a complete,working artificial intelligence,

but only had simple datastorage and analysis functions.However, It was still capable ofaccomplishingrequired a huge amount of dataprocessing, and, thus, was ableto assist the user with complextasks, which would normallystrain the mind.

work that

As one of 50, 000 lucky peopleacross the world, Li Xun hadbeen selected as a first batchUser and Was given theBiological Assistance Chip,which he had always dreamedof, right after product launch.

Inside his home, Li Xuanunwrapped the package, whichhad made all his friends green

with envy, and tookand tookBiological Assistance Chip.

out theIn this day and age, technologyhad become quite advanced.The so-called BiologicalAssistance Chip was not one ofthose antique silicone chips,which needed to implanted, buta milky white orb that onewould swallow. It was pill sized.

Following the instructions in theuser manual, Li Xuan swallowedthe orb and lay flat on his bed,patiently waiting for the chip tobe absorbed into his body.

The white orb disintegratedLi Xuan's stomach, slowlyseeping into his cells, and thenpenetrating deeper into hisphysiology before embeddingitself into Li Xuan's DNA andbecoming part of his body.immediately swallowed LiXuan's small, weak Soul


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supportPatreon! You'll immediately getaccess to as many as 5 patron-only chapters. Ih in a dark, oppr SIVe sWampfilled with a thick, wet fog.

Even the harshest sunlight wasunable to penetrate the lowclouds and gloomy fog, soanyone walking through thisarea would feela constant chillon their skin.

There were small, foul-smellingponds everywhere one looked.These ponds were inhabited bya myriad of strange creatures.Whenever wanderers visited,this desolate and silent landwould become a paradise forthose creatures, many of whomfed on flesh and blood. DemonRattans, Scavenger Crows,Ghost Nannies, and GiantSwamp Alligators. Each ofthese terrifying demonic beingsmade travelers avoid this place

like the plague.

But, right in the center of thisswampyland, where noreasonable living human beingcould bear to live, a darklooking tower loomed over thesurrounding land.

It was a tall stone tower, with aheight of Over







entirely of augite, so when thedarkness of night came, theentire tower would radiate achilly and silent glow, making itespecially attractive to evilspirits and wraiths.

Maybe it was because of a lackof basic maintenance and care,but the lower part OT the towerwas completely entwined withthe crazily growing vines of ademon rattan, making itssurface look like it was filledwith wooden spikes that shinedlike metal. If any ordinary manbecame entangled in thesevines, all the blood in his bodywould be suckedout.Eventually, his corpse wouldjoin the others in the huge pileof bones lining the base of thetower.

The sky darkened with thecoming night, a candle was litinside the tower.

Dim candlelight leaked throughthe narrow window in the sideof the tower. Not only did it'slight not bring any warmth, but,instead, would send a shiveringsensation crawling down one'sspine and through their heart.

Greem, who had just turnedfifteen, was sitting in front of aworn-out wooden table. Therewas thick magic bookunfolded in front of him, whichhe was silently making a copyof. Although he had arrived inthis world two years ago, thediscomfort of his soul still gavehim frequent headaches.

His mind was distracted, thescenes of what happened backon Earth continually flashingthrough hiseyes. In hisdistraction, the tip of his writingbrush paused for a moment,causing a big lump of ink towell up on the crude goat skin.

"Damn it! I failed again!"Greem's brows knitted into atight frown. He couldn't controlhimself and clenched his fists.He wanted to screanm out inanger, but he took a deepbreath and held still for a while.After a long time, he finallymanaged to suppress the urge.

This world was no longer theEarth that he was familiar with,and the body he was nowinhabiting was not his originalbody either. It once belonged toan Apprentice Adept, whosename was Greem. In brief, hewas just a wandering soul, whomanaged to take over this bodyright at the moment when theoriginal Greem died.

Retaining nothing from hisoriginal life, he traveled fromEarth, where magic didn't exist,and came to this world ofadvanced magic, where fouldemons and nonsensicalcreatures freely roamed. Thisworld was place whereAdepts stood at the top. Theprocessof adaptingoverwhelmed Li Xuan, such thathe almost ended it all rightthere, but luckily, after mergingthe memory fragments that leftin this body, Li Xuan had gained

basic linguistic ability.Otherwise, just with the weirdpronunciations and grammar inthis world, along with thecompletely different alphabet,which looked like swimmingtadpoles, would be enough totorture him to death.

Even so, the headache thatfrequently struck him troubled

him deeply.

In this place, he never dared toexpose his real identity. Hecould only use Greem's name,trying his best to struggle tosurvival in this tall tower.

Although he was simply anApprentice Adept living underGreat Master Anderson, hisglorious status would drawenvy from most people living inthis world. However, only thosepeople who actually lived in thistall tower would know that notonly was this not an enviableposition to be in, but couldactually be consideredterrifying form of torture andpunishment.

An Apprentice Adept's basic jobwas to work diligently andwas to work diligently andconscientiously, taking care ofthe daily life of their GreatMaster, in this case, GreatMaster Anderson. They werealso in charge of cleaning upthe magic experimentequipment, keeping the insideof the tower clean, taking careof those demon creaturesoutside of the towe, and..being a part of Great MasterAnderson's experiments.

Although the last job was rare,when the wagons that broughtslaves or condemned prisonerswere a few days late, GreatMaster Anderson, who easilybecame frustrated when therewas lack of beings toexperiment on, would order arandom apprentice to becomeIt was said that Mary, whocame from Ante Province andlived next to Greem, Was'fortunate' to become theexperimental 'partner' for GreatMaster Anderson last month.She didn't die from the magicexperiment, although her bodywas seriously 'contaminated',and she had some horrifyingmutation now. Since she cameout from the laboratory, wearinga thick cloak which covered herentire body, she had just hiddenin her room and never left.

Many Apprentice Adeptsthought that Mary might havedied in her room.

But Greem knew the truth: Marywas still alive.

At niaht. in the unnaturalstillness of that tower, he couldhear the sounds of agonizedgroan scratching against thewall. Because of that, whileeveryone else was asleep, hewould throw some food, whichhe had snuck back to his room,into her room through thosetiny windows on the tower.

Although Greem had his ownproblems to deal with, he stillhad some compassion insidehim, from his time backEarth, so he felt he should try tohelp Mary, as best he knewhow.

Today, the headache came atthe wrong time. It chose tostrike him right when he wasmaking a copy of the book.was loW on money, yet he hadwasted another piece ofgoatskin paper.

Although it was just a crumpledand crude goatskin paper, itwas worth about two silvercoins. In this world, the mostcommonly used currency wasthe gold coin. A gold coin couldbe exchanged for ten silvercoins, and a silver coin could beexchanged for ten coppercoins. Five copper coins wasabout how much money mostpeople in this world made


Hence, for most, an ordinarylooking piece of goatskin paperwas considereda huge fortune.But in this place, it was justrubbish that an ApprenticeAdept could simply throw away.However, within the tall Adept'stower, nothing was ever, trulyfree.

Greem was required to pay forRoom, food, and board, alongwith the cost of learning withhis own efforts. The only waysto earn money required one towalk out from the tall Adepttower, and either feed thosebrutal and ferocious demoncreatures, take care of thoseeerie and strange demonplants, or searching out andharvesting the magic materialsspecified by Great Master

Anderson. One could also earn

money by cleaning out some ofthe dangerous areas within thetower.

When carrying out these tasks,result, the weakerApprentice Adepts could onlypick more dangerous tasks toearn their money andknowledge points so they couldcontinue their magic training.


Money was, of course, used tobuy one's daily needs, whileknowledge points were used inbuying knowledge. It was

currency system created by theGreat Adept himself. In thelibrary within the tower, eachmagic book was labeled withdifferent knowledge pointvalues. Borrowing books wouldrequire knowledge points, notmoney.

The apprentices had to workhard to earn knowledge points,but those hard earned pointswould only allow them toborrow the book for a very shortamount of time. The time wasSo short that it was totally notenough for an apprentice tomaster all the knowledge withinthe book. Therefore, most ofthe apprentices had made ahabit of copying the booksthemselves.

Whenever theymagic book, the apprenticewould put all their efforts intocopying the knowledge theyneeded, so they could continueto study in future. Copyingbooks required ink and goatskinpaper. Obviously, thesenot free either, and thus theApprentice Adepts needed


more money.


Of course, if an Apprentice

Adent came from a rich family Adept came from a rich family,then they could spend a hugeamount of money in exchangeknowledge point.


forexchange rate between themwas one knowledge point costone hundred gold coins.

For example, the 'Glossary ofDemon Creatures', which Greemhad borrowed today, had costhim three knowledge points. Hecould only borrow it for half aday. With Greem's copyingspeed, based on his bestestimation, he would have toborrow it three times in order tomake a complete copy of thisbook.

This would cost him a total ofnine knowledge points. Greemwould have to leave the towertwo weeks in a row in order to earn these nine Knowiedge


So he didn't feel even theslightest bit upset for wasting apiece of goatskin paper, but hewas furious that he had wastedtwo hours of his precious timeof copying the book.

Greem took another deepbreath, and did his best tostamp out his anger, as doingSo would help his book copyinglater, however, in the nextmoment, a familiar beepingsound suddenly resounded inhis brain.

*Beep* "Biological energy hasreached the required amount.Biological Assistance Chip,number ZXJ9521serialinitiating..."Greem let out a cry of surprise.

"Biological Assistance Chip!"

Once upon a time, during thetough time when he had justarrived in this new world, Greem


hadinfantasies where he became amighty immortal who traveledto a new world with a divineweapon. But tO0 bad for him,besides giving him a frequentmigraines, the damn chip hadnever shown any signs ofactivating. Surprise, surprise... ithad finally decided to worktoday!


After the chip finished makingadjusting to its new state, agraceful yet emotionlessfemale voice

Greem's brain.

resounded in

"Host detected, establishingdatabase... please wait..."

Eh? It could still identify his newbody? That was unexpected.

After all, this was a world ofadvanced magic. The entiredimension was filled with amystical material called

Elementium. Baseddifferences in these basic'elements', these Elementiumwere classified into types, likeEarth, Fire, Wind, Light,Darkness, etc.

on the

Adepts would have differinglevels of affinity toward theseelemental types, and thus therewere different fractions amongAdepts. Because this systemwas completely different fromhow Earth operated, Greem was action

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