
New Year

A new year to celebrate with a clean heart and calm mind. To a new challenges and learnings.

This year Marcus will be graduating from a senior high. He is happy with what's happening. Soon, he will entering college life. He is planning on taking an engineering course. He wants to be a pilot someday.

He is fascinated with engines and planes itself.

Today, he will go to church because they are having a choir activity. They will attend a wedding, and their choir is in charge in singing and he is the organist.

On the way to church his friend call him on the phone. "Marcus, where are you? We're waiting for you outside the church. Don't be late."

"I'm almost there. Don't worry." And he hung up.

Minutes later, he found his colleagues waiting for him outside the church.

But there is a one face that he didn't recognize. She is pretty with a small face and pink lips. She's not that tall. A white and smooth skin.

He was mesmerized by her looks. She is simple yet you'll have an urge to see her more.

The wedding went well. After the ceremony, he can't help himself but ask who is the new girl. His friend Lina replied, "Oh she's not new you know. She'd been a member in our organization years ago. She's been busy with her studies that's why she's never got a chance to attend our activities. She's a college graduate now. So she's free to attend. And her name is Athena Rose." Lina informed her without a pause and with an amused expression on her face.

"Wow, what a cute name she got." Marcus said.

"Hmm you like her huh?" His friend joked.

He went silent.

He wouldn't know that immediately, would it? But he can find ways to confirm it.

Marcus, what are you thinking. Hmmm

Jonnahmazecreators' thoughts