
Against The Paradox

KingJet · Oriental
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: Madly Training, Learning the Sword

Arc 1: The System Of Unlimited Cunning

Chapter 8: Madly Training, Learning the Sword

The next morning, Jett got up and left after eating. He wanted to train in the tower. Skipping the first two floors, he immediately headed to the third floor to absorb lightning for his techniques. There were noticeably fewer people on the third floor - only about two individuals were waiting for a door to open. While they waited, they continued their cultivation. Jett decided to do the same but before he began, he approached a hanging sign displaying the rules.


1: 1 Spirit Stone = 1 Hour.

2: No Fighting.

3: No interrupting someone's cultivation.

4: When exiting the door, you can't go back into the same door; you have to wait.

5: Be mindful about your cultivation, We will not save you.

"These rules are understandable, but there are no rules about waiting your turn. It is probably so that people can go into a door if someone doesn't see, or if you are faster than that person," Jett thought. He then started training in the <Body Training Art>. After ten minutes, one of the doors opened. The person exited, and one of the waiting individuals entered. The person who left the door didn't leave the tower but instead stayed. "He must want to go back in; I hope he doesn't try to skip."

After another twenty minutes, another door opened. This time, the person exiting the door left the tower as well. The second person who had been waiting for the door earlier went in. Now it was only Jett and the person who had already entered but left. This time, it took an hour for a door to open - it was the same door that had opened first when Jett arrived. Seeing that it was open, Jett ceased his training and made his way to the door. Upon arrival, he placed one Spirit Stone inside a box. 

Stepping inside, Jett was met with a massive circle adorned with peculiar inscriptions. It must be the array, Jett thought, and he was captivated by it. He wanted to study it, but before he could, the array sprang to life, spewing lightning towards him. Immediately, Jett began to absorb the lightning into his movement technique. After an hour of absorption, the array ceased, and the door swung open. As Jett exited, he found the waiting room empty. After a few moments of contemplation, Jett decided to ascend to the wind array on the upper floor.

Arriving on the fourth floor, he noticed that seven of the doors were open. This indicated that most people favored lightning cultivation exclusively, neglecting the wind aspect. He approached the sign, which displayed the same rules. Placing a stone in the box beside one of the doors, he entered. Since his movement technique was the only one compatible with wind, he utilized it to begin absorbing the wind. After an hour of absorption, the array ceased, and this time, Jett left the tower. He opted to run home and assess his speed using both wind and lightning. Employing his movement technique, he began to sprint, realizing that although he wasn't significantly faster.

Jett arrived at the house and immediately sought out Jang-mi to inquire about her father's house. She provided him with the location, and Jett set off. Upon reaching Jong's house, he knocked on the door, and a woman answered.

"Hello, do you need something?" She asked.

"Ma'am, I am looking for Vice Leader Jong," Jett replied.

"Honey, a young one is here to see you," she called out and then walked away. A few seconds later, Jong arrived at the door, clearly surprised to see Jett.

"Come on in," Jong said. He led Jett to an office area. "What do you need Jett, Are you here for Jang-mi," Jong said, a smile spreading across his face. Just as he was saying this, the woman from earlier returned with some tea.

"Oh, he's here for our little girl," she inquired, placing the tea cups in front of Jett and Jong and pouring some tea.

"Let me introduce my wife, and Jang-mi's mother, Jang-mei," Jong introduced.

"I am not here because of her, I need some help with a technique," Jett replied.

"Oh," Jang-mei said, sounding disappointed as she left.

"What do you need help with?" Jong asked.

"Today I went to the tower at the school to look at the arrays. I absorbed some wind for an hour with my movement technique. When I was going back to Jang-mi's house, I used the technique to test it out, but realized I wasn't using the wind while moving," Jett explained.

"Ah yes, that's normal. You can only start using wind when you fly. So when you reach the Transcending Tribulation Stage, you will be able to start using it," Jong said.

"I see, that was a far easier answer than I thought. I came thinking I might have learned it wrong or something," Jett said, laughing.

"Ha ha ha, yep, but you know what, that shows me that you trust me, in coming here for answers," Jong said.

"It's fine, I felt like it was a problem an instructor wouldn't know, and you were the only elder I knew that might know, but it seems like I could have just asked an instructor," Jett replied.

Jong escorted Jett to the door, and just as Jett was about to leave, he overheard Jang-mei say, "Bring over Jang-mi next time to come over." When Jett heard that, he shook his head and left.

Returning to Jang-mi's house, he entered the kitchen and found Jang-mi finishing up cooking. He sat down and had a meal with her. The next day, Jett once again left the house after breakfast and went to school. This time, instead of heading to the tower, he made his way to the training hall.

Upon arrival, Jett went over to the weapons section and selected a sword. He then located an open area and began training in the <Basic Sword Art>. His swings were smooth and natural, as he had technically already mastered the technique. 

While Jett was engrossed in his training, he didn't notice someone observing him. After about two hours of practice, Jett halted and sat down to catch his breath. At that moment, someone approached whom Jett recognized. It was Wu Tian, whom he had met during the meeting two days earlier. Jett couldn't stand up easily, but he managed to raise his hand in greeting.

"Greetings Wu Tian."

"Well hello there. Though you met me, you didn't learn what I do. I am the principal of the school," Wu Tian revealed. He took the sword that Jett had been using. "I came over since I was watching you use your technique. I could tell that your technique can be said to be mastered. That already makes me question some stuff. But, I will ask about that later. While you may have mastered it and it appears smooth and natural, it's evident that you are struggling to use it. It may look natural, but it's actually forced. You've mastered the principle of the technique, but not the technique itself. As the principal and even more as a teacher, I would like to help you with something."

Jett looked up and inquired, "What might that be?"

"It's likely something you're already aware of, but due to you being in a coma for half a year, your body isn't in good condition. This isn't solely because of your strength. It's primarily because you've never used any technique before. I can tell that this is the first time you've picked up a sword. Although you're following the technique, it's not how you should be swinging the sword," Wu Tian explained.

Wu Tian then demonstrated the same technique, but it appeared far more natural than when Jett had executed it. It was as if Wu Tian and the sword were one. "Sword techniques provide a framework for how to use the technique, but it's not a step-by-step guide. You need to incorporate the technique into your movements." He concluded the demonstration and returned the sword to Jett, adding, "Just as people have different arm lengths and body proportions, some are taller and others shorter, the same applies to legs. You need to incorporate the sword into yourself. Let your arms, your body, and your soul guide the sword. Let the sword execute the technique. Don't rigidly follow a step-by-step process. Instead, allow your body and the sword to follow the technique naturally, like a force of nature."

Wu Tian began to walk away and added one final piece of advice, "Let the sword follow your path; you should not follow the sword's path."

After Wu Tian departed, Jett sat in deep contemplation, allowing the insights to permeate his thoughts. "Perhaps because the scroll can facilitate mastery of anything, I assumed it would already be mastered. But that's not the right mindset. I should allow it to impart the technique to me and then master it. I should follow its lead."

After a few minutes, Jett shook his head and rose from his spot, returning the sword. He learned that the school offered a cafeteria with free albeit basic food for individuals to replenish their energy for further training. While most students opted for alternative dining options, Jett, lacking any funds, made his way to the cafeteria and consumed a substantial meal. He then returned to the training hall and commenced physical training.

This time, he opted to increase the weight of his training implements and focused on walking with them. The added weight made him slower, but it also intensified his training. The weights were now approximately 75 kilograms each. After several hours of rigorous training, Jett left the school and headed back to Jang-mi's house. It was already very late, and she had already eaten and retired for the night. Feeling exhausted, Jett removed the Qi from his weights and collapsed onto his bed, finding it exceptionally comfortable.

If you want to contact me for any reason please contact me at kingjetsoar@gmail.com