
Against the Gods: Abomination

A psycho reincarnated in ATG as Sukuna.

Daoistx9z · Cómic
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1 Chs

The start

'Where am I?' A shadow like figure thought as he was in an abyss space.

"You died."


The figure was startled as he heard a voice, looking around to not find the source.

"Up here."

The figure looked up to meet a huge singular eye, with a slit pupil.

"Who are you? Are you a god? And where am I?"

"You died, your soul is in the eternal dome where time doesn't exist, and you could say I am a god."

"So why am I here"

"Your soul slipped through by accident which is the first time to ever happen, you were able to defy the universe law set for souls due to your soul carrying desires that a mortal shouldn't be able to have, for that i will give you a chance."

"What kind of chance?"

"I will give you a choice to reincarnate into any world of your choosing with four wishes."

"I want to be reincarnated in 'Against the Gods'. First wish, I want to be sukuna with six eyes having no side effects. Second wish, I want a killing system with op starter pack. Third wish, I want my slit eyes to have the power of All knowing. Fourth wish, extreme understanding."

"Granted, anything else."

"Throw me in a forest and make my age 16. And don't change the timeline."

"Granted, have a fun journey."

At that the figure disappeared from the space.


The figure was now lying in a forest.

[System initiating 12%...30%...44%...79%...95%...100%]

[System successfully booted]

The figure opened his eyes due to the system sound as he sat up. He was in black kimono, he had  short black hair, red six eyes, markings on his face and black nails.

"System, show me my stats."


Name: Ryomen Sukuna.

Age: 16

Height: 178

Coins: 0

Cultivation base: None]

"Open my starter pack"

[Opening starter pack:

Thunder fruit, Shock fruit, lava fruit, frozen fruit, Mera Mera fruit, space fruit, Momo fruit and Asura fruit. Hell suppressing physique. End Claws. Armament, observation and conquerors haki. Blood manipulation. Reverse profound technique (RPT). All  Sukuna techniques.

Cultivation base first level Sky profound realm]

"System, does the devil fruits have any side effects."

[No host, the devil fruits doesn't have any side effects, you can fuse them into your body without any interference.]

"Fuse the devil fruits, physique and the cultivation base."

[Fusing commencing 20%...50%...100%]

[Fusion completed.]


The sudden fusion caused a massive explosion as the ground below where Sukuna standing formed a massive creator.

"Heh, not bad." Sukuna laughed as he felt the power  coursing through his body.


[ Name: Ryomen Sukuna.

Age: 16

Height: 178

Coins: 0

Devil fruit abilities: Thunder fruit, Shock fruit, lava fruit, frozen fruit, Mera Mera fruit, space fruit, Momo fruit, and Asura fruit(Turn into a 220 cm four arms Asura).

Abilities: End Claws (sharp nails grow stronger as they bath in blood). Armament, observation and conquerors haki. Blood manipulation. Reverse profound technique (RPT). All  Sukuna techniques.

Physique: Hell suppressing physique

Cultivation base: 1st stage Sky Profound realm]

"let's put the power of flesh to the test."

Sukuna strode to a nearby mountain. As he got near, he raised his arm into a sword posture as he placed the tip of his hand on the wall.

With a maniac grin on his face "one inch punch"


Closing his arms into a fist, internally generated a shockwave that entirely destroyed the mountain into pieces.

"Hoo, just barely using Hell suppressing physique made this much damage."

"System, which realm does my combat effectiveness reach."

[Peak Tyrant realm]

Sukuna nodded.

"Well, let's have some fun, shall we." Sukuna's face had a smile that almost reached his ears as he continued "It seems my first prey of this world came right on time."


Rustling can be heard as twenty people came out from the bushes in bandits outfits, facing sukuna's back.

"Well, well, it's a lucky day, first we got rich from a raid and now a kid."

The fat man who seemed to be the leader of the bandits spoke.

"Hahaha, boss, look he's shaking, he might die from fear before we can kill him."

The bandits laughed as they saw Sukuna's body shaking.

"Heh, kid I am already in a good mood so I'll give you a choice, drop everything you have, and I might let you leave alive." The fat leader said, but he didn't get a response which made him angry "you bastar-"


The fat man didn't finish his sentence as his whole body was cut into pieces.

Time stood still for the bandits as they were trying to progress what happened as their leader was killed.

"That's one, nineteen left to go."

Sukuna said as he twisted his head in a 180 degree angle with a wide smile on his face as he was shaking with excitement.

The bandits seeing this scene were paralyzed with fear.



One bandit  uttered a scream but was cut short as Sukuna appearing Infront of him as his hand clenched around the bandit's neck removing his bone along with his skull crushing it."

"Boring, losing your fighting spirits rather then struggling takes away the fun."

Sukuna looking at the rest, seeing them pale as they could not move nor speak became bored as it wouldn't be fun killing them when they are not struggling.

So he decided to kill them in a better way.


Fire rose from Sukuna's arm, as in an instant he covered the rest of the bandits as they uttered shrill screams throughout  the forest.


"Make it stop it hurts, ahhhh"

"Hahahaha, yes that's it, scream, fill my ears with pleasure, maggots screaming is like music to my ears hahahaha" Sukuna opened his arms as he screamed his words with utter insanity displayed on his face.

Five minutes later, the screams subdued as they were burned to crisp.

"Now then, System show me how much coins I got."

[Coins: 1000]

'Just by killing these bandits put me up to a thousand.'

"System, open the shop"

'hmm, there are devil fruits, bloodlines, cultivation arts, elixirs, formations and many more, but my coins isn't enough. You know what that means'

"It'll be a massacre" Sukuna laughed.

"Well, let's start with the Xiao clan." Sukuna vanished making his way out of the forest.

I try...

Daoistx9zcreators' thoughts