
Chapter 10 : Into the Unknown

Back at their makeshift home, Maya's condition had worsened. They knew that the medical supplies they had acquired were their last hope. Olivia, Marcus, and Miguel worked tirelessly to tend to Maya's wounds, hoping that the medicine would be enough to save her.

As they waited for Maya to recover, they realized that they were running out of supplies. Their water and food were almost gone, and they knew they couldn't survive much longer in their current location. They had to find a new place to settle down, somewhere safe and secure.

They decided to pack up what little they had and set out into the unknown. They had no idea what lay ahead of them, but they knew they had to keep moving forward.

As they journeyed through the deserted streets, they came across a group of survivors who were being attacked by a large horde of infected. The group was outnumbered, and it looked like they would be overwhelmed at any moment.

Without hesitation, Olivia, Marcus, and Miguel jumped into action, fighting off the infected and saving the survivors. The grateful group thanked them and offered to join forces, pooling their resources and skills together.

They continued on together, scouting out potential places to settle down. They searched abandoned buildings and homes, looking for any signs of life. But they found nothing. The city was a ghost town, with no signs of civilization left.

As they traveled further out of the city, they stumbled upon a fortified military base. It looked abandoned, but they could see movement inside. They cautiously approached the entrance, wary of any potential danger.

As they entered the base, they were met with surprise. The base was still active, with a small group of military personnel stationed there. They were surprised to see civilians, but they welcomed them nonetheless.

The group explained their situation, and the military personnel agreed to help them. They provided them with shelter and food, and even offered to help them with their medical needs. It seemed like they had finally found a safe haven.

But as they settled in, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The military personnel were tight-lipped about their mission, and they seemed to be hiding something.

One night, Olivia overheard a conversation between two soldiers. They were discussing a secret mission to find a cure for the infection, but they had been ordered to keep it quiet. Olivia knew that they had to investigate further.

She shared her suspicions with the rest of the group, and they decided to do some digging. They snuck into the base's computer system and uncovered classified information about the military's plan to develop a cure using human experimentation.

The group was horrified and knew that they had to leave the base immediately. They couldn't be a part of something so unethical.

As they made their escape, they were confronted by the military personnel. They tried to stop them, but the group fought back, using their skills and weapons to defend themselves.

In the end, they managed to make it out alive, but they knew that they were once again alone in the wilderness. They had no idea where they were going, but they knew they couldn't stay in one place for too long. They had to keep moving, into the unknown.