
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · Fantasía
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23 Chs

The Origin: 1.Entering the Afterlife

I died, holding the hands of my daughter, suspending the excursion of my life.

Leaving the phase and to leave the barricade of life and enter the world of a void soul .

I had kicked the bucket in an accident while saving my beloved daughter before I could completely go away at once.

After death, everything ends up dark, as I feared. My eyes shut as I felt an external force, struggling excessively to keep them closed.I still struggled to open my eyes.

All I remembered were constantly being erased from my mind. I had forgotten everything except the 6 seconds before and after my death. I couldn't remember what I was, except I remembered this language, with the exception of a few of its words.

Everything that had made me human ceases to exist or quits working but I still have the ability to think and imagine. The purely non sensable mind pushed me to narrate this to you.

Something in my head tingles instinctively, as it was trying to help recollect my memories. I try remembering the past and I had felt a faint memory of the past as I was closing on to one.

I dug deepest in my head to recollect and I didn't fail. I found a piece of the past but that didn't really help me at all.

The recollection was being played in my head. I heard a strange voice calling me whilst sitting on a couch, "Breakfast's ready, Adam." Those vibrations sounded familiar.

I started forcing something green in my mouth and there sat an entity next to me doing the same.

Its throat vibrated and its lips moved simultaneously. My ears couldn't react to it but my mouth did. The words that vibrated out of my mouth were, "Then what am I if I'm not me?"

The memories blurred away after that. It felt like the memory was incomplete. I didn't know why I had the memory demonstrated in my mind. Karma acts in unexpected ways and somehow that is just a theory i made.

However, it had opened a sense of feeling inside me as I unknowingly felt those words like it was a powerful soul shard.

Presently my eyes recouped by one means or another . I opened them gradually and where I am was completely obscured, however as I had lost the faculties of every one of my senses, the murkiness did not fear me.

This place may have been a reality where space and time impact. As per my insight and the speculations I read in books, this place must be where no one but God can conquer consciousness and remain stable. Then I realized, I remembered them. Still...nothing made sense.

I couldn't comprehend in the light of the fact that I am a dead soul and that I was meandering in this place with full cognizance. An ordinary being can never have its consciousness in such a reality.

Then I suddenly felt something. Another feeling of my inclination had opened inside me. Fear had struck me once more. The fear of my existence in this never-ending darkness. The fear of forever being alone.

I didn't know what to do. Then all of a sudden I felt like my head was stricken by the strongest fist on my planet but I knew nothing was there. I started to feel and the feeling of feeling was amazing. Every one of my senses had dashed back into my brain even though it again felt painful.

I had additionally observed the last memory of my recognition, saving my little girl and me dying.

I felt her hand holding mine. I whispered to her ears as I was losing my life, "Never lose hope". The crisp and clear vibrations that I could still feel, a caring voice, screeching noise, and my fading soul.

I had reassembled every one of my senses that made me an exact human. However, at that point, I knew it made me more effective than an ordinary human being.

My body had witnessed many changes that made me powerful. I had a feeling that I could do anything. I had realized that recollecting my senses is nothing like I had felt before when I was a human. It was something greater, something that made me special from the other human beings.

I had first got out of this reality and explored the universe. I tried to find Earth but I couldn't. This seemed like another dimension.

I had the ability to go anywhere, see anything, touch anything, feel anything and I even observed different creatures from different planets that were so unique in very different ways.

I can fly and run at speed that can be incomparable to anything except light.

I could go through all mind bending reality twisters in the ends of my own fantasy present as dark matter and wormholes and phenomenal unseen beauties beyond the barrier know to any living thing, but known to one, me.

Places covered with mists resembling unimaginable beauty and unneglectable shapes by even the eyes of the divine cosmos.

I ran, researching and curiously, like a child in a garden of flowers I floated amidst greatness beyond vain of any entity known to live.

I scorched my eyes in the excessive power of massive radiation and light particles entering them, but there was no pain just insight and…love.

My nourishment is endless yet I crave for more, I suspect them as they move like the thoughts in my head. Spectacles of life can impress even the maker if what I see is true. But such beauty can never be real! Can it?

I floated mentally and physically dazzed in confusion and not willing to comprehend the truth of conspiracy. Its like giving everything and making it disappear. I do not want to be a part of the universe's greatest magic trick but here I am.

I need to stop these thoughts and console myself. Riddling thoughts are not quieting down that easily. I do not like so many questions…I feel like I might explode.

I open my eyes and white light blooms out from it and everything stops. I had felt the greatest truth as though it was handed to me by another person. My mind or something else had fed me the cure to the unquenchable thirst of seeking actuality.

And there I floated, while everything Isaw synced with me and everything within.

I knew what I had become, I know now what I should do. I know what I can…this is the truth. I have too much power and my thoughts have grown to become souls of their own consoling and creating each other. I am in my mind or not they have come outside and transformed as parts of this wonderous space…that I built.

This universe is mine, from the moment I had stepped in. Now I felt true grace and power within me. I saw what I wanted to do now and I see what I could alter.

I can turn time, create stars, planets, galaxies, and universes. I can now bounce to any reality as I am gifted to have a million senses and infinite pleasure along with infinite desires. I am now quenched off the thirst of knowledge for not knowing what I was. I see the truth now…and I know I did this to myself…as a matter of fact indeed I know what I am …

… a God