

"No one would inspect Xu Hongkai's corpse at that time since it's already night, and everyone are afraid of the night rules." Huo Ling spoke. "So, that gives Ke Hanying, who knows that there isn't a supernatural thing happening since it was just him acting, time to place the infant's corpse, heart and brain inside Xu Hongkai's belly. The blood of a corpse also has coagulated and wouldn't bleed if cut." He explained. 

"But, wasn't there something moving inside Xu Hongkai's belly?" Jiu Ye asked. Suddenly, he froze when he realized something. "… fck." He cursed. 

Shi Jiu's eyes widened. "That's right… the corpse shouldn't bleed when it was cut… but – " he sharply inhaled. " – it bled after the guards stabbed Xu Hongkai's belly. Could it be…?" he asked. 

"Ke Hanying also placed blood inside." Huo Ling said, then paused. "To prevent the blood from flowing out of the cut he made behind Xu Hongkai's corpse, he must have also stitched it." he added.