
After We Divorced

Deep in debt, Indira is forced to agree to her biological father's offer to replace her half-sister by marrying a man she doesn't know at all. Indira and Angka both come from completely different worlds, so they make a marriage contract. Unfortunately, fate says otherwise because big problems finally come when Indira has feelings for Angka who has no heart. So, how will the story of the two continue? Can Indira's feelings be avenged or does Indira have to let go of the man who is not her reach?

Ubur_ubur · Adolescente
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10 Chs

6. Just A Bos and His Employee

While Indira chose to keep her mouth shut, Uncle Hengki politely asked, "Young Master, why are you back?"

"I happened to have some business nearby and decided to rest for a while at home." Angka took off his jacket and handed it to Uncle Hengki while continuing, "There is no need to bother because I've already had lunch."

When Angka's inquisitive gaze returned to her, Indira politely nodded in greeting, "Good afternoon, Mr. Sangkala."

Indira calmly lowered her gaze as her heart beat like a drum when Angka tugged at his tie with a manly gesture. Indira felt that the man's casual gesture was actually fatal.

Angka casually asked, "What do you think of this house?"

"Very good." Indira said those two words, but silently thought, "and it's very luxurious."

"If you need anything, you can tell Uncle Hengki."

"Yes, thank you." Indira then added, "Then, I have to go back to work now. I also used to stay overnight at my office to do some work stuff, so I will probably be home less often."

Angka looked at Indira and confusedly asked, "You are going to stay overnight at your workplace?"

"Yes, I-"

Handing his tie to Uncle Hengki, Angka impatiently interrupted, "We are married, so you have to stay at home." Angka then walked towards the sofa while telling Uncle Hengki to prepare tea for the two of them.

After hesitating for a moment, Indira decided to stand by Angka's side like an obedient employee. She remained silent and enjoyed her role as a mute if not invited to speak. Indira silently slapped herself who wanted to laugh because she realized that the relationship between the two of them was indeed like a business relationship between a boss and an employee.

Not long after, Uncle Hengki returned to their side carrying a tray containing a teapot and a pair of small cups. He placed the tray on the table and then took a few steps away from them.

Angka then gracefully poured himself some tea and sipped the thick red liquid while leaning his entire upper body on the sofa. He nonchalantly played with his cell phone as he said, "Although our marriage is just a form of cooperation that has a time limit, shouldn't you still consider your role as a wife?"

Indira, who was still standing beside the sofa, silently licked her lower lip nervously when she felt a kind of pressure coming from the question. Indira squeezed her palms as she replied, "Okay."

While glancing at Indira, Angka asked again, "Are you not satisfied with this house? Do you need anything else that you can't say?"

"No, no, I'm just afraid my presence will disturb you." Indira explained while shaking her head slowly.

"This house is very big, so I believe that you are an intelligent person and have the decency not to disturb me." After a moment's pause, Angka suddenly stopped the fingers that were playing with his cell phone and said, "Could it be that you are afraid that I will ask you to fulfill your 'obligations' as my wife?"

Indira felt her face heat up with embarrassment. She silently peeked at Uncle Hengki who stood silently without showing any reaction in the corner of the room.

Seeing that Indira did not answer his question, Angka continued, "You can rest easy on that matter because I am not interested at all, so you can stay here comfortably."

The words were spoken in a very polite tone, but Indira felt that she had just been slapped hard because of those few words. They were words of advice and warning because Indira suddenly remembered one of the points in the contract that made it clear that she was not allowed to conceive Angka's offspring without his permission. Indira suddenly felt that she was too silly for ever wanting to have offspring from this marriage. Angka had clearly warned her that he would not allow an ordinary woman like her to bear his offspring. That was why there was that point of prohibition in the contract. Indira silently looked down again. Therefore, Indira actually didn't dare to think about the possibility of sleeping with Angka after seeing that rule, but right now Indira really felt a little upset that the man thought that she was afraid to stay at home for fear of sleeping with him.

After swallowing her embarrassment and irritation, Indira calmly replied, "Okay, I understand."

Angka nodded in satisfaction and asked softly, "Have you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet."

"Then, ask Uncle Hengki to prepare lunch according to your taste."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Sangkala."

Angka then stood up from his seat and said, "Later in the afternoon, someone will come to pick you up to take you to the tailor's to fit some formal clothes that you should have because it's my father's birthday in a few days and I have to bring you along.

After saying that, Angka calmly went upstairs without looking back.

Seeing the man's treatment of her, Indira felt nothing at all. She calmly ate whatever Uncle Hengki provided her before returning to her workplace. She only stopped by briefly to send some completed manuscripts to her boss before returning home.

Grandmother raised one eyebrow in surprise when she saw Indira leave before work hours were over, but that gentle woman decided not to say anything despite seeing Indira hurriedly packing some of her clothes and other necessities.

After making excuses to her grandmother, Indira returned to her workplace and waited for the driver to come out to pick her up in the afternoon.

Uncle Hengki was also in the car when Indira got in. The two of them then set off for the clothing sales place that is one part of Angka's small business. As Uncle Hengki communicated with the tailor about the designs he had to make, Indira also made occasional requests about fabric selection.

Every time Indira opened her lips to say something, Uncle Hengki would glance at Indira with an incredulous look. Indira knew that the old man must have thought that she didn't look like someone who knew how to customize clothes well because she was used to wearing very simple, cheap-looking casual work clothes.

Seeing that condescending look, Indira remained very calm. She had indeed almost lost all her emotions and could even understand the reason for Uncle Hengki's shock. But Indira did understand a few things about how to dress because her grandmother had raised her in an artistic way that brought out the romantic feelings of the upper class. Her grandmother used to help her pick out high-quality clothes, but as their money dwindled, Indira couldn't pay attention to her clothes anymore.

After an awkward silence for some time, the tailor asked Indira to try on a dress. Once Indira saw her reflection in the dressing room mirror, she realized that she looked so pale that her eye bags were even more prominent. Indira silently furrowed her brow in pity for her own appearance.