
Chapter 11 Do you want him to become the next Uchiha Madara?

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"Shisui, what's the matter?"

"Didn't I instruct you to monitor Kirito and assess his strength at the appropriate time?!"

In the Hokage's office, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Shisui with a cold gaze.

Shisui's expression was complicated, and he struggled to find the right words.

"Yes, Lord Third Hokage."


He recounted the events that had transpired.

Third Hokage's anger flared.

"So, you simply let him go with just a few words?"

Shisui hesitated. "But, Third Hokage-sama, I believe what he said makes sense..."

"After all, he is also fighting for the sake of Konoha Village. Testing him at this juncture may not be justified, is it not?"

Third Hokage's expression darkened.

"Oh? Are you doubting my methods?!"

"I... I dare not!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone turned icy. "The Uchiha clan is inherently malevolent. What you said about Kirito's contributions to Konoha..."

"I have never doubted the Uchiha's strength! That's precisely what makes them all the more terrifying!"

"Do you not understand the potential consequences of a naturally malevolent mind coupled with immense power?"

"Do you want him to become the next Uchiha Madara?!"

Uchiha Shisui hastened to respond: "No, that's not what I meant."

While most people would react with indignation upon being accused of their family being inherently malevolent, Shisui seemed to have accepted this notion.

This spoke volumes about the extent to which he had been indoctrinated by the Third Hokage's teachings.

If his Sharingan's Kotoamatsukami was the most potent genjutsu, then Sarutobi Hiruzen's indoctrination into the Will of Fire was an even more potent form of mental manipulation. After all, Kotoamatsukami could only be used once every decade, but Sarutobi Hiruzen could manipulate minds at will.

"Master Hokage, I understand the evil and danger posed by the Uchiha clan, but please trust me!"

"I am different from the others! In my heart, there is only Konoha Village!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's satisfaction was evident.

"Very good! Shisui, you are a true heir to the Will of Fire!"

"Your ancestor, Uchiha Kagami, exemplified the Will of Fire, surpassing his own malevolent family and viewing the world through the lens of the greater good. He was a true Uchiha who loved the village!"

"Even the Second Hokage held him in the highest regard!"

"And you, Uchiha Shisui..."

"...are my Uchiha Kagami!"

Shisui beamed with pride. "Thank you for your trust, Third Hokage-sama!"

"Excellent! Continue monitoring Uchiha Kirito, as well as the entire Uchiha clan!"

"Lord Third Hokage, rest assured. I am prepared to lay down my life to protect the village!"

With a resounding boom, Shisui vanished from the Hokage's office.

In the next moment, Danzo appeared in the room.

"Hiruzen, all your previous strategies have failed. With the sudden emergence of Kirito, the Uchiha clan has not diminished but has instead grown stronger!"

"Even in the entirety of Konoha Village, Kirito's popularity and renown have reached unparalleled heights!"

"Is this the outcome you wished to see?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression darkened further.

"I concede that my plans have veered off course due to the appearance of this young man, but..."

"As long as we have Shisui and Namikaze Minato, along with our own power, we can suppress the Uchiha clan even if they were to rise up in rebellion!"

Danzo sneered. "Oh? Are you content to wait until the trouble comes to us?"

"It would be wiser to take preemptive action!"

"No! Konoha Village has already suffered significant losses in the recent battles. If we were to engage the Uchiha clan directly now, it could spell disaster for the village, resulting in needless loss of life!"

"Such measures must be a last resort and should only be considered as a final option!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen eyed Danzo warily.

"You seem to have grown quite close to Orochimaru as of late?"

Danzo's demeanor shifted.

"Yes, and what of it?"

"Everything I do is for the sake of Konoha Village!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone grew somber. "I am well aware of Orochimaru's true nature, perhaps even more so than you!"

"Danzo, should I discover that the two of you are conspiring to endanger the village, I will not hesitate to root out the source of the problem, even if it means..."

"Eliminating both of you!"

Danzo recoiled in shock before giving a disdainful sneer and exiting the office.

"That Kirito will be dealt with."


"Leaf Great Whirlwind!"


A contest between physical skills is unfolding!



One figure dons green tights—it's Mighty Dai.

And the other, dressed in black with a fan family emblem, is none other than Uchiha Kirito!

"Fast speed!"

Witnessing Kirito's swift movements as he steps on the air and vanishes, Mighty Dai, an expert in physical skills, couldn't help but sigh in admiration!


Mighty Dai suddenly changes direction and launches a powerful kick towards Kirito in the sky!

This kick could shatter a massive rock!

If Kirito were to attempt an escape, there would be countless methods available. With the aid of his Sharingan and Observation Haki, Mighty Dai's movements would seem slow and predictable. Techniques like Moonwalk could easily evade them.

However, this is a physical contest!


Tempest Kick!


Kirito retaliates with a powerful kick of his own.


The two moves collide violently!


Mighty Dai is kicked and sent hurtling out of the air!

"What incredible force!"

No surprises there.

Kirito has already mastered the Marine Six Styles to perfection, reaching the pinnacle of skill!

If Mighty Dai could contend with an ordinary physique...

Then he's in for a real challenge!

"It seems we need to get serious!"

"Open the Eight Inner Gates Formation!"


Suddenly, Mighty Dai unleashes a surge of powerful aura.

Dust fills the air, and a fierce wind envelops his entire body, causing clothes and hair to whip wildly!

Kirito notices and feels a stir in his heart.

He smiles and remarks, "Alright, going straight to the Sixth Gate, huh?!"

"In that case, I'll need to step up my game..."

"Open the Eight Inner Gates Formation!"

With determination, Kirito activates the Eight Inner Gates Formation.

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