
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
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180 Chs

Chapter 75 (Part 1)

That night, Zhong Youyou and Qin Yao left the scene early and walked up the mountainside by side in the night and mountain breeze.

On the way, Zhong Youyou asked about some people in Qin Yao's family. The Qin family can be described as a very large family, but unlike the Shi family, males are relatively rare, so no matter what point of view it is considered, Qin Yao is naturally the default heir. Besides, he also acted sharply and decisively enough to be deeply loved by the father.

When Qin Yao talked about this, his face was calm. Zhong Youyou knew that Qin Yao grew up in an environment with very good family relations.

While feeling fortunate for Qin Yao, she also let go of her heart. She was afraid that she would have to face her three aunts and six wives after marrying in the future.

Qin Yao seemed to have guessed what she was thinking in her heart, looked at her sideways, and smiled: "Don't worry, we will definitely live alone in the future. We won't be able to go back to our hometown once or twice a year, so you won't have to deal with those relatives too much."

"I didn't say that I didn't want to see your relatives, that's what you said." Zhong Youyou smiled and glanced at him: "Moreover, you said it as if you were able to marry me in, Qin Yao, I can tell you, it's not that easy."

Qin Yao laughed: "Is it difficult? I don't think it is difficult. The last time you proposed to marry me directly…"

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Youyou punched his chest: "Last time was invalidated."

Qin Yao finally laughed, took Zhong Youyou's hand away, and squeezed it in his palm: "Okay, last time doesn't count, please let me ask for a second and third time, but you can't make me wait too long."

Once the people who fall in love are together, they will be annoying, so they had just left early because Tu Zhifan and Feng Si really don't want to eat dog food. But now, the two of them walked side by side on the path, even if they didn't say a word, they would feel that the air was full of sweet bubbles.

The next step is to take the college entrance examination. Zhong Youyou is about to get busy and will not be able to walk quietly with Qin Yao for a while. Therefore, she cherishes this night very much. Needless to say, Qin Yao held Zhong Youyou's hand, even if his palm was sweating, he never let go.

The two held hands like this and walked back slowly.

Qin Yao talked about his grandfather's family history, and Zhong Youyou was also fascinated by it. Qin Yao's grandfather has only seen a few words in the novel, but she can also see them from the short "strips". He was a very extraordinary person back then. If she had the opportunity, she would really like to see him.

However, according to Qin Yao's plan, the time to meet with his grandfather is not far away. During the Chinese New Year this year, he plans to take her home.

Zhong Youyou felt it is a little quick, but she was actually a little bit resistant. After all, she just went into another family like this. Can she do well?

But then she realized that it would be a matter of time anyway. If she said no, Qin Yao would probably think about it again, so she smiled slightly but didn't shirk it, just as acquiesced.

However, when the two were about to walk to the front of the villa, Zhong Youyou suddenly stopped.

Qin Yao saw that she turned her head, and subconsciously opened her hands, "Why, do you want to hold it?"

Hold your head. Zhong Youyou smiled, slapped his hand, and looked up at him: "Qin Yao, you have to apologize to me for what happened tonight."

Qin Yao took a step forward, put his arms around her waist, lowered his eyes slightly, and smiled. He couldn't help but smile: "Okay, I apologize because I want you to be jealous, I didn't tell you Feng Si is my cousin. I'll never again do that."

When Zhong Youyou was never jealous of him, he always thought about it, but once Zhong Youyou was jealous, even if he was a little bit unhappy, he would feel distressed again. How could a person be such a contradictory creature?

Zhong Youyou buried her cheeks in his arms and snorted softly: "Although I don't seem to be jealous often, in fact, I am very jealous. You will not let me eat any jealousy in the future, you must keep a big distance from other women."

Her words seemed a bit unreasonable, but Qin Yao's eyes were bright because the corners of his mouth were smiling.

"Okay, I promise you that I will treat every other woman like the plague and keep my distance." Qin Yao put his chin on Zhong Youyou's black hair and hugged her into his arms more forcefully.

He is afraid that there is no happier thing in this world than the person he loves deeply also finally falls in love with him deeply.

So, a quiet night passed.


And this spring trip may be the last outing before the college entrance examination. After returning to school, the atmosphere became obviously serious. The whole school and even other high schools are the same.

Many people are not accustomed to this sudden change in the whole grade, but they have to helplessly blend into this tense atmosphere.

In the corridors, there are very few people in crowds, because there are only 20 days left before the college entrance examination. Every class has a countdown on the blackboard, adding to the austere atmosphere.

The atmosphere is like this throughout the grade, and Class 19 is no exception.

Before the spring, Zhong Youyou and Ren Zian had already taken the whole class to review for a while.

They have to say that Class 19 did make a lot of progress in the last monthly exam, but the foundation of this class is much weaker than in other classes.

Sometimes Zhong Youyou saw a few back-row boys scratching their ears, but when they couldn't understand what the teacher was talking about, and couldn't solve a certain basic problem, she was very anxious for them.

After all, she has been in this class for a year and has feelings for every classmate.

But Zhong Youyou can't do too much, so she can only do her best when making up lessons.

Ren Zian has a solid foundation and is very good at sorting out knowledge points, so he is mainly responsible for starting from the basics to the students, circling out many exercises that involve the most important knowledge points, and everyone will work together after class.

And Zhong Youyou is mainly responsible for more difficult questions, such as the last big questions in mathematics and physics and lists all the possible solutions to these types of questions and points out a clear path for each student.

This is equivalent to stuffing the sorted things directly to the classmates. Because it's all this time, the students in the class naturally don't have time to organize them carefully.

Of course, these things can be found in the auxiliary textbooks. As long as the auxiliary textbooks are not too logical, they will basically be listed.

Although Zhong Youyou has her own solutions for many types of questions, it is not suitable for everyone. Many people in the class have no solid foundation and it is difficult to understand the inner logic of those answers.

But to be honest, the most important thing for learning is not the teaching aids, but the energy.

Otherwise, the teaching aids have been placed in front of the students in Class 19 for three years. Why are their grades still terrible?

Because they have never opened it before!

But now it's really different. When studying with Zhong Youyou, they can clearly feel Zhong Youyou's frowning and seriousness. How do you say that people who are better than you work harder than you? What qualifications do you have to play?

Zhong Youyou has set this example and made everyone feel full of crisis. Therefore, the mental strength of the students in the class when making up classes is simply unprecedented concentration, more concentrated than at any moment in the past three years!

As a result, the more you learn, the more you become addicted. It is really addictive if you are not deceiving.

Let's not look at the college entrance examination after 20 days, just look at the unified exam three days later. If they do better than the previous month, how hard is their waist?


Therefore, at the beginning of this make-up class, only seven or eight people were in the water bar. (Revision class in a water bar). Later, more and more people participated in the class, and the water bar was almost full.

Sun Man's cousin was also very happy, because it brought more business to his shop, so the hospitality was very warm.

But after the spring, more and more people spontaneously made-up classes, which caused the previous base area to be unable to hold so many people.

As a result, everyone had to ask the guard to keep the school gate open and change the make-up position to the class.
