
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
180 Chs

Chapter 66 (Part 2)

When Zhong Youyou listened to Qin Yao's statement on the phone, she had not thought it would be so serious and terrifying.

When she and Xiao Zhao came out of the airport and drove back to the apartment, they happened to pass the block on Old Taijin Road.

Before they got there, they saw that the front was blocked, and it became a long line. From a distance, they could see a group of migrant workers in worker uniforms on Old Taijin Road linking each other's arms in their hands, and their wives, children, and parents holding them. The long strip of blood blocked the street.

There was also a group of people who lost their money because of the drop in Zhong's stock in this incident, sitting on both sides of the street with tears streaming down their faces.

Many police officers were sent to mediate, but it was useless. Pushing would only make things more troublesome. Cries, anger, and questions kept coming, making the whole street chaotic.

Zhong Youyou was afraid that something might happen and said, "Don't go this way, go around."

"Okay." Xiao Zhao was also sweating profusely when he saw this posture, and he didn't dare to talk to Zhong Youyou more.

He didn't know the situation of Zhong Youyou's home, he thought that Zhong Youyou must be very anxious about such a big event, so he stepped on the accelerator and wanted to drive Zhong Youyou home quickly.

He specifically detoured another way.

But never expected that there would be a few people standing there as if they were waiting especially.

As the car just drove to the corner, I don't know who ran over and shouted among the workers: "Everyone, go to Yumin Road, Zhong Guoqiang's baby daughter has appeared!"

The sound was like a landmine hitting the flat ground. The bang exploded all the angry workers, and a group of people ran over here and surrounded them.

Not only squeezed passers-by to one side but also blocked Zhong Youyou's car and prevented it from driving forward.

Among them was a very dark young worker who was still holding a stick in his hand and banged it on Xiao Zhao's car suddenly, and the car lights suddenly shattered.

Xiao Zhao hurriedly braked and covered his head, and yelled out: "Hey, are you crazy?!"

Zhong Youyou stared at the face of the man outside.

She came from the airport on these two roads. Instead of taking the old Taijin Road, she just went here. Who happened to know that she was back from the airport today? She suspected that Meng Shixuan had something to do with this matter, but at this time she still couldn't fully confirm it.

She calmed down quickly and did not lower the window to go out.

"Keep driving." Zhong Youyou said, she took off her coat from her body and wrapped it around her head three times, got into the back seat of the car and squatted down, just so that people outside could not see it, and said to Xiao Zhao: "The car lights look back to Qin Yao for reimbursement, leave them alone, and drive the car slowly to ensure that it doesn't overwhelm people. I don't believe this group of people are really not afraid of death."

"Okay." Xiao Zhao saw that the little lady boss is more courageous than himself, he finally settled down, started the car again, and slowly moved forward.

But he didn't drive half an inch forward, and it was the person who was just now as if deliberately making trouble, and deliberately pushed the person to the front of the car and shouted: "Don't let her go! Zhong Guoqiang won't come out to give us an explanation, don't let his daughter go!"

Xiao Zhao really hadn't seen such a big scene before and was shivered by the roar, and the car was completely turned off now.

The car was surrounded by groups as if trapped in a jail, unable to move for half a step.


Zhong Youyou and Xiao Zhao are trapped in the car, but outside are the families of work-related injury victims and people who have lost their money because they bought Zhong's stock. All of them are staring at them, and they want to see Zhong Guoqiang's daughter inside. How did they end up here? Isn't it because of Zhong Guoqiang?

"Losing money! Let your dad lose money!" Someone accused hoarsely: "If it weren't for your dad, would we lose money!"

The so-called bankruptcy, for the Zhong family, maybe hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy a bag, but for this person, it is the hard-earned money that has been saved for many years.

"It's more than just losing money, and our Lao Wu, who hasn't woken up yet, is losing his life!" the woman screamed.

As soon as this person incited, the people around stared at Zhong Youyou in the car, their eyes dripping with hatred.

Zhong Youyou was still calm. The screen of her silent mobile phone kept vibrating. It was Qin Yao who called, but she didn't answer it. At this moment, if Qin Yao came here, it would be useless. There was no way to squeeze through the crowd. She was also afraid that Qin Yao would be injured.

Xiao Zhao was so scared that he buried his head and didn't dare to drive the window: "What should I do? Call Mr. Qin?"

"Why let Qin Yao come over? Call the police directly." Zhong Youyou pressed 110, briefly explained the situation, and then called the lawyer Qin Yao helped her find the last time to get him ready to contact the hospital for a medical examination.

If this group of people is doing something to themselves here, then they will be tested directly, and things may be reversed.

Xiao Zhao wanted to cry without tears: "It's too late, who knows if this group of people will smash the car windows?"

Zhong Youyou said: "It's just smashed, it's such a big trouble, and I can't go to the bureau for a few days."

Xiao Zhao: "Huh?"

Zhong Youyou looked up and stared at the group of people outside.

In the stalemate, suddenly they saw a black car squeezing arbitrarily from the crowd.

Someone yelled: "Don't let it through!" But the car still did not slow down.

It's Qin Yao.

His car to Zhong Youyou couldn't be more familiar! Zhong Youyou was immediately frightened. She looked up and was squeezed by Qin Yao so recklessly. The crowd suddenly rioted. These people were already desperate, but the people who came by car were deadlier than them, and they hit him directly.

So, for a while, the crowd screamed in fright and dispersed.

Qin Yao's car rushed out of the chaotic crowd.

In broad daylight, he came out with a stern face, opened the door of the car, put his jacket on Zhong Youyou's face, and directly took her into his car.

The action was done in one go.

Zhong Youyou was stuffed into the car, and Qin Yao glanced at her up and down to confirm that there was nothing wrong with her: "Why didn't you answer the phone? I didn't know where you were!"

Before Zhong Youyou had time to speak, the group of people became even crazier. It was the dark-skinned young worker who took the lead and surrounded him aggressively! If things have developed to such a point, if no one is instigating, the ghosts will not believe it!

This time, Zhong's opponent has laid his blood.

Zhong Youyou guessed who was going to deal with the Zhong family as early as last night. In the novel, Shen Chi repeatedly attacked the Zhong family but never made the trouble to this point because he was not capable. This time, he must have the help of Zhong's inner ghost.

Shen Chi was not afraid that if he didn't kill Zhong this time, he would send himself to prison.

Zhong Youyou looked at Qin Yao and sighed: "Originally, it was just me and Xiao Zhao who couldn't go. Now look, you can't go either."

Qin Yao squeezed her hand tightly, just about to speak, but suddenly heard the whistle of a car over there.

The movement was so loud that even the crowd surrounding them looked over there.

Then, I don't know anyone who shouted excitedly and madly: "Zhong Guoqiang's son has also come out! It's over there!"

"Let's encircle him! The son must be more precious than the halfway daughter!"

Zhong Xiyou?

Zhong Youyou and Qin Yao both froze for a moment, then turned to look over there.

As if the wildfires of the starting point were retreating suddenly, these crazy people turned and ran towards a car on the back road.

As soon as they dispersed, Zhong Youyou was able to see clearly. On the street over there, the kid Zhong Xiyou actually drove out with Jin Ming and rushed out. He even swayed in a convertible, the music rang loudly, for fear no one else found him.

Zhong Xiyou was looking to her side, and after confirming that the crowd was diverted by him, Jin Ming pressed the accelerator and blew the horn, and the two children's car suddenly rushed out in the opposite direction.