
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
180 Chs

Chapter 63 (Part 3)

Zhong Youyou was taken aback. Isn't her greatest talent being good at the competition, and even if she has other talents, it's not easy to perform with headgear at the moment.

Another boy said: "We don't have any talents either, should we play a game?!"

"This is good." The camera teacher said: "Hurry up, just to show the high school student's extracurricular life."

However, Zhong Youyou has a headache. She is also considered handicapped. No matter what game you play, the glory of the king, or eating chicken, everything is terrible. At this moment, she saw that boy taking out his mobile phone and excitedly wanted to come to the battlefield. Zheng Ziyi also took out his mobile phone and started playing.

She fainted for no reason. Is it possible that your rookie game technology will lose the chain in front of the audience of the whole country?

"What are you doing in a daze?" The camera teacher urged.

Wanting to cry without tears, Zhong Youyou quickly turned around and hurriedly sent a text message to Qin Yao, asking him to be on her own account.

The game was filmed in the form of spectators.

This competition program is a live star program. Although the highlights are not live, they are released very timely in order to attract popularity. The first group of games is almost completed in the morning, and the highlights are edited and posted online at noon.

Zhong Youyou recorded almost the entire screen when they played the game.

The comments below were stunned--

"What's the matter with that number called Yoyo Luming, the operation is so beautiful?"

"It's just one person carrying the whole audience, and one belt and three are effortless."

"But the one named ZZ is too bad, he has been rescued by Yoyo Luming three times..."

The bottom part of the tid-bits is watching Zhong Youyou and the others playing the game, and they can't tell which number is who, but they saw a girl wearing a raccoon headgear among the four contestants, and they subconsciously thought it was pretty ZZ. As for the one person who kills the entire battlefield in a flash, it should be Zheng Ziyi, who is calm next to Zhong Youyou?

As for the other two, they should be the boys shouting to kill and rush.

But who knows?

A few minutes later, in the video, Zheng Ziyi raised his head and looked at Zhong Youyou incredulously: "Your rank is only platinum, why is the operation so good?"

The following comment: "..."

——What, the platinum rank operation but the snakeskin walk show is forced by this mosaic with a headgear?

—— Fuck, no, this is too showy, how could it be possible to have platinum? It's playing with a trumpet.

——The Great God is worthy of being a Great God, so it's fine if you compete in the province first, and you can play a game to show off.

Here, Na Qiaolan returned to the hotel and turned on the phone to see the highlights, only to find that the cameraman had indeed taken a lot of shots at her, but after editing, it did not exceed three minutes of footage! On the contrary, it was the recording of the game. Many netizens were interested. The program group posted it out cheerfully, and the number of hits soared.

Performing a dance? What kind of dance she also performed, she is the number one in Z Province, she is really sensational, playing a game has attracted so many clicks!

Na Qiaolan threw the phone and turned blue with anger.

Naturally, it's impossible for people from Class 19 to fail to see this tidbit. A while ago, QYXLW was like a god in the circle of high school students in the province. In the preliminary round, she completely crushed people in all directions, and Zheng Ziyi and Shi Zhitang, who were originally the top people of the province, also lost to her.

At this moment, the rematch began. Even though they were still in class, the students in the class couldn't help turning on their phones during the lunch break to see how the game was going.

Boys are naturally interested in the game, and they are quickly attracted by the magical operations of the god-level players in their province.

"Fuck, are girls so awesome at games?"

"This is a sharpshooter, you don't need to open a magnifying lens, a headshot??"

Fuck the trough popped out of his mouth several times, and a dozen people gathered around to watch.

Here, Friday is routinely cleaned up. Yuan Yuan is a day-to-day student. She saw that Youyou hadn't come to class for two days because of the flu. There were piles of papers that hadn't been done in the past two days on the table, and she couldn't help it. Walk over and help Zhong Youyou tidy up the messy desk.

As soon as she walked over and touched the table, the school uniform in the pocket of the table fell to the ground, and Yuan Yuan quickly picked it up.

However, at this moment, there was a clear sound of a wooden sign falling to the ground.

She was stunned for a moment but didn't realize what it was, it looked like some exquisite brand.

But Xu Xiaoyue, who had just entered the classroom door, saw what Yuan Yuan was holding in Zhong Youyou's position, and became interested, and walked over and grabbed it: "What are you looking at?"

Xu Xiaoyue was stunned suddenly, yes - yes, it's the name tag for QYXLW!


Don't say Yuan Yuan was shocked, even Xu Xiaoyue was struck by thunder and stammered: "Why, what's the matter? How could this famous brand be with Youyou, no, how could it be in Zhong Youyou's hands? Didn't the boss go to the competition? She didn't bring her name tag right now, so how did she participate in the competition?"

"No, right? The point is, why is Zhong Youyou not here?"

Xu Xiaoyue was so shocked that everyone in the classroom surrounded her with such a howl.

"... Isn't this the brand of the first big boss in our province?"

Ren Zian suddenly had a very risky guess in his heart. He thought it was impossible, but for some reason, there was another voice in his mind telling him that it was entirely possible that it was what he had guessed. Who else would it be if it wasn't Zhong Youyou? Besides, Zhong Youyou happened to ask for leave these days, so she didn't come to class, so what a coincidence...

He paused, pressed his palm, signaled the class to be quiet, then took out his cell phone and dialed Zhong Youyou's phone number.

The phone was connected quickly. It was already afternoon. Zhong Youyou had just arrived in the waiting area and received a call from Ren Zian. She took her mobile phone and walked to a quiet corner: "Hey, Ren Zian, what's the matter?"

Xu Xiaoyue was a little nervous for some reason—it was the kind of nervousness that faced the great god she had always admired by her side.

Ren Zian also wiped the crevices of his trousers with his fingers, paused, and asked, "Zhong Youyou, are you getting a better cold?"

Here Zhong Youyou felt guilty and said, "The cold is getting better, thank you for your concern, but I still have a headache, so I can't go to class for the time being."

Ren Zian nodded: "Take a good rest."

Suddenly he asked again: "By the way, I took the No. 1 mosaic in the province before... It wouldn't be you."

Ren Zian suddenly asked this, and the smile on Zhong Youyou's face became stiff, how did Ren Zian guess what was going on. But if the identity is revealed at this moment, then the media must be flocking to ask about Zhong's family. Zhong Youyou didn't want to be exposed at all.

She continued to laugh calmly, gagging in the past: "Ha-ha how is it possible? You think too much."

The call just hung up.

The whole class was released from the state of holding their breath. You look at me, I look at you, they are all in a state of tens of thousands of horses running around in grass and mud.

They couldn't believe that the number one boss in the province was Zhong Youyou in their class.

This is number one in the province. How many people are there in the province? Could you please count yourself? No matter how awesome Zhong Youyou in their class is, how can she get first place in the province? Crazy, crazy, this world is crazy.

Zhong Youyou said that she was not. Could it be possible that the number one boss in the province is her friend, so the name tag belongs to her?

They each went back to their seats, but they had no intention of learning at all.

Ren Zian and Xu Xiaoyue were the most irritated people. Ren Zian couldn't believe it, but he faintly felt that he was expecting it. And Xu Xiaoyue totally feels that she has been deceived. No, if Zhong Youyou is really that great god, then she would have been cold and warm to her before and sent all kinds of idiot messages-my God!

Xu Xiaoyue's face flushed immediately, and she covered her face with anger, irritation, and shame.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, a new wave of tid-bits came again. There was almost no need to notify anyone. Everyone had a tacit understanding of taking out their phones and turning on the tid-bits.

Suddenly someone said: "Look at fourteen minutes and five seconds."

Everyone delayed the video one after another.

"Between zero five seconds and zero seven seconds."

Everyone dragged the video forward and zoomed in to increase the definition.

Then I saw...

On the screen, the huge raccoon headgear in the background walks to the corner with a mobile phone and makes a call. Turn up the volume, and you can faintly hear her calm voice among all kinds of noisy sounds.

"Ha-ha, how is it possible?"


The class was silent.