
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
180 Chs

Chapter 49 (Part 2)

Downstairs, Qin Yao had always waited for Zhong Youyou to return home and the light was on before leaving, but only saw her go up for ten minutes without the light yet. Qin Yao frowned. Dialed the phone.

"You haven't left?" Zhong Youyou was taken aback, jumped off the coffee table, and hurriedly walked to the balcony.

Qin Yao stood downstairs his figure stretched long by the street lamp: "Is the light bulb broken?"

"How do you know?" Zhong Youyou smiled and called without hesitation: "Fortunately, you haven't left yet, come up soon!"

There are spare light bulbs at home, and Qin Yao just needs to come over and change them.

Qin Yao went upstairs, walked in, changed shoes, and stepped on the coffee table. Zhong Youyou brought a small lamp to illuminate him. Looking from the bottom up, the warm yellow desk lamp just hits Qin Yao's waist and abdomen. He is wearing a white shirt, showing a sharp waist and abdomen, with very long legs, and a perfect figure.

The light fell on the corner of his jaw, on the bridge of his nose, and on his dark eyebrows.

Quietly. Zhong Youyou sat on the sofa, looked up at him, and suddenly felt...

It's good to be able to come into this world, at least there is this person.

Zhong Youyou bends her eyes and can't help it. She touched his thigh and said, "Qin Yao, do you usually go to the gym? You are in good shape!"

"..." Qin Yao almost fell off the coffee table, the roots of his ears were red, not obvious in the dim light: "Don't distract me, I'm fixing the light bulb."

Zhong Youyou stood up and smiled: "Then you can fix it, I'll take a bath first."

Qin Yao glanced down at her and said seriously: "I can do it when I am here, but in the future if other furniture breaks, you have to invite workers to repair it at home. You are not allowed to take a bath or say that you are going to take a bath."

"Okay, okay, I see, so long-winded." Zhong Youyou muttered, "Housekeeper."

Qin Yao: "..."

Zhong Youyou took off her jacket and went into the bathroom. When the sound of water rang, the light bulb had been repaired.

When he got off the coffee table, he happened to see the screen of Zhong Youyou's mobile phone lit up.

Qin Yao swears that he really didn't watch it on purpose, but just when the screen was on, a text message jumped into his eyes-his memory has always been very good, and it would be difficult for him not to print the string of information on his brain immediately.

"Preliminary contestant QYXLW, congratulations on your official promotion to the national semi-finals of the "Extreme Brain" program. Please go to the recording hall to wait for the semi-finals in three days. Be sure to bring your..."


Qin Yao: ...

Qin Yao suddenly felt that the string of letters was very familiar as if he had seen it somewhere. He had heard of this show, but it had nothing to do with the company's project, so he didn't understand it in-depth, and he didn't watch variety shows very much, but Zhong Youyou participated in this show? Why never tell him?

Qin Yao felt a little strange all of a sudden.

He sat down on the sofa and thought of it a lot. Could it be that Shi Zhitang also participated, so he didn't like the show and even hated taking pictures? Immediately he was jealous. Unable to hold back, he took out his mobile phone and searched for this show.

The first webpage that jumped out was some information and reports about the program.

Clicking into the news of the provincial preliminary group and searching the photos, Qin Yao almost discovered at the first glance that the girl wearing the raccoon headgear among the ten people was Zhong Youyou. Qin Yao zoomed in on the photo and looked at the headgear carefully, only to feel a little bit dumbfounded, is it possible that no one else recognizes her? In the news, no one has even linked the Zhong family's daughter, Zhong Youyou, to number one in the province.

The small piece of skin on the neck exposed from under the headgear, the slender fingers holding the microphone, the walking posture, and even the thirty-six-yard snow boots, it's clearly Zhong Youyou--

But why did Youyou hide it from him?

Qin Yao was a little depressed, staring at Shi Zhitang standing next to Zhong Youyou, wishing to poke a hole in his face.

But then…

This nickname?


Qin Yao seemed to have realized something, and his expression went blank for three seconds, and then he suddenly reacted. Last time, Tu Zhifan said...no, but...the more I think about it, the more it seems it really is...he suddenly stood up, sat down again, blushing.


But while talking about other people's hooligans, he himself didn't notice that the corners of his mouth were going up crazy. Suddenly there was a sound of opening the bathroom door, and he quickly wiped his face with his hand and adjusted it to no longer be as red, but his expression became more and more uncontrollable.

As soon as Zhong Youyou came out wrapped in a bath towel, she saw Qin Yao sitting on the sofa with a "shy.jpg" expression.

"What's the matter? It's repaired?" Zhong Youyou wiped his hair and walked over, a little strange.

Qin Yao's face was bloody red, did not dare to watch Zhong Youyou, only turned on the TV, and tried his best to put his eyes on the TV screen-just transferred to the provincial station, the recording of the preliminary game is playing, and the host is introducing the competition. Top ten in this province.

Zhong Youyou heard the sound of a familiar program on the TV and looked over to the TV. She rolled her eyes and said unconsciously, "Qin Yao, do you usually watch the show? This competition show is good, I watched the first episode."

Just kidding, Qin Yao doesn't watch the show now, how can she surprise him at the national competition? ! Show him quickly!

"I also watched it."

Qin Yao glanced at Zhong Youyou and saw that she was wiping her hair with a seemingly nonchalant face, almost imperceptibly, a smile flashed across her eyes, and calmly said: "Well, the first girl is very good, too. Very cute, look at the few hairs that fell on her shoulders, even the hair is very cute."

Zhong Youyou: "...oh."? What's the matter with you, little brother?

Qin Yao rarely praised people she was very uncomfortable. Moreover, he still praised others in front of her. This has never happened before-this mosaic is so mosaic that the whole head is blurred, how can it be recognized? If Qin Yao can recognize her, she will lose!!

After Qin Yao finished the praise, a hint of urgency flashed in his eyes very quickly, and suddenly frowned, turned to look at her, and frowned: "I praise others, why are you not jealous?"

The tone was dull.

Zhong Youyou: ...??


The author has something to say:

Zhong Youyou: My boyfriend and other women are too far apart, I can't be jealous, how can I wait online?

Qin Yao: I went crazy and forced my wife to eat her own jealousy.