
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
180 Chs

Chapter 45 (Part 1)

This kind of province-wide intellectual selection competition for high school students is naturally irrelevant to this group of vocational high school students. They each have their own majors, for example, Xi Yuqi is a major in auto repair. But without exception, their cultural classes suck!

The simplest formulas in the textbooks of mathematics, physics, and chemistry are like tadpoles to them, twisting intricately, and they don't understand much at all. Not to mention this kind of large-scale knowledge contest!

However, Xi Yuqi is also desperate these days. After she got the material from Zhong Youyou, she started looking at it excitedly when she got home. At first, she was half-believing, feeling that her mind was so stupid that even with Zhong Youyou being first in the city, she might still not be able to learn anything.

But then she found that Zhong Youyou's countermeasures were really useful. In the first half of this book, Zhong Youyou found out the junior high school knowledge points that she could not comprehend or master based on her wrong questions. After listing these junior high school knowledge points, various practice questions ranging from simple to difficult are attached.

She is now in the third year of high school anyway, so she naturally has a little impression of the knowledge of the junior high school, so she can still do some things.

She did a night's questions, memorized these junior high school knowledge points in her mind, and then mixed the questions to do it together. Finally, she had a sudden sense of enlightenment—"Ah, I didn't know how to do it in the mid-term exam. The big question I did was because I did not master the knowledge points of this junior high school, which led to a calculation error in that step."

In short, Zhong Youyou scanned all her knowledge blind spots for her.

Xi Yuqi can be said to be a person who doesn't like to learn very much, but she took this material and did it from front to back, starting with simple junior high school questions, and she felt a sense of accomplishment. In the end, she fell in love with this kind of problem-solving feeling.

On the first night she took it back, she stayed up until the early hours of the morning and wrote ten pages excitedly!

During the day, the classmates only felt that the eldest sister in their class, Xi Yuqi, talked less, so she lay down on the table to make up for sleep after class, but she was still listening attentively in class! What's even more strange is that she didn't even go to another class to provoke her little sisters who wasted time!

After practicing this way for a whole week, every night she can do more than ten pages. Of course, this caused her very insufficient sleep time. But the feeling that her mind is no longer empty makes her addicted!

She felt that she was like a leaking container, and she wanted to make up for it, but she couldn't find the place where the water was leaking. And now it was Zhong Youyou who helped her find out, not only did she find out, but also pointed out and provided her with an effective water stop patch!

Xi Yuqi is so grateful! She knew that Zhong Youyou must be participating in the provincial preliminary contest these days, so she didn't bother Zhong Youyou, but every night when she was working on the questions, she said Zhong Youyou's goodness.

On the eighth day, she actually insisted on doing half of the problem set that Zhong Youyou gave her. Zhong Youyou only had two to five questions on each page, one knowledge point.

But she had to say that Zhong Youyou is very good at generalizing. The topics on the list were all the most representative topics of that knowledge point, and even eight days later, Xi Yuqi followed this material to roughly review all the key points of junior high school that had long been forgotten!

Her leaking brain was gradually filled to half. This feeling is indescribable. In short, there is a clear feeling that I am climbing up and getting better bit by bit.

This weekend, after finishing the ninth page, Xi Yuqi put down the pen and looked up at the dark sky outside. Although her shoulders and hands were sore, she was suddenly transformed with excitement. She pushed open the bedroom door, looked at the empty and deserted home, and felt a lot less sense of loss in her heart.

Probably there are more fulfilling things to do, and a more down-to-earth goal to achieve.

She walked out of the house, went to a nearby barbershop, touched the killer haircut that she had rebelled for a few years, and said firmly to the barbershop brother: "Help me make it softer. Regain the black color and straightness."

Xi Yuqi's face is very fat, so she has always been perm, curling, dyeing her hair, and pulling the big wavy hair to her cheeks, trying to conceal her big face. But now, after she smoothed her hair and put it behind her ears, it looked better. Only then did she realize that her facial features were actually beautiful.

It's not pretty, but at least it's not as ugly as I thought.

When I went to school the next day, my classmates were really shocked. They couldn't believe that she was the older sister who kicked the table every day when she was impatient.

Only then did Huang Mao realize that Xi Yuqi hadn't asked herself to run errands to buy breakfast for her for eight consecutive days. He came over in shock: "Sister, what's the matter with you? You can't think about it, you are not suitable for this hairstyle!"

"Then what hairstyle do I suit?" Xi Yuqi raised his head and asked faintly: "I'm still a high school student."

Huang Mao smiled and said: "Eldest sister, high school student said these three words from your mouth, don't you think it is a bit contrary to harmony?"

However, Xi Yuqi's eyes were so serious that he was embarrassed to continue speaking. In addition to him, the group of little sisters of Xi Yuqi was also shocked. They chatted around Xi Yuqi and asked what was wrong with her. Did something happen at home? Why are they suddenly incompatible with their family of wastrels?

What's even more exaggerated is that the eldest sister, Big Xi Yuqi actually has a collection of exercises in front of her and has already done half of it.

"Sister Xi, when did you start doing homework? Didn't you just come to school to copy others with an empty notebook?"

"I will study hard in the future." Xiyu Qi said seriously.

This sentence was laughed at by a group of little sisters around her, thinking that she was joking again, it must be only three minutes of heat. But she didn't care. She pushed aside the group of little sisters and continued to lower her head to do the question seriously.

Every time she completes a question, she knows that she has improved a little bit, even if her grades may not improve significantly in a short period of time. But she knew that the hard work she put in would definitely not fail her, which she still learned from Zhong Youyou.

Thinking about this, Xi Yuqi held the pen tightly, her eyes firmer again.

The material that Zhong Youyou gave her started to be high school knowledge after half of it. From here, Xi Yuqi began to feel that the difficulty gradually increased, but she gritted her teeth and continued to persevere, insisting on achieving 2/3 of them.

Of course, there are also questions that she doesn't understand at all and can't figure out after reading the answers. She is all empty, marked with a marker, and intends to ask her by herself when Zhong Youyou is free.

In just ten days, she almost finished and learned all this information! There are burrs on the edges! She brings them from home to school in the morning and from school to home in the evening. Everyone in the class said that the eldest sister, Xi Yuqi, was mad. She used to pick up makeup all day long, making jokes, but now she started to listen carefully and study hard. Are there any mistakes?! Is it possible to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right away?

Even the headteacher of Xi Yuqi couldn't believe the changes that had happened to this girl. The previous Xi Yuqi can only be described with an empty head, but the workbooks handed in these few days can actually do 40-50% right! Even if there is still no way to reach the college scoreline, the progress has been very gratifying, okay?!

The key is that she actually gave birth to the heart of wanting to improve-who on earth made her change so much?

The headteacher looked at the soft-haired Xi Yuqi several times, only to find it pleasing to the eye, and couldn't help but call her up to the question: "Xi Yuqi, you come up and do this question."

The question he asked Xi Yuqi to do was a very basic question for the third year of high school. As long as Xi Yuqi knew the knowledge point, she could easily figure it out. He wanted to see what level of progress she has now.

The classmates all laughed, but it was not a malicious laugh. It was just that the teacher used Xi Yuqi to do a problem on the blackboard. Xi Yuqi's reaction was unceremoniously saying that I would not, and then dropping the chalk head and walking away. They just waited to see this wonderful scene, which enlivened the atmosphere of the classroom.

But who knew, they only saw Xi Yuqi in front of the blackboard, hesitated for a while, and began to write a solution.

This is enough to shock the students' jaws!

But even more stunned in the back, Xi Yuqi first wrote a small step uncertainly, and then quickly wiped it off with her left hand, but she glanced at the class teacher, and under the encouragement of the class teacher, she hesitated again, rewrote the line that I erased just now, and then slowly solve the problem following her own thoughts.

She spent more than ten minutes on this question. It is reasonable to say that this was a long time for the classmates. The teacher should have called her off long ago, but at this time, the headteacher was stunned by her progress!

Ten days ago, Xi Yuqi was still a student whose brain was empty as if it had been eaten by insects. What's the matter? What has she experienced in the past ten days? How could there be such a big change? Now not only is she willing to do the problem, but the answer she solved at this time is actually correct!

Not to mention the classmates underneath, all of them were hit on their foreheads! Damn it! Is the eldest sister Xi Yuqi worn by the human soul? How come after meeting Zhong Youyou from the school next door that day to test the city's number one ranking, she started to study as if she was a different person? What about wasting time for a lifetime?

Could it be related to the information book she held all day long? Which God compiled the information for her???

After class, Xi Yuqi's headteacher couldn't help but call her to the office to find out about the situation. He was very surprised when he heard that the student from the school next door helped Xi Yuqi compile materials. How awesome is this student? Can I compile an information book? And after flipping through this book of Xi Yuqi personally, he admired it from the bottom of his heart-this logic, this integration ability from the shallower to the deeper, the 100 students at their vocational high school can't catch up!

"What's the student's name, Zhong Youyou?" The teacher in charge of Xi Yuqi's class remembered. Isn't that the beautiful girl who passed the first place in the city in a vigorous competition some time ago?!

This is too good, it can make students with empty heads improve so much, it makes people want to meet each other!

Would you like to let her give a lecture to inspire the ignorant group of students like vocational high school?

The headteacher of Xi Yuqi is actually thinking about the feasibility of this idea very seriously.