
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
180 Chs

Chapter 32 (Part 3)

Meng Shixuan finally saw with her own eyes Zhong Youyou, who was wearing a dress and looked glamorous today.

She wears a long dress to the floor, dotted with fine diamonds, like translucent stars, holding a red wine glass, standing there, watching her eyes indifferently, even a bit arrogant.

It's really like a snow princess, looking down and mocking herself...

In an instant, there was something in Meng Shixuan's head called reason that broke! In the previous eighteen years, although she enjoyed the luxurious life of the Zhong family, she had never worn such a luxurious dress!

She was jealous.

She admitted that she was jealous of Zhong Youyou.

Before, she always looked at Zhong Youyou nobly and gracefully, but now, everything is turned upside down, she is like a mouse, for fear that more people in the hall will look over.

"Is that the daughter of Zhong's previous? Is that the fake?" Suddenly someone found Meng Shixuan in the corner.

Meng Shixuan gritted her teeth and fled upstairs in a panic. It didn't matter, as long as she regained the favor of Zhong's family, or even Zhong's mother, everything would come back.

Zhong Youyou came back to her senses and said to the person who was still standing in front of him: "Drink a little, but don't dance."

This person felt pity: "Miss Zhong, am I not qualified to invite you?"

When Zhong Youyou was about to finish speaking, her shoulders were suddenly hugged, and a familiar tall figure enveloped her. Qin Yao stood beside her, staring at the opposite person blankly. This person recognized who Qin Yao was, and his eyes fell on Qin Yao's hand that fell on Zhong Youyou's shoulder. He was immediately embarrassed and hurried away.

Zhong Youyou turned her face to look at Qin Yao: "When did you come back?"

Qin Yao looked at her: "Just got off the plane."

"You came here as soon as you got off the plane?" Zhong Youyou saw that Qin Yao's face was indeed somewhat unnoticeable fatigued and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. After a pause, she smiled and said, "Qin Yao, you can't do it. Ah, just now I wore a school uniform and covered my head when I entered the venue. You didn't even recognize me."

Qin Yao didn't speak, just looked at her.

She took a closer look at the expression on Qin Yao's face, and she couldn't help being a little startled.

Qin Yao tightened his lips and stared at her. There was a bit of unconcealable distress in his eyes, as well as mixed love, worry, uncomfortable, and even self-blame and guilt. With his soft eyes and conniving, Zhong Youyou, who didn't have any self-compassion, felt sour for a moment.

...Qin Yao is heartbroken for her.

Others, Zhong's family, and everyone were surprised that she suddenly revealed her identity. Qin Yao thought, why didn't he know all this earlier? She stayed in Zhong's house for three years in this capacity. How difficult should it be? No wonder she ran away from home, he should have arranged the apartment earlier and took her away.

Zhong Youyou didn't know what to say. After a while, he gently put his forehead on Qin Yao's chest and said, "Qin Yao, don't do this, I'm fine."

Qin Yao clenched his heart and was silent for a moment and hugged her with a dumb voice: "I'm late."

Zhong Youyou was stunned. He was not talking about coming back late but coming late.

"Not anymore. No one can bully you under my nose." Qin Yao said solemnly, his voice was very hoarse, it was something he rarely said. He would be shy and would not say such things easily. But this time, his ears were red, and the astringency in his heart made him careless.

Zhong Youyou's heart missed a beat as if something was gradually taking root. After a while, she buried her face in Qin Yao's arms, raised her lips slightly, and said, "Yeah."


The music was flowing slowly, Qin Yao finally let go of Zhong Youyou, and gently said in her ear: "Youyou, am I honored to dance with you?"

Shi Zhitang was not far away, as if he wanted to come up and invite Youyou to dance, he saw it. Qin Yao also has his own possessiveness and selfishness, and he is often out of breath because of this crazy possessiveness. How could he be willing to let the person in his arms dance with anyone else?

The person in his arms gradually noticed him and looked back at him. After he was ecstatic, he still didn't know what to eat. He (Qin Yao) was too greedy and wanted more.

So, he grabbed her like a straw. And just like protecting food, no one can covet her by holding her in his arms.

Want to dance with her?

Qin Yao held Zhong Youyou, raised his eyes, and looked at Shi Zhitang with unusually cold eyes. Zhong Youyou didn't know that there was silent gunpowder at this moment.

The birthday party did not completely dissipate until nine o'clock in the evening. No matter what Zhong Youyou thinks, she has become the headline of today and tomorrow. There was a sensation, and the celebrities in the whole circle knew her identity. Even after getting on the news, the school students will know.

She didn't know where Meng Shixuan went after he entered the venue, but after a cursory glance at the news, she could guess that Meng Shixuan's mood at the moment must be desperate.

Before the guests left, they all offered Zhong Youyou one last cup, seeing that the person standing next to her was not Shi's person, but Qin Yao!

Originally, the marriage between the Zhong family and the Shi family was enough to make people in the circle jealous. Now, looking at this situation, it is possible that Zhong Youyou's wrist is more powerful than the previous fake daughter, and she directly abandoned the Shi family and has a relationship with the young master of the Qin family?

Suddenly, the look they had in their eyes was a little bit more inexplicable admiration.

All in all, the sky has changed...

The former daughter Zhong Shixuan will be a thing of the past, but now they all want to hold the real new daughter princess. Moreover, it is best not to mention Zhong Shixuan in front of her, even if it is mentioned, it is best to belittle the previous one...

Vanity Fair is like this. In a short time, the phoenix turned into a pheasant, and no one paid attention. No one even cared about Meng Shixuan's whereabouts when they left the venue. Anyway, it was a fake that was eliminated. Who cares about her life and death?

Standing in the center of the crowd, Zhong Youyou was dazzling. Everyone only knows that she is the daughter of the Zhong family, so it's fine to flatter her.

At the same time, Zhong's father let out a sigh, today he returned the identity to Youyou, he felt that he could finally take a breath. And, as long as you continue to melt and compensate, one day the family can sit down and eat a meal happily. He didn't expect Youyou to forgive completely but just hoped that she would stop rejecting her family from thousands of miles away.

Zhong Xiyou hurriedly came back and asked: "Where is my sister?"

"Didn't your sister just dance with Qin Yao?" Father Zhong was taken aback and asked his subordinates to look around but couldn't find her. The dress was also changed and put on the original model!

He thought that the banquet would be over, and the family would cut the cake together, but Zhong Youyou didn't even give them this opportunity!

Suddenly, Zhong's father's feelings of relief became heavy again, too, this identity was originally leisurely, and everything he did today was nothing more than returning to the original owner. Youyou has been deprived of so much in the past eighteen years, but now she has only taken back some of them. Is it possible to be grateful to him?

It's as if people have been bruised all over, and now they are sprinkling medicine in hindsight. In any case, even if the scar disappears one day, those painful memories will always exist.

This account is really unclear, and they really can't pay it back...

Zhong Xiyou suddenly looked very sad and sat down on the sofa: "Dad, sister doesn't even want to cut the birthday cake with us. It can be seen that she may no longer hate us, but she doesn't care about us anymore."

The current Zhong Youyou just treats them as strangers.

Father Zhong, who realized this, was also stabbed in the heart with a dagger. His heart ached and wanted to cover it, but he didn't know where to cover it. He stared blankly at the night as Qin Yao's car left.

Qin Yao…

Yes, did Youyou leave with him?

Just thinking of this, the subordinate suddenly handed over a check, saying: "Mr. Zhong, Qin Yao said before leaving, and let me pass it on to you."

Father Zhong's expression changed: "Qin Yao?"

The subordinate was a little nervous, raised his head and glanced at Father Zhong, then quickly lowered his head, and said: "He said, nothing else, just hope you live in guilt for the rest of your life, 90 million yuan, he will replace Zhong Miss Youyou to returned it to you."

Father Zhong: "..."