
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
180 Chs

Chapter 2

Zhong Xiyou didn't dare to think about it anymore, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't breathe. His gaze fell on the dinner plate beside Zhong Youyou's bed, a bowl of white porridge that had been so cold that the spoon could not be moved, not even the side dishes could be touched.

How can she eat this? It is hard for anyone to swallow after it's gone cold!

Besides, the second sister is still a weak patient!

The servants of Zhong's family do not know the inside story, they all think that Zhong Youyou, the child who suddenly came to Zhong's family, is an illegitimate child, so they never showed any kindness to her.

The cold leftovers are simply commonplace. It's not that he didn't know, but he didn't care about it in his previous life.

However, at this time, an unknown fire suddenly rose in his heart! He walked out quickly. It was early in the morning. Chef Wang, Madam Zhang, and two other servants who were in charge of cooking had already prepared breakfast. They were waiting for Young Master and Miss to get up.

In the past two days, Mrs. Zhong went abroad with Mr. Zhong. They didn't come back, even so, they didn't dare to neglect their breakfast, they still cooked as many dishes as usual. Toast, sushi, steak, corn soup, there is everything, the eldest lady and the young master will definitely eat.

Unexpectedly, the young master did not come out of his own room but came out of the room of the outside girl Zhong Youyou, looking angrily.

Zhong Xiyou is the most reticent person in this family. His face never shows impatience or coldness and arrogance, but shows alienation written in his eyes. Even if he were angry, he would never show his anger so easily. What's wrong?

Zhang Ma first reacted and stepped forward to pull out Zhong Xiyou's seat: "Young Master, what's wrong? Did that girl make you angry again? There is no need to care about her. When the husband and wife come back, just tell the wife."

Add fuel to the fire!

"That's how you usually snitch on people?" Zhong Xiyou laughed furiously.

Zhang Ma and the other servants were all trembling, stunned, not knowing what happened to Zhong Xiyou. Hasn't he always been ignorant of Zhong Youyou?

"Also, what is 'that' girl'?" Zhong Xiyou stared at her, then stared at the other servants, with a gloomy expression: "She is my sister, my biological sister, if you can treat her with this attitude, you don't have to continue working, just pack up and leave!"

After saying these words, Zhong Xiyou didn't relieve his anger but still felt the dull pain in his heart that could not be relieved.

He glanced at the rich breakfast on the table, and under the horrified gazes of a few people, he picked up two side dishes but then put them down again, frowning a little bit, unable to resolve his irritation. He suddenly found out that he had no idea what the second sister's preferences were.

He knows what Meng Shixuan likes, even every birthday, he specially customizes cherry cakes for Meng Shixuan, but he doesn't know anything about his second sister!

The second sister stayed at home for so many years, but she was completely abandoned by her family in the most horrid way.

Zhong Xiyou took a deep breath, and finally brought two plates of lightly flavored vegetables and steamed porridge and walked towards Zhong Youyou's room. Fortunately, there is still a chance to find out the second sister's preferences, he can slowly understand it in this life. She has just recovered from a serious illness, it is best not to eat too salty and greasy foods, it is better to eat light white porridge, the most important thing is, if it is hot, warm the stomach.

Thinking of this, he turned his head coldly: "The porridge in my second sister's room is cold, go and remove it!"

Zhang Ma and the others all looked at him as if they were watching the Arabian Nights. They were both frightened and shocked. They didn't know if the young master was irritated, or if Zhong Youyou was able to convince him of some lie, how he suddenly seemed to be a different person! It was Zhang Ma who reacted first, and quickly trotted into the guest room before Zhong Xiyou, and brought out the cold porridge beside Zhong Youyou's bed.

Before closing the door, she accidentally glanced at what Young Master wanted to do, only to see that Young Master looked at Zhong Youyou with red eyes, and the bowl in her hand almost fell to the ground.

As they went in and out like this, Zhong Youyou couldn't keep pretending to sleep anymore.

To be honest, when she was reading the novel, she had a very unfavorable impression of the Zhong family, especially the extremely eccentric Zhong mother! It's just that you can't treat them equally. When the original owner first entered the house, she was afraid that the original owner would threaten the position of her beloved daughter Meng Shixuan, so she begged father Zhong to send the original owner back! Doesn't she know what kind of wandering life she was living outside before the original owner came back?

As for this Zhong Xiyou, after all, he was only a seventeen-year-old boy, he was still a bit better, but he was indifferent to the original owner and protected Meng Shixuan everywhere, but he had not done anything extremely excessive.

However, Zhong Youyou still doesn't want to have too much interaction with him, and besides, this is exactly what he intended, isn't it?

But Zhong Youyou did not expect that Zhong Xiyou was uncharacteristic this morning. She had heard what he said outside and felt very weird in her heart. What's the matter?

She opened her eyes and looked at Zhong Xiyou.

Zhong Xiyou put the hot porridge and small dishes on the bedside table, pulled a chair, and sat down beside her. It was not easy to wake up the second sister but saw that the second sister woke up like this. He was overjoyed and he wanted to speak subconsciously, but he met the cold eyes of the second sister.

Unemotional, like looking at a stranger, without warm eyes.


Zhong Xiyou's heart suddenly hurt. The second sister has been working hard to integrate into this family, and even tried her best to talk to him, wanting to get a little care from their family. But this time, the second sister was pushed to the ground by him, is she really disappointed? Is it really discouraged? Otherwise, why would there be such a strange look?

Zhong Youyou sat up, her right hand wasn't fully healed, and a little blood leaked from her arm.

Seeing this, Zhong Xiyou couldn't care about the sadness, so he leaned over to help her sit up. But before he touched the second sister, he was stopped by her with a calm wave. Zhong Xiyou's fingers stiffened and stopped in mid-air, the smile that finally squeezed out from the corner of his mouth became a bit bitter.

But even so, he didn't blame Zhong Youyou, he was just sad and guilty.

"Second sister, are you hungry, will you eat a little bit to fill your stomach?" He handed the porridge over, scooped it up with a spoon, and blew on it a little.

Zhong Youyou hasn't guessed why the cheap brother had such a change, facing the porridge he passed to her mouth, she turned her head. She is an orphan, not used to being in close contact with others, let alone being fed porridge, which is too awkward. What's more, she doesn't like Zhong Xiyou.

At this time, Zhong Xiyou froze completely, his whole body was like a slate.

He looked at the second sister's silent profile. The face was ruined by the second sister herself, she put on make-up, like a color palette, and her hair was bright and curly. Zhong Xiyou has always disliked such girls, so seeing the second sister like this is even more disgusting. But after rebirth, he realized that the second sister was not like this. She clearly wanted to be clean, and she clearly envied Meng Shixuan being like that, but no one in Zhong's family cared about her, and so she would go the wrong way.

In the final analysis, it was the Zhong family's fault. He is also at fault.

Zhong Xiyou held the spoon in the air for several seconds, but she still pressed her lips, with a trace of alienation and resistance. Zhong Xiyou finally couldn't restrain his wry smile and heartache and put his hand back. He knew that if he had been here all the time, the second sister probably wouldn't be able to eat anything.

"Then I'll go out first, and I have to go to school today." Zhong Xiyou opened the door and said softly, turning around, trying to smile at Zhong Youyou: "Second sister, remember to eat more and I will see you after school, Mom and Dad went abroad to deal with things, and will be back tomorrow."

He found that he had never smiled at Zhong Youyou in his previous life, so much so that he was so stiff now.

The second sister lifted her eyes and glanced at him, then lay down again, still no response.

Zhong Xiyou held back the sourness in his heart, rubbed his eyes, and closed the door thinking about coming back early after school today. He is a sophomore in high school, and usually waits for Meng Shixuan who is in high school to be picked up by the driver after school, but today, he decided not to wait for Meng Shixuan, so as not to waste half an hour alone with the second sister.

He turned around and met Meng Shixuan who was coming out of the room with her schoolbag on her back.

Meng Shixuan, as usual, had a faint smile on her face. Under the school uniform was a grey knitted dress, which outlines a beautiful figure. Her skin is white and pure, like an elegant swan, exuding a faint light. Gentle but haughty breath.

Just like a little princess, in fact, Meng Shixuan is indeed the princess of the Zhong family who has been spoiled since childhood.

Zhong Xiyou has always had a good relationship with this sister, even when he unilaterally spoils her, she is beautiful and excellent. He always believed that girls should be like Shixuan, so much that he looked down upon the second sister who was like a little beggar when she first came home.

But at this time, he looked at Meng Shixuan, but he felt a little dazzling.

All of her was clearly obtained only when the dove occupied the magpie's nest. Those nice clothes and nice earrings were supposed to belong to the second sister. She got so many, but in the last car accident, she ran away timidly.

If the second sister grew up in Zhong's family and had not suffered those crimes, would she be more moving than Meng Shixuan?

Thinking of this, Zhong Xiyou had an unspeakable response in his heart.

Meng Shixuan didn't know it at all. She was surprised: "What's the matter, Xiyou, your face is a bit wrong, how come you came out of Youyou's room?"

She thought Zhong Xiyou hated Zhong Youyou because he previously didn't want to go in and take a look at Zhong Youyou at all.

"It's nothing." Zhong Xiyou's always doting look was a bit indifferent this time. He passed by her and strode out of the villa without waiting for her.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't forgive Meng Shixuan.

When Zhong Youyou was burned beyond recognition by the explosive fire, perhaps because of the same blood, he could almost feel the burning pain, so much so that he lay in the hospital for a whole month. He just couldn't take it anymore. How much pain would Zhong Youyou, who had been burnt to ashes by the fire feel?

At that time, what was Meng Shixuan doing, inheriting how many billions of properties, and continuing to be the lucky princess?

Meng Shixuan frowned but didn't think deeply, but her face was a bit unpleasant. When she passed Zhong Youyou's room, she glanced at her room, and there was a complex expression in her eyes.