
After rebirth in the apocalypse, my whole family is a big boss

Bai Xirong only lived for three years before dying in the apocalypse. Returning to the pre-apocalyptic world, a portable space was accidentally opened, which also included ancient mountain and sea beasts. Unexpectedly, this time, the whole family would become big bosses. Before the end of the world - Bai Yifan asked his sister, "Did you dream that the end of the world was coming? How am I doing?" "You can't run as fast as our parents. Fortunately - the wealth will not go to outsiders!" Bai Xi Lu's face was calm. Bai Yifan:? ? ? After the apocalypse - Embalmer Bai Mu casually waved her hand, and the zombies were chopped by the lightning power. The outside was charred and the inside was tender. Bai Mu frowned subconsciously, "I really want to put makeup on them!" Grandma Bai's family, who was a forensic doctor . Digging out the crystal core calmly, "It has a protruding jaw. It looks like it's all over the place at first glance, and it doesn't look good even if you apply makeup." Bai Yifan shook his hands and held the sack to collect the crystal core, and was strong enough not to cry. Grandpa Bai, a people's teacher, and Father Bai, a gold medal lawyer, heated a pot with oil, used their strongest powers, endured the harshest beatings, and cooked the most delicious meal. Mountain and sea monsters with unique skills - Qin Yuan, who was being rubbed on the ground by Bai Xi: "Master, you look as gentle and kind today as before!" Ying Zhu: "Rang, stop me from drying the master's clothes." " Shui Hu: "Come here, use my tree as a clothesline." Leng Yebai's chapter - Leng Yebai has been dreaming recently that he was being sliced ​​into pieces, and there was also a pretty girl being sliced ​​together. . He always thought it was a dream, until one day, the person in the dream appeared in front of him. Keywords of the novel: After the Rebirth of the Doomsday,

wina_aubre · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Chapter 67: Just a few centimeters difference.

 City D, on the widest street.

  A blue and white bus collided with a green garbage truck.

  The green garbage truck was unscathed, but the front of the bus was dented.

  The powerful impact produced huge inertia, and the situation inside the bus was horrific.

  Bai Yifan's face was stuck to the glass (this is the result of driving without wearing a seat belt).

  Things that were not fixed in the car fell out in a mess.

  Wang Yiyun's feet were pressed against Bai Anhai's face.

  The dentures of Mr. Bai Zhengxuan and Liu Jing flew out.

  Bai Xi's center of gravity was unsteady and she ran into Leng Yebai's arms.

  Everyone looked surprised, except for Leng Yebai, whose mouth corners rose crazily.

  Leng Yebai looked at the person in his arms, couldn't help it, and gently touched Bai Xilu's hair with his fingers.

  "Bai! Yi! Fan!"

  Bai Anhai gritted his teeth and looked at Bai Yifan, who was stuck on the front windshield.

  The corner of Bai Yifan's mouth twitched violently, pretending to be dead and making no sound.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  "Bai family, who is driving so hard?"

  Uncle Wang's face appeared on the front windshield.

  It was impossible to see inside from the outside. Uncle Wang pressed his face hard against the glass, trying to see who was driving so hard inside.

  Uncle Wang's face and Bai Yifan's face were separated by a windshield.

  The distance between the uncle's and Bai Yifan's faces is only a few centimeters.


  Bai Yifan's pupils dilated and he quickly pulled his face off the glass.

  "Xiaofan, don't bump into Uncle Wang next time, we won't win."

  Leng Yebai looked at Bai Xirong in his arms with a doting look on his face, and rubbed his fingers slightly.

  Just hit another car next time and win if you can.

  It doesn't matter if he wins or not, he takes advantage anyway!

  Bai Zhengxuan held his waist and opened the car door.

  "Old Bai, you drive very hard!" Uncle Wang picked his nose and came to Bai Zhengxuan, spreading his hands, "I even stepped on the brakes and hit my car hard!"

  Bai Zhengxuan said calmly, "Xiaofan drove it. I'll teach (jiao) and (xun) him well when I get back!"

  "Old Wang, didn't you go to M city to find friends?" Bai Zhengxuan put on his dentures, "Did you find them?" "Found them?

  " Let me introduce you." Uncle Wang pointed to Uncle Liu who had just come off the garbage truck and said, "This is Old Liu!"

  "Old Liu, this is Old Bai!"

  Uncle Wang introduced Bai Zhengxuan and Uncle Liu to each other. .



  Bai Zhengxuan and Uncle Liu shook hands with each other, revealing the green bracelets on their hands at the same time.

  Uncle Liu's bracelet is a mutated green radish, and Bai Zhengxuan's bracelet is a mutated ivy.

  Their bracelets were dazzlingly green.

  The two silently glanced at each other's bracelets, and instantly felt sympathy for each other.

  "Your bracelet is pretty good!" Uncle Liu praised Bai Zhengxuan calmly.

  "Hey, I just got a little bit of wood power, and it depends on me!" Bai Zhengxuan sighed, "What's going on with you?"

  "Hey, this is the green radish I raised myself. It got wrapped around my hand for no reason and I couldn't pull it off." Uncle Liu looked helpless.

  So annoying!


  Two zombies came from nowhere and rushed towards the three uncles.

  Phew -

  Phew -

  The green plants in the hands of Mr. Bai Zhengxuan and Mr. Liu rushed towards the zombies at the same time.

  The soft-looking mutant ivy and mutant pothos seemed to cut through the air when they rushed over, and forcefully penetrated into the zombie's brain.


  The two zombies fell to the ground at the same time.

  The green plant shrank back and turned into bracelets for Uncle Bai and Uncle Liu at the same time.

  The two bracelets were dazzling green under the sunlight.

  The two glanced at each other's bracelets and sighed at the same time.

  "It's so annoying!"

  The two of them shrugged helplessly.

  It's so shameful for two big men to wear little girl's bracelets!

  Uncle Wang: ...

  These are the two people Versailles is talking about!

  "Uncle Wang, are you going to Huofeng Security Base?"

  Bai Anhai got out of the car with a swollen face.

  The daughter-in-law's feet have extremely strong attack power, a double critical hit from magic and physics.

  "Ang, we are going to that base." Uncle Wang nodded, "Old Liu said there is a safe base here, so we came over!"

  "But, uncle, you are driving in the wrong direction!" Bai Anhai said at the corner of his mouth He twitched and said, "The base is in the south, and the direction you are going is to the north!"

  Uncle Wang waved his hands calmly, "It's okay, anyway, my car is solid, so I'll get there just by bumping into it."

  Bai Anhai: ...

  It's really quite porcelain. Reality.

  Bai Xirong patted Bai Yifan on the shoulder and pointed to her bus and Uncle Wang's garbage truck.

  My bus was dented, but my uncle's garbage truck was intact.

  Bai Yifan: ...

  He is only sixteen years old, and he is already over seventy. Is it embarrassing that my powers are not as high as his?

  It's not shameful...

  "Why don't we go to the safe base together!" Uncle Wang raised his eyebrows, "We can still take care of each other."

  Lao Bai's dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions are so delicious, let's go together I can still afford a few more meals!

  Over the past few days, he has lost weight!

  The Bai family looked at Bai Xirong at the same time.

  Bai Xirong nodded, it would be okay to go to the safe base now.

  The bus was quite famous in D City. I think some of the survivors would also remember the bus that the Bai family rushed to clear the way.

  It can be regarded as a bit of good popularity among passers-by.

  "Okay, let's go together!"

  Bai Zhengxuan said with a smile on his face.

  The personalities of Uncle Wang and Uncle Liu are very suitable for being friends. When the time comes, it would be good to go on zombie-fighting missions together and form an elderly group.

  "Wait a minute! I'll repair your car!"

  Uncle Wang waved his hand and came to the front of the bus.

  Uncle Wang's slightly dry fingers pressed on the sunken part of the bus, and the light yellow superpower instantly overflowed.

  Click click click~

  The dented iron sheet made a slight click sound, and then returned to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Bai Yifan: ...

  Has Uncle Wang had special powers since birth?

  As a person with metal powers, Bai Yifan knew what Uncle Wang's hand represented.

  This means that Bai Yifan will probably be able to equal Uncle Wang's abilities in thirty years.

  The main thing is not diligence, but youth...

  "Hey, Lao Wang's metal power is great!" Bai Zhengxuan looked at Bai Yifan, "Xiaofan, hurry up and learn from your uncle how to recover so quickly!

  " If you keep crashing while driving, it's time to improve your metal abilities.

  There's nothing wrong with whoever crashes the car fixes it.

  "Uncle, do you have any special method for absorbing crystal nuclei?" Bai Yifan looked at the restored front of the car, slightly curious.

  As a young man who wants to be the strongest high school student, it is necessary to be studious and inquiring.

  "Why are you absorbing that thing?" Uncle Wang shrugged his shoulders calmly, "I never waste that time. I have to get out of the car to dissect the crystal core, and I have to waste time absorbing the crystal core. How troublesome! I never waste it. Doing such a troublesome thing! "

  Isn't it good to leave time for eating and sleeping?

  Is the food not delicious?

  Or is the pillow uncomfortable?

  Does he have to waste time absorbing the crystal core?

  Everyone: ...