
After rebirth in the apocalypse, my whole family is a big boss

Bai Xirong only lived for three years before dying in the apocalypse. Returning to the pre-apocalyptic world, a portable space was accidentally opened, which also included ancient mountain and sea beasts. Unexpectedly, this time, the whole family would become big bosses. Before the end of the world - Bai Yifan asked his sister, "Did you dream that the end of the world was coming? How am I doing?" "You can't run as fast as our parents. Fortunately - the wealth will not go to outsiders!" Bai Xi Lu's face was calm. Bai Yifan:? ? ? After the apocalypse - Embalmer Bai Mu casually waved her hand, and the zombies were chopped by the lightning power. The outside was charred and the inside was tender. Bai Mu frowned subconsciously, "I really want to put makeup on them!" Grandma Bai's family, who was a forensic doctor . Digging out the crystal core calmly, "It has a protruding jaw. It looks like it's all over the place at first glance, and it doesn't look good even if you apply makeup." Bai Yifan shook his hands and held the sack to collect the crystal core, and was strong enough not to cry. Grandpa Bai, a people's teacher, and Father Bai, a gold medal lawyer, heated a pot with oil, used their strongest powers, endured the harshest beatings, and cooked the most delicious meal. Mountain and sea monsters with unique skills - Qin Yuan, who was being rubbed on the ground by Bai Xi: "Master, you look as gentle and kind today as before!" Ying Zhu: "Rang, stop me from drying the master's clothes." " Shui Hu: "Come here, use my tree as a clothesline." Leng Yebai's chapter - Leng Yebai has been dreaming recently that he was being sliced ​​into pieces, and there was also a pretty girl being sliced ​​together. . He always thought it was a dream, until one day, the person in the dream appeared in front of him. Keywords of the novel: After the Rebirth of the Doomsday,

wina_aubre · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Chapter 37, Passionate Ballad

"I know!"

  Bai Yifan nodded in agreement.

  The protagonists of many novels take off their clothes because they trust their friends!

  A complex emotion flashed in Leng Ye's white eyes, and the scene in the dream came to mind again.

  Leng Yebai tightened his fingers slightly, his face watery.

  This time, I will never give anyone a chance!

  "Let's eat first!"

  Wang Yiyun looked at Bai Anhai.


  Bai Anhai immediately got up from the driver's seat, ran to the narrow kitchen and started busy.

  There are ready-made things in the refrigerator, Bai Anhai just needs to take them out and heat them up.

  The rich fragrance floated out through the window.

  From time to time, someone would look in from the window. After just one glance, they quickly turned their heads and pretended to be nonchalant.

  Because Leng Yebai stood at the window with a cold face, exuding the aura of keeping strangers away.

  The break of more than an hour passed quickly, and the green garbage truck continued walking forward.

  A long convoy of vehicles followed the green garbage truck and moved forward slowly.

  The wind farm is in an uninhabited place, between City S and City Z. In the early days of the apocalypse, it seemed like a safe place.

  In the distance, you can see a huge three-blade electric fan, which has stopped spinning.

  A huge white fan stands high, and occasionally birds can be seen sitting on it.

  Once upon a time, this was a graveyard for birds, and the rotating blades were their guillotines.

  Now, in just two days, there are bird droppings on the white leaves.

  The door of the wind power plant was open, and dark red blood stains could be faintly seen at the door.

  Wherever there are people, there are probably zombies.

  The green garbage truck stopped a little further from the gate.

  Afterwards, the motorcade also slowly stopped.

  "Sister, you sit on the bow of the boat, brother, I walk on the shore, love and love, and swing on the rope for a long time--"

  A sonorous and powerful folk song suddenly came from the garbage truck.

  The sound was deafening.

  I have to say that my taste was quite avant-garde a few decades ago.

  The green garbage truck drove slowly toward the wind power plant. The police car behind the garbage truck did not move.

  The police car opened a window, revealing a dark muzzle.

  Roar -

  three zombies in work clothes roared out of the wind power plant and rushed straight towards the green garbage truck.

  They prey on noisy garbage trucks.

  Uncle Wang didn't panic at all, he slowly lit a cigarette for himself, stepped on the accelerator with his feet in cotton slippers, and the green garbage truck rushed straight towards the three zombies like a green beast.


  The three zombies looked ferocious, with no expression of fear on their faces. They even thought that they could get a blood feast.

  Bang -

  three zombies hit the front of the garbage truck in unison, and then drew a perfect arc in the air.


  fell to the ground.

  The three zombies twitched violently and died.

  "Tsk, it's a good thing it's the end of the world, otherwise I'd have to sit in jail!"

  Uncle Wang glanced at the three motionless zombies lying on the ground with emotion, and calmly continued to drive into the power plant.

  "Hug that one, give that one a hug, hold my sister and get on the sedan chair!"

  Uncle Wang updated his song, and the sonorous and powerful folk song "The Big Sedan Chair" was played on the loudspeaker.

  In the magical song "Hug a Hug", a zombie emerged from nowhere and hugged the green garbage truck.

  Then, he died under the huge impact of the garbage truck.

  The passionate ballad was played repeatedly in the power plant several times, and then Uncle Wang got on the car's loudspeaker and shouted outside.

  "Xiao Zhu, okay!"

  Uncle Wang's voice was bold and hearty, with a bright smile on his face.

  Five or six people in police uniforms got off the police car one after another. The middle-aged man in the lead bowed slightly to Uncle Wang, and then led the people to search the wind power plant.

  The wind power plant is not very big, it is a three-story building, and there are not many staff stationed inside. There are only a few electricians to keep the machines running.

  The Spring Festival is almost here, and the only ones left behind are the staff on duty.

  On the second floor, a zombie ignored the commotion downstairs and bit into a closed door with a ferocious expression.

  After Captain Zhu came up, he understood it with one shot.

  "People inside, please come out! It's okay!"

  Captain Zhu kicked the door open. It was too dark inside to see clearly. Captain Zhu pointed his gun at the dark room.

  "Is... the army coming?"

  The voice of a man inside was trembling.

  "It's not the army, I'm the police. We're from City S." Captain Zhu squinted his eyes and looked at the room. He didn't put down the gun in his hand and still pointed inside.


  The man inside sounded a little excited.

  There was a noise in the house, and then a thin man appeared at the door.

  There were red blood stains on the man's hands, and he was very depressed.

  "What happened to your hands?"

  Captain Zhu narrowed his eyes and pointed the gun straight at the man's head.

  "This, this was not caught by a monster, this was scratched by me accidentally with a knife!"

  The man saw the gun in Captain Zhu's hand and quickly showed the scars on his hand to Captain Zhu.

  The scar was a long, thin cut, obviously scratched with a knife.

  The blood oozing out from the wound was bright red, not dark red, and it was not infected.

  After Captain Zhu checked the wound again and again, he put the pistol back into the butt.

  "Uncle policeman, rescue is here? When will these... patients be cured?"

  A glimmer of hope flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he looked at Captain Zhu expectantly.

  "There is no rescue for now, we can only save ourselves!" Captain Zhu glanced at the middle-aged man's hand and said angrily, "Try to protect yourself under special circumstances. Those monsters are very sensitive to blood, otherwise this monster wouldn't be here. Don't leave!"

  Just because he smelled the blood in the room, the zombie didn't come down even after hearing Uncle Wang's passionate songs.

  "Then, what should we do with the sick people?"

  The middle-aged man stared blankly at the zombies lying on the ground at the door.

  The zombie's face was distorted, dark blood burst out from its head, and a rotten smell penetrated directly into its nostrils.

  "There is no cure!" Captain Zhu sighed slightly, "Have you seen Resident Evil?"

  The middle-aged man's face turned slightly pale, he bit his lip, and did not speak for a long time.

  "Captain, everything is cleaned up!"

  A man in police uniform came over and spoke to Captain Zhu with a serious look on his face.

  "Okay, let everyone come in!" Captain Zhu said.


  the young police officer responded and trotted downstairs.

  "We are from City S. We want to stay here for a few days, is that okay?" Captain Zhu asked gently.

  On the third day of the apocalypse, there will be no robbery.

  "Of course, of course." The middle-aged man stretched out his uninjured hand and shook Captain Zhu's hand and said, "Hello, my name is He Yunxi, and I am the electrical engineer here!"

  "Hello, just call me Lao Zhu. "Captain Zhu nodded slightly and emphasized again, "We look about the same age, don't call me police uncle!"

  It sounded weird.

  "Okay, okay!"

  He Yunxi responded quickly.