
After rebirth in the apocalypse, my whole family is a big boss

Bai Xirong only lived for three years before dying in the apocalypse. Returning to the pre-apocalyptic world, a portable space was accidentally opened, which also included ancient mountain and sea beasts. Unexpectedly, this time, the whole family would become big bosses. Before the end of the world - Bai Yifan asked his sister, "Did you dream that the end of the world was coming? How am I doing?" "You can't run as fast as our parents. Fortunately - the wealth will not go to outsiders!" Bai Xi Lu's face was calm. Bai Yifan:? ? ? After the apocalypse - Embalmer Bai Mu casually waved her hand, and the zombies were chopped by the lightning power. The outside was charred and the inside was tender. Bai Mu frowned subconsciously, "I really want to put makeup on them!" Grandma Bai's family, who was a forensic doctor . Digging out the crystal core calmly, "It has a protruding jaw. It looks like it's all over the place at first glance, and it doesn't look good even if you apply makeup." Bai Yifan shook his hands and held the sack to collect the crystal core, and was strong enough not to cry. Grandpa Bai, a people's teacher, and Father Bai, a gold medal lawyer, heated a pot with oil, used their strongest powers, endured the harshest beatings, and cooked the most delicious meal. Mountain and sea monsters with unique skills - Qin Yuan, who was being rubbed on the ground by Bai Xi: "Master, you look as gentle and kind today as before!" Ying Zhu: "Rang, stop me from drying the master's clothes." " Shui Hu: "Come here, use my tree as a clothesline." Leng Yebai's chapter - Leng Yebai has been dreaming recently that he was being sliced ​​into pieces, and there was also a pretty girl being sliced ​​together. . He always thought it was a dream, until one day, the person in the dream appeared in front of him. Keywords of the novel: After the Rebirth of the Doomsday,

wina_aubre · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Chapter 10, For the Elbow

"It turns out that your grandfather and I are not terminally ill and have superpowers."

  Liu Jing was stunned for a long time and finally understood.

  "Yes! As the power increases, the lifespan will also increase." Bai Xirui nodded affirmatively, "Maybe you and my grandfather will live longer than Xiaofan and I!"

  Liu Jing's wrinkled face crackled. The ice particles started falling again, and I cried with joy.

  "This is really great!" Liu Jing stood up and walked outside excitedly, "I have to talk to your grandpa quickly!"

  Bai Xirong followed her grandma with a faint smile on her face.

  There are very few people like this who awaken their superpowers before the end of the world. The more people awaken their superpowers in advance, the more powerful their superpowers will become after being baptized by the energy of the apocalypse.

  Unexpectedly, her grandparents had awakened their powers before the end of the world. Bai Xirong suddenly felt that even if she had no space, she would still be able to live well in the future.

  Even though the two old men are already seventy years old, as their abilities increase, everyone's lifespan will also increase.

  I heard that elderly superpowers above level 5 can also grow black hair!

  In the yard, an old man with all white hair squatted on the ground, holding a kitchen knife and preparing to wipe the neck of a big rooster.

  Bai Yifan was pouring hot water aside and preparing to remove the chicken's feathers.

  "His grandpa, we don't have a terminal illness!"

  Liu Jing's face crackled with ice particles, and she squatted beside Bai Zhengxuan, talking to Bai Zhengxuan excitedly.

  "What terminal disease? Who has a terminal disease?" Bai Yifan looked confused.

  "Didn't you agree not to tell anyone?"

  When Bai Zhengxuan saw Liu Jing dropping ice particles, he quickly threw away the kitchen knife and the big rooster, caught the ice particles with his hand, and threw them into the hot water, preparing to destroy the body and eliminate traces.

  "Oops! The chickens have all run away!" Liu Jing picked up the kitchen knife, grabbed the big rooster that was about to run away, wiped its neck with one knife, and then said, "Our granddaughter said this is Lao Shizi's superpower, we will do it in the future Become very powerful!"

  "What kind of power?"

  Bai Zhengxuan, who has been a people's teacher all his life, has always taught his students the core values ​​of materialism and has no idea what the power means.

  "Superpowers are superpowers!" Liu Jing frowned and explained to her wife again, "We will be very powerful in the future!"

  Liu Jing, who has been a forensic doctor all her life, has always dealt with corpses and has extremely poor language skills.


  Mr. Bai Zhengxuan was still confused.

  "Grandma, are you... an ice power user?"

  Bai Yifan glanced at the ice particles falling on the ground in front of Liu Jing weakly.

  "Ang!" Liu Jing waved her hand indifferently, "Your grandpa is still a person with powers of water, fire, and wood!"

  Bai Yifan:...

  "What is a power?"

  Bai Zhengxuan asked Liu Jing again with a confused look on his face. .

  "Superpowers are superpowers!" Liu Jing pointed at Bai Zhengxuan with a bloody kitchen knife and said, "How many times have I said this, and you still don't understand?"

  Bai Zhengxuan: "...I understand."

  "I understand. That's it!" Liu Jing rolled her eyes, stuffed the dead chicken and the kitchen knife into Bai Zhengxuan's hand and said, "Put more mushrooms in!"


  Bai Zhengxuan silently placed the kitchen knife far away from Liu Jing. , start processing the chicken.

  "Okay, now that I've finished telling your grandpa, let's go inside and eat fruit. The sun is so bright!"

  Liu Jing pulled Bai Xirong into the house, in a good mood.

  A person living to be seventy years old is considered to be enough, but neither she nor her husband want to say goodbye to this world just like that.

  They have the happiest family, the cutest grandchildren, and no one feels that time is too long.

  Now that she's fine, as long as she doesn't get a terminal illness, she feels that she can borrow another five hundred years from God!

  Bai Zhengxuan raised his head and glanced quickly at Bai Xirong and Liu Jing who were leaving, then lowered his head and whispered to Bai Yifan, "What is a supernatural power? I spit out water and fire when I sleep at night, and green sprouts appear on my body. This is a supernatural power." Can it? It feels like it's useless! It's just too troublesome at night and it's all tingling!"

  Bai Yifan:…

  This is a trouble he can't envy!

  While pouring hot water to remove hair, Bai Yifan calmly picked up Bai Zhengxuan's mobile phone and downloaded a G-apocalyptic novel for Bai Zhengxuan.

  "Grandpa, read these novels first. After reading them, you will understand what superpowers are. "My whole family is a gangster after the rebirth of the apocalypse" is the best novel and the best explanation!" Bai Yifan said .

  Bai Zhengxuan held it in his hand, opened a novel with squinted eyes, and read word by word.

  Bai Yifan glanced at his grandfather who was seriously studying for the end of the world, and decisively packaged a G's apocalypse-themed novel and sent it to the "Love each other, family" group.

  The person taking the spoon at noon was Bai Yifan, because chef Bai Zhengxuan was reading a novel.

  The aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms filled the whole yard. Bai Yifan also took a cucumber and fried some hot vegetables.

  As a man from the Bai family, if you don't know how to cook, it's a shame and you're lagging behind. If you're lagging behind, you'll be beaten!

  "Grandma, let's eat some chicken drumsticks."

  Bai Yifan put a big chicken drumstick into Liu Jing's bowl with a smile, and then put another large drumstick into Bai Xirong's bowl.

  At the same time, a bowl of mushrooms was served to Bai Zhengxuan.

  Bai Zhengxuan has three heights and cannot eat too much meat.


  Bai Zhengxuan glanced at his wife and grandchildren who were eating meat, with a look of resentment on his face.

  His new dentures are useless!

  "Grandpa, as long as your powers get stronger and stronger, you might be able to rejuvenate yourself and eat whatever you want."

  Bai Xilu happily gnawed on the chicken legs and dropped a bombshell to Bai Zhengxuan with a smile.

  "Can I eat elbow?"

  Bai Zhengxuan's eyes were shining and his mouth was watering.

  "Of course!"

  Bai Xirong nodded affirmatively.

  "Quick! Tell me how to enhance that superpower!" Bai Zhengxuan immediately became more energetic. "Is it spitting out more water, more fire, and sprouting more green shoots?"

  Bai Zhengxuan thought about how he could hold his arms in the future. As he chewed his elbow, he immediately became excited. When he was excited, a green grass popped out from the middle of his white hair.

  For the sake of elbow, Bai Zhengxuan decided to improve his abilities.

  "Grandpa, please control yourself."

  Bai Yifan looked at the green grass on Bai Zhengxuan's head with a resentful look.

  Bai Yifan felt that he was not the chosen one in the novel. According to the routine, his sister was.

  But after all, he is also his sister's biological brother. He has similar genes and everything. Even if he is only a high school student, he should be the strongest high school student in history.

  But now, he has no superpowers, and his grandfather and grandma are almost superpowers!

  What a sad story.

  Liu Jing raised her hand to pinch off the green grass on Bai Zhengxuan's head, threw it on the ground, and said calmly, "Just get used to it, your grandpa is about to become a vegetative state. These days, I'm either busy putting out fires or drying out the quilt." , I have to pinch a few grasses from time to time."

  Bai Xixi silently glanced at the green grass on the ground. The green grass was growing vigorously, green and full of vitality.

  It seems that even I can't stimulate the growth of such a large amount of green grass at once.

  Bai Xirong glanced at her grandfather. His grandfather had all white hair and a face full of wrinkles. He didn't dare to say a word next to his grandmother, who was a head shorter than him. He looked a little timid.

  This can't be blamed on him. In front of grandma who can dissect corpses without changing her expression, no one dares to make mistakes.

  However, as her grandfather was able to activate three series of superpowers effortlessly, he would definitely be at the top after the apocalyptic energy explosion in the future.