
Chapter136: away 1

The elevator door slowly opened and everyone sighed. Bella looked at the men looking at her with hope in their eyes but then the hope was completely shuttered.

"Boss, madam has been taken away."she said and Alex angrily hit the wall next to him. He took his gun from where he had hid it inside his suit then he pointed it at Bella. Bella who was shocked to be having a gun pointed at her stiffened and her heart started beating wildly. She knew his boss don't joke with guns and it being pointed at her by him was a finished case. This is how she dies huuh. How soon she's gonna go to hell. She heard him cock it and she closed her eyes ready to see Satan because she's not sure she'll see the gates of heaven with all the sins she has commited.

She waited for the shot and find herself in hell but the wait became too long that she opened her eyes to see his boss kneeling on the floor. What the hell just happened? She thought she was gonna die.

"Bella, you are supposed to watch my wife all the time. Where the hell is she? I'm not fucking with you again, this time I want a positive response. Tell me she's not gone right now. Tell me she's still here and no one has taken her. Talk damnit. Talk."Alex shouted and this scared even the men who were looking at him kneeling on the ground. He didn't look defeated yet, he just looked like a person who has lost everything.

When Bella heard him, she didn't know what to say. Her madam is missing and now his boss wants her to say something else? But she doesn't know what to say. The lie or the truth. She failed to protect her because she saw her walk to her husband and thought she would be safe but the next thing she saw was her running in the elevator with the boss following behind but the elevator closed before he could reach her. She didn't know what happened because madam seemed really angry but she decided to stay away from their marital matters. But then something hit her, people are after madam. She quickly run down the stairs because his boss hesitated for a moment but as she was moving on the stairs from below, fortunately or unfortunately, she saw the elevator open and a man came out carring madam princess style. He looked worried about her and that really came as a shock to Bella. Ain't kidnappers supposed to be rough with their subjects?

She was a little distracted and before her instincts to take the madam away kicked, the man had already moved a distance away and it was too late. She knew it but she chased after them anyway but the man had men all over who quickly pointed their guns at her.

"Bella, I need to hear you say that my wife is okay. Right now!!"Alex growled again and Bella was broken from what she was remembering of how the madam was taken away.

"The man sent me a message for you."Bella instead said her voice shaking.

"What man?"Alex asked.

"The man who have madam."she replied and Alex stood up and Bella's heart started to beat faster." He told me to tell you to watch your back and that he's keeping his daughter safe alone. He doesn't need you to do it."Bella conveyed the message and Alex's face darkened further. She didn't understand what the man said about the daughter thingy, all he told her was that he won't kill her because she needs to tell his boss what he told her. At that moment guns were pointed at her head and she couldn't do anything but watch him leave with madam in his arms.

"Her stupid father took her?"he asked.

"I don't know if it was her father but he called her his daughter so it must be something like that."Alex immideately turned and went to the direction of the parking lot. He found Jaden still in the car and he opened the drivers door and pulled him out.

"Alex, where the fuck are you going?" Andrew who was following behind him asked and Alex looked at her.

"Her dad must have taken her. She's somewhat safe but I can't guarantee that if she's not with me. I need to see her. I know where to find him."he said then he got in the car and drove away. Jaden, who was still on the ground looked at the people around him confused.

"What happened?"he asked and everyone just looked at him with pity. He then looked at Bella to ask what just happened but Bella looked away.

Andrew didn't know what to do so he just looked up sighing. Alex is a ticking time bomb and he don't know what he will do at any moment. He almost killed his wife's personal bodyguard, he saw that murder glare in his eyes and he wondered how he stopped just before he could pull the trigger. He could have done it, he has done it before.

The only person who felt like dying was Shawn. He just experienced something out of ordinary and he just don't know how to react or do. He's lost. Alex scene of almost killing someone lingered in his head over and over again.

"Where are the rest bodyguards Bella?"Andrew immideately asked.

"They were dismissed today since boss said that he would be accompanying his wife everywhere today so he gave them a day off. He assigned me to come and watch over Mrs Scott while the rest were dismissed. Furthermore, they couldn't be allowed here with guns and this place was for invites but that's not the main reason for not allowing them. I bet boss just let his guard down today."Bella explained and Andrew nodded. Since Kimberly is with his dad then, she's safe. He looked at Shawn who had yet to recover and sighed.

"Should I call your boyfriend to come and calm you down? You look like you have seen a ghost."he said all serious and Shawn blinked. He then saw Andrew leave for the elevator and he followed leaving Jaden and Bella there who didn't know what to do.

I woke up when I felt my body being moved. I opened my eyes to be met by a pair of dark eyes looking at me affectionately but I frowned when I tried to remember where I have seen the face before.

"Hello Kimberly."the man greeted me but I just looked at him. I don't know where I am and the last thing I remember is me being in an elevator and my argument with Alex about what I heard. I boiled with anger when I thought about that.

" Why I'm I here?"I asked and the man chuckled.

"You are not going to ask who I am?"he asked softly instead and I gritted my teeth. Why is he being nice to me? If I'm not wrong, he must have kidnapped me but I don't feel kidnapped because of how he's not showing any danger signs. He's being gentle with me.

"I have seen you somewhere, ooh wait, you are Sheebalie's uncle right? Why are you holding me captive?"I asked being gentle too. I don't even have the energy to shout or scream. I'm just lying on the bed looking at the man and I feel tired.

" Who said you are being held captive? I'm here to take care of you princess. You can do whatever you want here but don't try to leave this place. The world outside isn't safe for you anymore."he said and I creased my brows.

"Did Alex send you to do this? He told you to kidnap me?"I asked fuming but my voice wasn't so loud. I didn't have the energy to shout. This man here is really giving me that calm environment and I can't even start to be rude to him. He must have been sent by Alex.