
After I Suicide My Life Restarted With The Life Restarted I Longed For

Have you ever felt like life is just too much to handle? Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you can't go on anymore? That's how I felt before I decided to end it all. But then something strange happened, I woke up in a different reality, one where my life was everything I had ever wanted it to be. The question is, what will I do? Accept and happily cherish it or vainly repeat the wounds of history? What is this life I had longed for? *DISCLAIMER!* Please be advised that this book contains sensitive and potentially triggering content, including but not limited to self-harm, physical and sexual abuse, and other traumatic events. These events are depicted in a fictional manner and should not be taken as a guide for real-life actions. The novel does not promote or normalize suicide in any way. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please seek help from a professional.

Haruki_Vanz · Real
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33 Chs

Chapter 6 New School

Chapter 6 New Old School

June 4, 2012 (New present)

After my parents persuaded me to go to school, I finally agreed to go to school, even though I wasn't entirely sure if it was what I really wanted. "Thanks, Mom," I said tentatively. "I think I can go to school now."

  "All right!" My The old man exclaimed, hugging me tightly as I sat on his lap. It was a strange feeling, being held so closely byThe old man. Part of me felt happy, but another part of me felt anxious and uncomfortable.

  "I already prepared your lunch, Justin," my mom said, smiling brightly. "Make sure to eat all of this. Don't worry, I'm pretty confident with my cooking skills, and I know your lunch is delicious!"

  "Thanks, Mom," I replied gratefully. "I'm pretty sure it's delicious based on its looks." For the first time, I was excited about my lunch. It wasn't just a convenience store meal - it was homemade by my mom. She had never done anything like this for me before.

  "Right?" my mom chirped happily. Seeing her smile like that was a rare sight, and it made me realize how beautiful she was.

  After packing everything I needed for school, we left the house. As we walked, I noticed someone who looked familiar. It was our family's driver cleaning our black sedan. The one who tricked me and tried to get me lost. Seeing him made my heart ache a little bit. The memory of what he had done to me in the past still gave me mixed emotions of anger and fear.

  The driver approached us and greeted my parents politely. "Good morning to you, Sir George and Ma'am Lois, and Mr. Justin." His polite demeanor made it hard for me to hold onto my anger, but I couldn't forget what he had tried to do to me.

"Yeah, same to you. Later I will call you, just pick us up at the school,"The old man said to our driver.

"But shouldn't I drive you to school now?" our driver asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

  "No, not today. We would like to walk with Justin to school today. Is that alright Justin?" my The old man asked me, looking down at me with a warm smile.

  I nodded, and my parents each took one of my hands, interlacing their fingers with mine. It was a gesture that I had not experienced in so long that it felt almost surreal. At this moment, I thought I could only see this in movies or shows that portray a happy family. Even if it's just a dream or what, I'm delighted at this moment. We walked down the path towards my school, the leaves rustling beneath our feet.

As we walked, I found myself curious about the old man's past. "H-hey? How are you and your friend that helped in defending you before? Do you still have contact with him?" I asked, my voice low.

  My The old man's expression changed, as if he was surprised by my question. He hesitated for a moment, then answered slowly, "I guess we got in the same class together but... How... Strange. I can't remember his name or his face. The only thing I knew is he was the one who saved me that time."

  My heart sank a little at his response. The one who first defended him, the one who believed in him, his first friend. And yet, he couldn't even remember his name or face. What happened to him? I wondered.

  Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that we were already close to school until my mother spoke up. "Oh, it's your Grandma!" she said, pointing towards the gate of the school. I looked up and saw my grandmother waving at us, her face bright with happiness.

This is the school, huh, I saw the school, and it was no different from the one I had in my previous life, but somehow for me, something changed. It is now bright and colourful. I don't know why but I see it that way.

When we got to school, my grandmother hugged me. "How are you feeling, Justin? it's your first day in school and look how adorable my grandson is." My grandma said. I responded, "Thanks! I'm good, Grammy!"

"Mom, Justin will be in your care for a while. Take care of him, please." The old man said to my grandma." "Justin, if anything happens, go immediately to your grandma, okay?" My mom told me, "Yes, Mom!" If anything happens to Justin, just call us right away." The old man said to my grandma.

"Sure thing. You should get going now George before you get late to work." My grandma said to my The old man.

"Okay we will get going now, Mom!" The old man said to my grandma.

"We will get going now too, be careful on your way." My grandma replied.

"And Justin, no matter what happens, we will always be there for you, okay? Just believe in yourself that you can make friends." I nodded. "Okay, bye. We'll see you later." My parents left while waving goodbye.

"Let's get going now Justin, I will accompany you to your classroom. Your section is B2." What did she say? B2? It's… the same section as my previous life.

As my grandma and I walked into my classroom, I couldn't help but be nervous and scared because my previous section back then was just the same now. As we got closer and closer to my classroom, my chest was pounding violently, and I was having trouble breathing again. Calm down, Justin. Maybe this time it's different… I hope so… and we got to my classroom. I will see my classmates again at this door who have bullied me. The very same ones who made my life even more difficult. I couldn't breathe... and my grandmother patted me on the back.

"Are you alright, Justin?" my grandma asked. "yEs IM cOmpLEteLy fiNe, nO wORriEs."

"Justin, calm yourself up, okay. Inhale some oxygen. For now, it'll be alright." Grandma said endearingly. Yeah, grandma is correct, it'll be okay if my parents changed, maybe my classmates too.

Grandma opened the door for me. "Go ahead, Justin. I will see you later on. Buh bye now."

Thanks, Grandma. When Grandma opened the door, I entered the classroom and saw my classmates. No doubt they were still the same classmates as before. I'll never forget their faces and how they used to look at me. I also saw my former classmate, who was always mad at me since his dad died because of my The old man. But if everything had changed, maybe his father would be alive. Whenever I can't help but be scared too much, I start breathing harder and harder.

Our homeroom teacher speaks. "Oh hi! You must be our new student here. Can you introduce yourself to us?"


I will introduce myself. "HI Justin IM EsCa LiViNg 5 yEars. We GeT aLoNg very WELL tHanKS For HavIng you hEre." I'm done for. I… messed up again. The school life that I want is done for. I just wasted my restart. My classmate's laughing at me again, huh. They laugh while they're murmuring at each other.

"Hey, guys stop laughing! As you can see he is very nervous."

"Don't laugh too much, you were also nervous when we introduced ourselves to each other."

"Calm yourself, Justin."

"Yeah, calm down, Justin."

"You can do it, Justin!"

Everyone... Unlike before, they laugh at me whenever they do something funny to me, like putting a paper with notes on my back, throwing my belongings outside, or messing my things up. They're laughing at me just to hurt me, but… this time, they're laughing at me because they found what I did really hilarious.

Okay… calm down, Justin. It's different now. "Uhm, Justin, is it okay for you to repeat your introduction? It's okay if you don't want to." I responded to my teacher. "I'm okay, ma'am. I'd like to fix my introduction if it's okay." "Of course!" Then I repeated it.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Justin T. Esca. Uhmmm, I would like to apologize if my first introduction is such a mess. I'm… too nervous, but thanks for letting me redo it, and also I thank you for welcoming me here. I'm very happy to meet you all and I hope to get along with all of you. That's all." Man… My introduction is very generic. I couldn't even say other information about me like what I like or where I'm interested. But I guess it's okay.

After finishing my introduction, all my classmates stood and clapped their hands. "You're more than welcome here, Justin." I'm happy… After that, our teacher showed me where my seat was. Unsurprisingly it's the same as before.


To Be Continued.