
Chapter 1 I Didn't Hear Anything Just Now

"Selina, be a good girl. When you get to California, you should get along well with Wilson. Wilson is in charge of Hughes Group at such a young age. He has a bright future. You will fall in love with the good husband chosen for you by grandpa."

When she came out of the dock, Salina turned off her phone before she could hear the voice message from her grandfather.

What the hell? Wilson was her fiancé arranged by her grandfather 10 years ago. She was only 10 years old at that time!

How could he take it seriously?

But she still came. She had no choice. Her grandfather threatened her with his life and cut off her economic source!

Fortunately, it was just an engagement.

Serina blinked her eyes slyly and walked into the bathroom with her luggage.

Standing in front of the mirror, an indescribable voice came from the man's bathroom on the right. The woman hummed and hawed, accompanied by the man's suppressed breath.

When Selina heard this, she paused her action of opening the cosmetic bag. Oh my God, she finally saw American-style freedom. They were so passionate in the daytime!

Footsteps came from behind. Several tall men in black broke in. They passed her and rushed into the bathroom nearby.

When there was a knock on the door, the ambiguous sound stopped for a moment, and then turned into thin murmurs, lingering and somewhat seductive. After a while, several men came out of the room and slammed the door.

Selina stood there in a daze, not even noticing that the sound inside had stopped.

Behind a door, Wilson leaned against the wall with one hand covering his chest, panting painfully. He wrote a check and threw it at the woman beside him. Then he waved his hand to let her out.

The woman took out the check, opened the door, and looked at Selina. She smiled defiantly, turned around, and called inside, "Honey, you're awesome!"

Her voice and expression didn't look like a well-educated girl at all.

Selina thought she was so unlucky. After washing her hands, she turned around and hit the man who was slowly walking out of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry," said Selina, gasping for breath.

Although he did something impolite, it was undeniable that this man had a face that made women obsessed. Wilson didn't expect that there was a woman outside.

The woman had beautiful facial features, light blue eyes, fair skin, golden hair, and an ordinary long skirt. She looked like a smart princess.

Thinking of what had just happened, Wilson became vigilant.

"Miss, you just..."

"I didn't hear anything just now. Besides, when I saw the dark circles under your eyes, I could tell that you were too indulgent and couldn't last long. I don't like a man like you. Goodbye!"

Selina thought he was going to accost her, so she took the luggage and went inside the ladies' room. When she came out again, the man outside had disappeared.

She had also changed a set of clothes, with black frame glasses, braids, an old sweater, and jeans. She looked poor all over. How could she still be the smart princess just now? If she went to see Wilson with this dress, he would break off the engagement with her, wouldn't he?

Enduring the pain, Wilson sat in his luxury car. Dr. Evan handed the medicine to him and watched him take it in one gulp.

"Mr. Wilson, have you got rid of those people?"

Wilson nodded.

"Recently, your illness is getting worse and worse. The old professor of the Howard family suddenly abdicated, but we can't get in touch with him. I heard that an old professor likes his student very much, and her medical skills are even higher. As long as we pay a high price, we must be able to invite her!"

Wilson rubbed his chest and took a deep breath. He glanced at Evan and said, "It's up to you."

Evan nodded, "Do you want to pick up Miss Selina today?"

Wilson looked at his watch. It was already past the time. Perhaps his fiancée had gone back with Butler Levitt.

Forget it. He didn't agree with the marriage in the first place. Just put on a long face for her!

"Go back to the company first."

"Yes, sir!"

In the manner of the Hughes family.

"Is this the woman who is engaged to Mr. Wilson? Is she a worker from a small fast food restaurant? Look, her sweater is bulging."

"She still wears glasses? How can she compare with Miss Lorry? If Mrs. Hughes saw her cheap look, she would probably regret having no food!"

"No wonder Mr. Wilson is not satisfied with this marriage. He deliberately ignored her. Did you hear what she said just now? She was still stuttering!"

In the manor, not long after Selina was picked up by the butler, the servants gathered together and began to criticize her, the future wife, without scruple.

Another servant, Lisa, came downstairs with a beautiful dress in her hands and put it in front of Selina.

"Miss Selina, it's Mrs. Hughes's birthday party later. Change your dress quickly. Oh, by the way, this dress is customized and very expensive. You have to take a shower before you wear it!"

It was a high-end customized dress. Lisa emphasized. The other servants laughed gloatingly when they heard it.

This bumpkin grew up in the countryside. Maybe she only took a shower once a month. Her sweater, jeans, and canvas shoes cost no more than 30 dollars. Had she ever seen a dress??

Selina sat on the sofa lazily, without raising her head to reply to Jack's message. "Selina, can you record the final of the speech show tomorrow night? After a few rounds, you are the most popular player. It's a pity that you don't come back to win the championship!"

Selina replied, "Yes!"

"Today at the dock, my friend was dying to get an autograph from you, but you left with an old man. Selina, are you going to marry Wilson? I heard from the fortune teller that he was chosen by the evil ghost and would bring misfortune to the people close to him. His parents, wife, and children would all die because of him. Don't do such a stupid thing!"

Marry Wilson?

Selina raised her eyebrows arrogantly.

She wouldn't have agreed to meet Wilson here if her grandfather in England hadn't gone on a hunger strike for a few days, sold a dozen of manors, and didn't give her any money.

Although she had promised her grandfather, Selina believed that Wilson would break off the engagement with her when he saw her messy and stammering appearance.

Since the Hughes family had broken off the engagement, her grandfather wouldn't blame her, would he?

"Miss Selina, hurry up. Young master loves to be clean most!" Seeing that Selina didn't move, Lisa urged her again.

Finally, Selina raised her head and glanced at the noisy servant.

With a wave of her hand, she called Levitt over.

At the dock today, it was the butler who picked her up. Wilson didn't show up on purpose.

Levitt took a look at Selina and then at the dress. Then he heard Lisa say arrogantly, "Miss Selina, what do you mean? I asked you to take a shower for your good. Look at you. You are dirty all over. There are so many people at the birthday party. Do you want to embarrass Mr. Wilson?"

Ignoring her, Selina stuttered to ask the butler, "The Hughes Family... Family style... is this... this way? The servants... can command the master... master?"

Levit's face changed and angrily criticized, "You ungracious woman! Miss Selina is a distinguished guest invited by Mrs. Hughes and the future hostess of the Hughes family! Apologize to Miss Selina!"

Lisa was stunned by his words and said unconvinced, "I apologize? Why?"

Standing next to Selina, Levitt asked, "Miss, what do you want to do with her?"

Selina said slowly, "Slap! Ten!"

Levitt and all the servants were stunned. Someone wanted to plead for her, but Selina added, "Otherwise, I'll go!"

Then she stood up.

The butler became anxious. According to Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Wilson had a bad fate and was cursed. While Miss Selina was the key to breaking the curse and was of great importance to the young master. She couldn't leave!

He raised his hand and slapped Lisa in the face. "If you don't want me to do it, just do it yourself!"

He looked at Lisa slap herself in person. Because it was so humiliating, Lisa ran out crying after being slapped.