
Chapter 236: Why Can You Be The Squad Leader? - Part 2

Even the newly arrived Zhou Tiannu and Qin Hongjun began to ask curiously about the game they were playing.

Only Zhang Tianwang remained standing in place, still immersed in his resentment from when he had tried to support Wang Peng only to be interrupted by Fang Huai.

Moreover, the environment in the Provincial Special Duty Team was far too different from that of their county squadron.

In the original squadron, new recruits, first-class soldiers, and non-commissioned officers of the first, second, and third terms each kept to their groups, with strict ideas about hierarchy, only occasionally deigning to mingle with those ranked below, never with old soldiers eagerly mixing with new recruits all the time.

The old soldiers especially despised things like computer games and would never stoop to mix with the new recruits while playing such games.

But the old soldiers here were not ashamed, neither of playing computer games nor of fraternizing with the new recruits.