
after a thousand years of dragon war

A struggle that lasted for thousands of years between humans and monsters. There is no meaning to wealth in this world Power rules everything. Dragons, monsters, superpowers, heroes and villains. Let your imagination run wild and take our story to the end.

AhmedKSA · Fantasía
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2 Chs

chapter - 2 A hero is born

At that time, in another place inside the castle in the city...

Soldier: Commander Osama. The city walls were attacked by a group of orcs, and the knights failed to protect the city and number of knights were seriously damaged, and some of them were easily killed

Osama: Haahaha, what useless knights they are the orc scum has taken control of them,

Oh my God the knights are in constant decline

Osama continue: This brings back some memories for me how many years have I not fought? Well, I might need to warm up a little

"On the same side, with the two brothers"

Yuta: adellll just run away and leave me behind you must save your life

Adel: Don't be ridiculous anyway, we have no chance to escape I think this is the end, brother..

"The orc raised his hammer and with one blow he threw us away"

Yuta: "Gasp" Adel I can't breathe and blood is covering my face Adel can you hear me? Adel, answer me Adelll

"Yuta heard the sound of the orc approaching him with strong steps that shook the ground and the trees"

Yuta: Damn, why did we come here in the first place? How stupid I am, but what now? Die from the weakest monsters?

Yuta continue: I couldn't protect you. How pathetic I'm, I think it's the end if only I had been stronger, all this wouldn't have happened to us I'm truly sorry I think it's time to die, brother

"The orc came and held me with the palm of his huge hand until I felt like my head would explode from the force of his grip, and without warning..."

Orc: Aaaaaaaaaa

"I fell to the ground, I could barely open my eyes a little, and all I saw was blonde hair, a beautiful girl, and a delicious smell, and then I lost consciousness"

[ After several hours had passed ]

Yuta: Oh, my head hurts, and why do I hear the sound of vehicles around me? Oh, I'm in the middle of the city, How did I survive?

Jenna: Are you okay, kid??

Yuta: What's going on? How did I manage to survive the orc attack?

Jenna: You killed him, you and that person were both severely injured

Yuta: Adel, is he okay? Please tell me he's okay

Jenna: He is in the hospital taking the necessary care, just rest

[ The city bell is ringing again ]

Soldier: O people of the city, all monsters have been eliminated by Commander Osama!!

Jenna: As expected from my father, he is never lazy

Osama: Jenna, are you here? Were you having fun with the monsters? Hahahaa,

Anyway, who is this little boy?

Jenna: yes dad , and this boy was going to be eaten by monsters and I saved him and someone else

Osama: Haahhaha, it seems I trained you well

Osama continue: Listen, boy

Yuta: me??

Osama: Yes, do not be afraid of monsters they are insects and nothing more, Do you want a story to calm your nerves? Have you ever heard the story of the three heroes? I really loved it when I was little ..

"It is said that in ancient times, monsters appeared out of nowhere and began to wreak havoc on the land, but in return there were three people who showed signs resembling tattoos and began to gain strength and skills and was able to confront the monsters and the leaders of the monsters until that day came a fierce fight between the king of the monsters and the three people.

Thousands of lives were lost, and it was a deadly battle in which the three people won while they were on the brink of death.

They were then called the three legendary heroes, and power began to be passed down from generation to generation, and people began to sanctify heroes, but the monsters began to disappear after the legendary heroes defeated the King of Monsters.

Peace continued for a long time.

As a result, the other generations began to become weaker and weaker until they became ungrateful and cared only for money and women.

One day when I was young, one of the monster generals appeared and he single-handedly eliminated the three heroes, I mean the three scum.

After that, we began training the knights and fought countless bloody battles.

We have become the superpower in this world, and we have not witnessed the birth of a hero again for 30 years.

What is strange is that the appearance of monsters has begun to appear on the increase, and no hero has been born yet"

Osama: But do not worry, boy, as long as there is evil, there is always good in return we'll protect you with our souls and bodies that is why we, the knights found our greatest goal is to protect humanity from any....

"Poooooffff, the sound of the city walls crashing"

Jenna: Dad, didn't you kill all the monsters?

Osama: Yes, but it seems that I have forgotten some of the troublemakers

"Step by step, the clang of a heavy sword"

(I am one of the generals of monsters, the general of shadows who dares to eliminate my followers?)

Osama: Damn, Jenna take the boy and leave the place the city may be destroyed in the middle of this fighting

General of Shadows: You old fool, submit to me now and I may consider pardoning your life

Osama: Ha-ha-ha, it seems that you have forgotten your level, Shadow General

I mean Shadow Bug!!

General of Shadows: When will you weak humans learn your limits?

Osama: Ha-ha-ha, I have really grown old to fight (and Osama drew his sword)

General of Shadows: One hit is enough to bring you down old man "Shadow Strike"

[ It was a powerful blow that released energy from the shadows destroying anything in its path ]

General of Shadows: Buhahahaha, he disappeared with just one hit what a lowly human...

Osama: It seems that you have forgotten me behind you!!

[ Osama struck a strong blow with his sword, but the General of Shadows was able to dodge it ]

Shadow General: Looks like it's time for me to play hard with you "Shadow Abduction"

[ Shadow Abduction is a skill that can replace any material or object with any shadow in front of it ]

Osama: Jenna and the boy? How did he drag them here?

General of Shadows: "Shadow Strike"

Jenna: His attack is directed at me I must avoid it but the boy here cannot escape!!

[ Jenna drew her sword and tried to repel the attack with all her might in order to save Yuta ]

Yuta: Are you okay? Your body is shaking violently and your legs cannot stand!!

Jenna: This is nothing , boy run away quickly now you are nothing but an obstacle in the middle of this fight

General of Shadows: "laughing" fun humans buuhahaha

Osama: Hey, shadow bug did you forget to watch your back?

[ Osama hit the general with a strong blow to the back ]

General of Shadows: Damn you old man you have decent speed for a human

Osama: Ha-ha-ha, for me to be praised by the General of Monsters what a shame It's an insult against me well, let's get into the real fight now!!

Jenna and Yuta: What is this pressure we feel? My legs cannot stand because of this pressure!!

"The final fight began between the General of Shadows and the City Commander"

Jenna: What's this unbelievable speed? Was my father always this strong? Haha this is a joke did I really intend to surpass him in strength? It's impossible!!

"And their swords began to collide with a speed astonishingly fast a normal human would not have been able to track their movements and the pressure of energy filled the place, and houses were destroyed around the battlefield, but!!"

General of Shadows: Well, it looks like I had enough fun "Monster Wake"

[ The Shadow General attacked Osama. Osama tried to block the blow with a sword, but his sword was broken!! The general kicked Osama's stomach hard knocking him away ]

Jenna: daaaaaad

Shadow General: "Shadow Abduction"

[ Jenna disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of him ]

Jenna: Damn it, I have to confront him, I won't let him destroy any morr....

[ sound of drops ]

Jenna: What, I can't feel my body, I feel cold in my stomach

[ Jenna looked down and saw the general's sword embedded in her stomach, blood flowing, and then she fell ]

Yuta: It's unbelievable why, Am I going to stand with my hands tied and see everyone die in this way? Why am I so weak? Why???

[ Osama woke up and saw Jenna fallen ]

Osama: "Gasp" I'll make you taste remorse for what you did to my daughter, you insect of shadows "Dragon Aw..."

Osama: Wait a minute, what is this strange feeling?

Yuta: Why why why am I weak?

[ A blue tattoo appeared around his hands and a blue aura began to surround his body ]

General of Shadows: What a hero? How is this possible? I have to go and file the report

[ The Shadow General disappeared in the blink of an eye ]

Osama: Where did you go shadow buuuuhg? Come I'll make you taste remorse for what you did to my daughter. Coooooooome!!

Yuta: Oh what happened? Suddenly I feel like my body is devoid of energy

[ Then he fell to the ground ]
