
After a long journey

In "After a long journey" the story unfolds with the unlikely pairing of a damaged man, Shen Yujin, and a beautiful princess, Wu Jiayi. Despite their stark differences, they find themselves entangled in a whirlwind romance. However, circumstances tear them apart, leaving Yujin scarred and Jiayi yearning for what once was. Five years pass, and fate brings them together once more, igniting a tumultuous reunion filled with unresolved emotions and lingering desires. As they confront the wounds of their past and navigate the complexities of their present, "Fool and Princess" delves into themes of love, resilience, and the enduring power of second chances. Will they find solace in each other's arms, or are some wounds too deep to heal?

Aditya_Raj_1048 · Ciudad
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10 Chs

After 5 years

In the pinnacle of a skyscraper, where the city sprawled beneath like a tapestry of aspirations, a man of commanding presence held court. He, an embodiment of regality with a visage reminiscent of characters from fairy tales, lounged in a chair with an air of unassuming power. The room exuded opulence, a testament to the ascendancy of the man seated at its epicenter.

The president of Shen Group, an entity that had etched its name among the top 25 conglomerates globally, commanded a domain that transcended boundaries. The office, a sanctuary of executive prowess, witnessed the convergence of wealth, influence, and strategic acumen.

Seated before a panoramic view that encapsulated the city's rhythm, the president exuded an aura of authority. His countenance, chiseled and refined, bore the weight of responsibilities that extended far beyond the boundaries of the office. Beside him stood a trusted confidant, a man in his thirties, engrossed in the details of a file that chronicled the financial triumphs of the Shen Group.

"Sir, this year's sole net profit has surpassed 20 billion US dollars, nearly doubling our last year's earnings. The Shen Group continues its ascent, solidifying its standing among the world's foremost conglomerates".

The president, savoring the rich aroma of his coffee, acknowledged the report with a nod. His eyes, a reflection of calculated wisdom, gazed upon the sprawling city below. Shen Group, an expansive empire, owned over 70 hospitals worldwide, 20 hotels that stood as epitomes of luxury, 17 resorts that beckoned travelers to serenity, 7 grand shopping malls pulsating with commerce, and 4 streets lined with establishments for discerning tenants.

The story of the Shen Group, written in the ledgers of profit and loss, spoke of triumphs and challenges navigated with strategic precision. In the corridors of power, the president had orchestrated a symphony of prosperity, the crescendo of which resonated through the diverse ventures that bore the Shen insignia.

As the city bustled beneath, unaware of the deliberations transpiring above, the president contemplated the journey that had brought him to this zenith of corporate eminence. The narrative of Shen Group, once fraught with clandestine marriages, river-bound betrayals, and the shadows of tragedy, had undergone a metamorphosis.

Five years, an epoch in the life of a conglomerate, had witnessed the resurgence of Shen Group from the ashes of adversity. The wounds inflicted by familial discord, the treacherous riverbanks that claimed lives, and the shadows that haunted the corridors of familial estates had given way to a narrative of ascendancy and corporate triumph.

In the heart of the executive suite, the president reflected on the lessons learned from the tumultuous chapters of his personal saga. The enigmatic marriage that bound two unwilling souls, the tragedy that unfolded at the river's edge, and the uncertainty that had gripped the fate of his family were chapters etched in the annals of his memory.

Yet, as he surveyed the panorama below, a tableau of a city that mirrored the ceaseless ebb and flow of life, the president acknowledged the resilience that had propelled Shen Group to unparalleled heights. The scars of the past had become the foundation upon which the empire stood, a testament to the indomitable spirit that characterized the Shen legacy.

The confidant, attuned to the unspoken reflections of his leader, awaited further directives. The president, his gaze shifting from the city's sprawl to the man standing beside him, spoke with a measured gravitas.

" Inform the board that we shall convene a meeting. The Shen Group's legacy is one forged in the crucible of adversity, and it is time to script the next chapter of our ascendancy".

As the confidant left the room to execute the president's directives, the man in the coat, once entangled in a tale of familial discord and personal tribulations, contemplated the legacy he had crafted. The Shen Group, a phoenix rising from the ashes of a tumultuous past, now stood as a beacon of corporate prowess, its story a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the indelible mark left by those who dared to shape their destinies.

In the expansive realm of Shen Group, where the heartbeat of medical excellence resonated, Shen Yujin wielded the mantle of a world-class doctor. The corridors of Shen hospitals echoed with the strides of brilliant minds and cutting-edge medical technology, a testament to the legacy shaped by Yujin's unwavering commitment to healing.

Yujin, a paragon of medical prowess, had traversed a journey that began in the hallowed halls of knowledge bestowed upon him by his grandfather. The old man, a font of wisdom and tradition, had imparted the intricacies of both traditional and Western medicine to his eager grandson. However, time, a relentless adversary, had claimed the venerable patriarch seven years ago, leaving behind a void that echoed with the resonance of memories and teachings.

Meanwhile, the corridors of political influence intertwined with the medical tapestry of Shen Group. Ji Ming, the president-governor's father, found himself ensnared by the clutches of a formidable adversary – a brain tumor. The frailty of mortality had laid bare the vulnerability of even the most powerful, as Ji Ming grappled with the impending shadows cast by his affliction.

The entwining of destinies manifested in a request that transcended professional boundaries. The president-governor, with the weight of filial duty pressing upon him, sought the expertise of Shen Yujin to alleviate the suffering of his ailing father. The plea for healing, echoing across the corridors of power, reached the ears of Yujin, who now faced a pivotal moment that bridged the chasm between the medical and political domains.

Amidst the hum of medical machinery and the calculated precision of medical professionals, Yujin contemplated the request. The call to heal extended beyond the confines of Shen hospitals, venturing into the realm of familial bonds and societal expectations.

**Yujin:**Ji tang was old man's friend.

Make an appointment for tomorrow to meet the old man. Where is he?

**Assistant:** In Shen's Beijing hospital.

The mention of Beijing, a city steeped in memories both poignant and triumphant, prompted a pause in Yujin's deliberations. The shadows of the past, interwoven with the aspirations of the present, beckoned him back to the place where his journey in medicine had begun.

**Yujin:** Okay, let's go there tonight

, and bring my son from his kindergarten.