
After a failed blind date, a wealthy woman tried to walk into my heart

After the introverted and socially anxious Shen Lang's blind date fails, he binds with a Love Assistance System! As long as he increases a girl's affection for him, he can receive various generous rewards! In the afternoon, he meets with the landlady to sign the rental contract. Looking at the voluptuous and still charming married woman, Shen Lang casually compliments her, "You look so young, sister!" The landlady smiles sweetly, her face blushing with both shyness and delight, "You're quite the flatterer, young man. I'm almost 40, you know, getting old!" At this moment, the system provides three responses. Your response is? 1. "You're 40? That's impressive, if it were me, I'd be dead by now!" 2. "Not old at all, in fact..."

Alex081904 · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Chapter 15: Who the Heck Are You?

The two sisters were easy to identify.

Younger sister Shen Nannan had a clean and bright high ponytail, her face adorned with a radiant and sweet smile, enthusiastically chatting with her older sister. Elder sister Shen Linlin sported a sharp short haircut, her smile haughty and disdainful, frequently spreading her hands in a dismissive gesture.

Both sisters were very attractive and extremely popular at their high school. Especially Shen Nannan, whose sweet smile and kind, enthusiastic personality often caught the attention of male classmates.

Shen Lang's friends often joked that he must have been picked up from outside by his parents. Both sisters were so beautiful, yet their brother didn't even measure up to a third of their looks!

In reality, Shen Lang wasn't unattractive. He just kept a low profile and had a somber demeanor. During high school, he would sit in a corner with his phone, reading novels. His appearance and demeanor had further deteriorated due to years of late nights and lack of self-care after graduation.

As Shen Lang approached the gate, Shen Nannan's face lit up with a cheerful smile. She was about to greet him when her smile froze. Shen Linlin also stared at Shen Lang in astonishment, as if seeing an alien.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows at the sisters with interest. "What's the matter? Don't recognize your brother?"

The atmosphere grew quiet, the sisters exchanged glances, and then the ever-candid Shen Linlin blurted out, "Who the heck are you?"

"I'm your brother!" Shen Lang replied, annoyed. "It's only been a month, and you don't recognize me?"

Shen Linlin scanned the handsome, sunlit figure from head to toe, incredulous. "Are you Shen Lang?"

She couldn't believe that this sunny, handsome guy was her gaming-obsessed, homebody brother. Before the start of the school term, Shen Lang had posted on social media about his plans to start exercising and being more disciplined, and Shen Linlin had mocked him for his likely inconsistency.

Who would have thought that within a month, this couch potato brother would actually transform so drastically, like a complete makeover?

Shen Nannan eagerly touched Shen Lang's firm abs, lifting his shirt to reveal his well-defined muscles. "Wow, sis, look! Brother has abs!"

Seeing the toned, wheat-colored eight-pack abs, Shen Linlin's heart skipped a beat, though she still adopted a dismissive tone. "Pfft, he must be using some protein powder. What's the big deal?"

"Stop being silly," Shen Lang said, pushing Nannan's cheek to get her off him and straightening his shirt. "So, why did you come looking for me?"

"Nothing to do after school, so we came to see you," Nannan replied, hugging Shen Lang's arm and pouting. "Brother, which building do you live in? Take us to see it."

Shen Lang sighed and led the sisters into the residential area, bringing them to his single apartment.

Nannan curiously looked around the room, took out her phone to record a video for their mom, and then asked in surprise, "Brother, you live here? How much is the rent?"

"One thousand a month," Shen Lang said, tossing his keys on the table.

Nannan nodded, thinking the price was reasonable.

"It's a mess, like a dog's nest," Linlin commented disdainfully before collapsing on Shen Lang's bed and lazily browsing TikTok.

Nannan also sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Shen Lang with a silly smile, her slender legs swinging happily.

The room fell silent except for the sound of Linlin's TikTok. "Look closely, this man is called Xiao Zhuang..."

"Alright, alright, stop bothering me," Shen Lang said, already feeling annoyed after just a few minutes. "I'll book a hotel nearby for you two to stay at."

Nannan blinked and asked, "Brother, did you get your manuscript fee?"

"Yeah, I made some money this month..."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Shen Lang regretted it.

Nannan immediately clung to him, hugging his waist and pouting. "Brother, I saw a dress I really like, but I'm short on funds. Mom and Dad's allowance hasn't come through yet. You don't want your sister to wear her school uniform all the time, right? Just five hundred, I only need five hundred. Once I graduate and start working, I'll pay you back."

"Alright, alright, if I wait for you to have money, I'll starve to death," Shen Lang said, pushing Nannan's head away but still taking out his phone to transfer two thousand yuan to her.

Shen Lang had made a hefty fifty thousand yuan from Xia Shuyi alone, so two thousand was nothing to him. Besides, she was his sister. If he weren't worried about revealing his newfound wealth, he might have given more.

"Wow, two thousand!" Nannan exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "Brother, did a wealthy patron reward you? You're so generous!"

"What? Two thousand?" Linlin, who was lying on the bed, immediately sprang up. "I want some too. Lao Deng, give me two thousand!"

Shen Lang crossed his arms and smirked. "Sure, call me brother, and I'll transfer it."

Shen Lang couldn't remember the last time this brat had called him "brother." She was always making snide remarks and acting bratty. Now that he had the chance, Shen Lang intended to teach her a lesson.

Linlin hesitated, her face flushing slightly, before picking up a pillow and throwing it at him. "Go to hell, Lao Deng!"

Shen Lang shrugged nonchalantly. "No call, no money. Get up, I'm going out to eat."

Unexpectedly, Linlin pounced on him like an octopus, trying to snatch his phone to transfer the money herself.

Despite being a girl, Linlin was strong, stronger than many boys her age. In the past, she often overpowered Shen Lang, grabbing his phone and transferring money. But now, Shen Lang was different. He easily lifted her by the waist and tossed her onto the bed, nearly knocking her to the floor.

"Heh, you thought I've been idle lately?" Shen Lang said triumphantly, looking at the stunned Linlin. "Today is not like yesterday, little brat!"

To his surprise, Linlin began to throw a tantrum on the bed, crying and shouting, "Waaah, I'll tell Dad you hit me!"

Seeing Linlin act like a spoiled elementary school kid, Shen Lang's mouth twitched. "Stop whining."

Knowing she was faking, Shen Lang was helpless but transferred another two thousand yuan to her as well.

When she heard the WeChat notification, Linlin's tears stopped immediately. She smirked triumphantly at Shen Lang. "Heh, got you!"

Shen Lang's eyebrows twitched as he looked at his two drama queen sisters. With a resigned smile, he muttered, "Having you two around must be my punishment for sins in a past life!"