
African love is respect

vincent_babangida · Famosos
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5 Chs

Chapter four

and when I came to Abuja the federal capital of Nigeria some years back there was a man I met named Sunny

Mr Sunny have a wife very young woman with six children a very big family

and he works at the federal fire service in Abuja.

so when we started talking one day Mr Sunny told me he want to go see his girlfriend I asked him your girlfriend?

he said yes I couldn't say anything again because he has never told me anything like that I thought he was joking and he went and didn't return home till the next day

when he returns I asked him how about his girlfriend he replied she is fine

then he started telling me how the day went and all of that

I asked him do you truly love the lady in question he said yes I asked again what about your wife do you love her? there was no response from him so I felt he is older than me h can even be a father to me maybe there are things he wouldn't want to say to me maybe I'm too young to know.

so he now said to me the lady he went to see was the person he was supposed to get married to but unfortunately for him they lost contact because he was transferred from where he was working before and his phone was stolen I asked him why didn't you find a chance to go back there to check on her he said he did but met she was no longer living there that it was after some years he searched for her on Facebook and he was lucky to find her there from there discussion was what led to him knowing she got married too but unfortunately for her the man she got married died.

she got married to four different men and all of them died mysteriously unknown to us there was an old man who is even older then me Sunny I call him grandpa then

grandpa said to him do you why God have been preserving you?

he said no

grandpa said to him God loves you that's why you are still alive today

then I was out of the conversation and both of them continue I was just listening to them then

and there are some of our religious leaders most especially some pastors that got married some years back they divorced their wife.

and in such case that a pastor divorced two or three times what will he tell his member who wants to divorce his wife?

or an Imam who married four wives and divorced two and will marry new ones to cover the space