
African love is respect

vincent_babangida · Famosos
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5 Chs

Chapter five

Grandpa said to me Sunny God is trying to tell you something but why are you ignoring it? why are you not thinking about that?

Mr Sunny then asked grandpa what he is talking about?

grandpa replied to him

God is trying to show you that this woman is not for you and do you know if those guys that got married to her and died mysteriously don't you think maybe it is your death that those guys have gone in your favor? Mr Man go back to your wife stop treating her bad love her like the very first day you met her and professed your love for her and you see how things will turn around for you but he storburnly said this is his family and nobody will tell him how to run it then grandpa said I'm done here if you like take my advice if you like ignore me but even if I die to today thank God I had the privilege to talk to you about this then he left

Mr Sunny now turns to me and said this old man don't even know what my wife is doing but he already concluded that it is all my fault I ask him what is your wife doing that made you to hate her this much?

first he complained that she doesn't allow him to have sex with her anymore and anytime he wants to make love to her

secondly she doesn't respect whatever he says

and finally she doesn't take care of herself

I asked him if his wife is working he said no I ask him where do you expect her to get money to buy dress so she will look good for you he was silent again

and I said on why she doesn't respect you there are things you do that you are no more doing them again

so he said she waste food much more than anything I asked him how many children he has he said Eight for girls and two twin boys and so he wants punish her that's why he stop buying food stuff like before I ask lie what kind of food stuff you stop buying more he said he used to buy one bag of rice after two months but now it's not enough for them now

I said to him how do you expect a family of Eight to manage a half bag for a month how is that possible

you don't have enough to take care of your family yet you have six children and you want her to open her legs for you to take in again so that when you see that the problem is much you will run away and leave her with the children?

this woman have to borrow some money from her next door neighbor and travel back to her village with her children her family stood by her made sure she and her children were okay Mr Sunny was left alone in Karu village Abuja he almost turns into a begger he was still recovering his full salaries yet he looks like a farmer even some farmers looks far better than he lives so when things became hard for him he has to travel to her village looking for her but her brothers nearly killed him because they were all angry about the way he treated their sister he ran back to his own village and came back with some elders to help him beg so his wife and children will go back to Abuja with him and promised not to treat her bad again and they heard his plea to let his family go with him .

they came back for some few months he was behaving like a true changed man little time he became worse again beating her up with the children the landlord had to ask him to pack out of his house so he will not kill the innocent woman in his compound bow they are in a new compound same problems now he had ran away and leave her with six children he is no where to be found not going to work she is suffering rusting corn in the street

my take in the whole issue is that the elders from her village and her people didn't do enough for her

Mr Sunny is just a wicked man who is not supposed to have a woman in his life as a wife

because those elders are there living this normal life in the village she is here suffering with the kids

this is not the way to love a woman some men are beast sorry I had to use that word

but hey to every man out there women are meant to be loved much love thank you with love from Africa to the world Vincent