
Africa and Religion

vincent_babangida · Derivados de obras
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the bitter truth of Africa

My motivations for writing this story came from the pain I feel when I see the havoc foreign religions have brought on Africa, especially in the last three decades. Traditionally, Africans are a deeply spiritual people. It is sad and painful to see how our deep spirituality was used to turn us into unthinking people. It appears the African elite, by which we mean the political as well as the spiritual elite, are in cahoots to keep the people in perpetual ignorance and poverty Some ideals the European Missionaries preached, like "Love thy neighbour," are not ideals they were prepared to abide by. They served to transform our conquerors into saviours to worship. Sadly, these are the same ideals our pastors and Imams today use to render us into unthinking masses of simpletons, so they and the political elite can continue to loot our national resources. By successfully turning themselves into 'men-of-god.

the pastors and Imams transformed themselves into venerable agents of the creator, so it'd be sacrilegious to question or attack them. An important question we need to ask ourselves as Africans is what single benefit we have achieved with all the prayers, holy retreats and the burning of candles we have engaged in over the years. We also need to ask the pastors Imams, the archbishops and the Sheikhs why they are not prepared to wait for their own paradise in afterlife. Although we did not set out to write a comprehensive critique of the Christian religion, nor the Islam most especially in Nigeria we show enough evidence to demonstrate that it was a religion deliberately founded on fraud. There are abundant historical records to show that the central figure of Christianity, Jeshua or Jesus, was a Roman invention; he never exist as a historical person. There is abundant evidence to show that the book the Christians called the Holy Bible were collections of ancient fables gathered by wandering habirus (Hebrews), and that they are not accurate historical narratives. Many of them were consciously forged stories. The records are in the public domain to show that the books that made up the Bible were selected at the First Council of Nicaea, convened by one of the most murderous of Popes, Constantine, in AD 325. Also in the public records is how the King James Version of the Bible was put together at the urgings of one of the worst killers to grace the English throne, King James. My sadness at the havoc the Christian religion wrought compelled me to start writing about it. I hope that my struggle will propel other honest Africans to begin to challenge the false preaching of some Christians and, hopefully, regain some of our African patrimony before they are totally destroyed by the lies some Muslims and Christians peddle. We Africans need only to sit and do some thinking. If, as almost every scientist today knows, we are the first people on earth, how do we end up worshipping a Semite god? Another question we ought to ask ourselves is why is it that we are the only people that do not worship a god in our own image and in our own language? Apart from Africans, every society creates its own god in its own image. This is not a complete evaluation of the Christian religion, but we provide enough materials for the honest investigator to search for and find the truth. We provide enough proof and suggestions to make the honest Africa do his own study, and discover that, contrary to what his pastor says, the Bible is not a correct historical document. On these pages, I set forth my views on the Christian religion. I urge that they be read in the same honest spirit they were written.

let's take some time to use China as a case study I rest my case here