

Check out my other book as well Lunar:Secret Guardians ******************* "Grey, elemental affinity, zero" The Elder announced the result loudly On hearing this, it was like a bolt of lightning struck Grey, he stood there dumbfounded and just stared at the Elder. Shocked voices could be heard from the people and there was some which were also filled with scorn. Grey stood dazed amidst all the noises without any reactions. One word was constantly reverberating in his head, 'How?'. 'Why, why did this happen to me?' Grey asked himself over and over again **************** Unbeknownst to Grey, something greater lies in wait in his body.... *************** Check out the book, leave a review after reading, and also your powerstones. Hope you enjoy this, and Thanks for reading ^_^ P.S: When I started this book I had zero writing experience, so the first chapters aren't that great, although, my writing quality has improved over time. Also, English isn't my first language, so there are some instances where my choice of words are not good enough for what I'm trying to portray. A heads up, the book will be using a medieval setting. My world building is not the best, but it gets better over time, so bear with me on the early chapters! P.S: Cover art not mine I just edited it. If you're the owner and want me to take it down you can notify me. Other novel: Lunar:Secret Guardians Check it out as well! Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gs68a4ZzaN

Springs_Halo · Fantasía
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1632 Chs

Chaos Is Coming

Grey took the device and just when he tried to test his elemental grade, the device imploded. 

He looked at his hands in shock, unsure of what to feel. For some reason, he was certain that his elemental grades had increased, but there was no way for him to confirm it since he couldn't check it. Apparently, the second the energy enters his body, the chaos orb automatically reacts, destroying it. 

It was a strange situation, and there was no way he could control it. 

'Looks like I made it more arrogant.' He chuckled internally. 

There was nothing he could do, since the chaos orb didn't want him to check his elemental grade, then he would just let it be, besides, since getting to the Sage Plane, his elemental grades hasn't affected his strength much, the only time it is effective is while he was using his domain. With a better elemental grade, he could make his domains stronger.