
Defiance: Part One

If Milo thought he would find me naked in bed waiting for him then he must have been delusional. His words had done nothing to calm the insecurities riddling me. 

I spent the entire time I was back at the penthouse wondering who else slept in the same bed I slept in every night. Now that Milo was far away from me, I could think clearly without being distracted by him. 

I wasn't going to obey him ever again. Suddenly, I wanted to go back to my old life. I may have struggled to pay my bills but at least my heart would not be broken. 

The elevator doors opened as I was chilling on the couch and a housekeeper appeared with an array of dishes. The food was enough to feed a whole community of hungry people. 

"What's going on?" I asked the lady who had brought in the food. 

"Mr. Petrov asked for room service in the penthouse. He specifically said you should eat to your fill." She said, "Excuse me."