

World After world Until I Reach YOU

SAYID · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs

Chapter 70 - First Day

At an early hour, Kevin and Arthur were walking side by side towards the welcome yard where they would meet the director and their colleagues, or at least that was how Kevin saw it, while Arthur only felt that he would be surrounded by more idiots. After ten minutes, they finally arrived at the arena, where Kevin noticed the presence of only four teenagers: a girl with long orange hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a body so strong that she looked like a man who was lifting weights. Next to her was a boy who had the same hair and eye color as the girl, but his facial features were... More comfortable and close to the features of a stupid person, there was another boy standing far from the group. He had brown skin and black hair with piercing brown eyes and a flat chin with a light beard, which increased his handsomeness and prestige. At the front of the arena stood the last boy in the group. He had brown hair but a strange hairstyle, as if he were trying to make a castle with his hair, but his strong body was so clearly visible that Kevin thought he was one of the teachers. That boy was standing straight and looking forward with his brown eyes, without anything there. The moment Kevin and Arthur entered, the rest of the group looked at them heavily. Arthur was ignoring their looks, but he was ready to beat up anyone stupid enough to try to bully him. However, unlike him, Kevin was approaching the brothers cordially and then greeting them in an attractive manner, which gave him the appearance of... so wonderful that the girl whistled while changing her standing position.

*whistling* "You have an enthusiastic spirit, handsome, unlike the rest of the boys here."

He looked at the brown boy and the boy with the strange hairstyle before returning her gaze to Kevin and extending her hand in the form of a handshake.

"I'm Bill, and this is my brother Sam. Nice to meet you."

Kevin shook Bill's hand and nodded to Sam in a friendly manner, but the boy was yawning and did not pay attention, which caused both Bill and Kevin to laugh, while Sam felt confused.

Thus, the trio was talking comfortably together, while Arthur felt a chill at Kevin's ability to form a friendship with anyone. The next moment, there was a man approaching the group with steady steps. He was wearing formal and elegant clothes, which attracted the group's attention. They were supposed to meet the director. For the most important institution in the world, it was important to leave a good impression, but their hearts were almost out of place with every step that man took. When the man approached closer, the teenagers noticed that he looked very similar to the brown boy in the corner.

"Welcome, future heroes," the man said in a deep and majestic tone.

"Unfortunately, the director is busy and cannot meet with you, so I came on his behalf as his right-hand man."

"Deputy Principal!" Everyone except Kevin's thoughts turned to the stories of the strongest vice principal in the world, someone who had accomplishments far ahead of his time in his career as a hero and even after he joined the Pride of the Generation School.

Seeing the astonishment in the teenagers' eyes, the vice principal laughed and said sarcastically

"If you had not controlled your reaction after a humble meeting like mine, how would you have behaved in the presence of the director?"

Without waiting for their reaction, the Deputy Director continued his words.

"Well, then, I should welcome you better, but I'm not used to sweet talk, so I'll get straight to the point."

The deputy director looked at the boy with the strange hairstyle and said to him,

"Disciple Zack, come here."

The boy, Zack, approached without delay, while the rest of them saw the deputy director talking to Zack in a low voice about an important topic. Then, when he spoke, he called Bill and Sam, and he also spoke to them about an important matter before calling Arthur and telling him:

"Student Arthur, we know that what you went through is difficult, but you must realize that the law is clear. No one who is not being woken is allowed to enter the school, and unfortunately, your sister Simone is no exception."

Arthur's veins almost exploded as he looked at the Deputy Director with disbelieving eyes. He knew that he was no match for this strong man, but if Simone was taken out of the advanced clinic, the possibility of her waking up from the coma would decrease, and this is something that Arthur would not accept, but at that moment, the Deputy Director smiled. The director continued his speech.

"But if you show us that you are a person worthy of us using all those resources and effort on your sister, then she can stay, and the way to gain this merit is really simple. You only have to win the first-year festival after three months. I know that there is a big difference in experience between you and  those He joined the school two months ago, but this challenge is what will prove to us how competent you are."

The Vice President's words were echoing in Arthur's mind. He knew nothing about this festival at all, and on top of that, he needed to outperform students who had two months of training more than him. Arthur wanted to ask the Vice President a lot of questions, but the deputy was talking to the brown boy now.


"I have high hopes for you, my nephew."

"Yes, sir."

"Don't forget what you said, but now."


After the deputy director moved away from the brown boy, he looked at Kevin and then said with a small smile on his face:

"Finally, we meet, student Kevin. I apologize for being late."

"Please don't apologize; it's a simple matter."

The Deputy Director laughed lightly before asking in a deep voice.

"We at Fakhr Al-Jeel School do not care about the background of the students, but after reading the report of Team G, I cannot help but wonder, How can you be an awakened person without realizing this matter?"

"I also don't know, Mr. Representative; I thought I was just born with greater physical strength than others, so you can imagine how confused I was when it was revealed that I was actually awake."

Kevin's eyes were innocent, but the vice principal's eyes were cold, as if they were looking into Jack's soul. But in the end, the vice principal smiled and just bid farewell to Kevin before standing in the middle of the group and quickly explaining the room number for the theoretical classes and the practical classes, as well as the place of residence of each one of them. The group, which turns out to be staying in one hallway,

For Kevin, that man was a good person, but of course he doubted him, and this is obvious, but Kevin did not feel disturbed. Instead, he felt excited to experience the first real day in school, which is considered the most important place in this strange world.

Will it be special or will it be ordinary, like any magic school in his previous lives?

Everyone went to their common class, where Kevin got to know the rest of his friends. The first of them were the brothers Bill and Sam, who, although they have the same parents, have different powers, as Bill is a strong fighter type while Sam is a magician type who specializes in the element of wind. They seem to be different. They were comfortable sharing their negative effects with Kevin. Talia was Zack, who had a large body, suspicious behavior, and a strange hairstyle, but in reality he was a person with a pure soul, to the point that Kevin felt that Zack was the son of a judge or something like that. As for his power type, he was the type of warrior who could cover his entire body with a substance as strong as rock. But surprisingly, the specialist who evaluated Zack said that the type of material can improve every time Zack learns to use his abilities more. The muscular young man looked at Kevin and joked that one day he would become like... Diamonds, as for Zack's negative effect, he feels very weak every time he touches silk or anything soft, which surprised Kevin, and he intuitively pointed to the closest soft thing around them, which was Zack's clothes, but Zack simply said that they were made of a rough type of wool, which made... Kevin just smiled with excitement and amazement before his facial features changed because he thought of something strange. Doesn't this mean he won't be able to touch girls?

Without having the courage to ask Zack this question, he decided to talk to the brown boy, who was unfortunately an introvert like Arthur, but at least he was not aggressive, so Kevin could only find out his name.

"It's okay; it's a good start, Michael."

Kevin smiled when he realized that he had now gotten to know his new companions, and although their trust in him was still superficial, Kevin was certain that he would gain their respect with time and effort, as he always did.

As for professors, three professors have been allocated to them, divided as follows:

A professor should teach them the values of heroes and history as well.

A professor to teach them about the different types of power

a professor to teach them how to fight, and the thing that Kevin found strange is that his section comrades have different types of power, but there is one professor who will teach them all. Does this mean that he is a collector-type man? Kevin did not know the answer because he had not met any of these professors. Rather, he had only heard about them from the vice principal, but that did not matter because he would meet them at any time now—or so he thought—but in fact, it was half an hour ago and he did not appear. The first professor, everyone thought that perhaps they had made a mistake in the rule or perhaps the professor had made a mistake, but as time passed, it was clear that the professor would not come. But just when Arthur was about to go out to visit his sister, a huge man with small, sleepy eyes and curly hair appeared in front of him. He grabbed He shook his head and led him back into the hall before he could tell himself that he was a professor of history and that he was sorry for being late, as he had not slept well last night. Then, without further speaking, he addressed the first lesson, which was a general overview of human history. Then he presented some The questions that no one answered because no one was simply focused angered the professor to the point that he set up a surprise assignment in his first class on the topic that he taught in literally half an hour, and then within five minutes he collected the papers and walked out the door, leaving a group. The teenagers were in deep shock, but before their shock ended, another professor entered the hall. She was a beautiful woman with long hair and a cute face. Tension appeared on her face, which increased her cuteness even more. She looked in the hall several times before asking if she was... This is the new group of students. Then, the moment Belle answered yes, the woman's face changed and became completely crazy while she was laughing hysterically while repeating the phrase "very good." Then she looked in the direction of the teenagers before she realized for herself that she was the scientist who would teach them about the types of energies that... Unfortunately, it turned out that she was a crazy, obsessed scientist. She started touching Belle all over her body as if she were examining her, before moving on to touching all the members of the department. Then she began to express her admiration for the quality of the finished products in this room, but her look towards Kevin was a little strange, but after she finished... With her crazy words, she ended the class by saying that the next class would be her first lesson, so they should prepare themselves well. Then she started laughing madly before leaving the hall, leaving the group of teenagers feeling as if they had been harassed by the teacher.

Now it was time for them to meet the third professor, but their nerves were already tense. What kind of lunatic could he be? In light of the anticipation prevailing among the group members, a bald person entered with an ordinary body and eyes with dark circles under them. He entered and closed the door behind him, then joined his fingers together and He greeted the teenagers well before introducing himself as the professor responsible for teaching them to fight using their special abilities. Then he asked the group to introduce each other. Kevin began by introducing himself to the professor in a good and simple way. He also asked him about his type of power, and the professor laughed and answered that it was one of them. The comprehensive type When Kevin finished speaking, no one else introduced himself. Rather, silence prevailed in the room until the professor broke the silence by saying that there was nothing to be afraid of or beware of. After saying that, the rest of the teenagers continued introducing themselves. Then, in the last minutes of the class, the bald professor declared that their exercises would not take place. You will be in the hall, but you will be in the private hall. Then he greeted the teenagers before he left.




This was everyone's thinking when that professor came out, who was acting unlike the angry monster and evil witch they had met previously.

On the first day, the group had the freedom to decide whether or not to exercise after school hours. As for the brothers, Bill and Sam, they returned to their rooms, while Zack stayed to practice in the hall using heavy equipment. As for Michael and Arthur, each of them went to mind his own business, but according to Kevin's knowledge of Arthur, Ghalib went to look for a hall that suited his type of manipulator, while Kevin remained alone, wandering around the island.