

World After world Until I Reach YOU

SAYID · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs

Chapter 62 - The Competition (9)

"Welcome with us, boy ."

Everyone, including Kevin himself, was surprised by this decision, as this opportunity was so rare and precious.

"Wait, does this mean that four people will be taken from our continent?"

"With the exclusion of that boy from first place, I think..."

"We still have hope of qualifying!"

Although the people in the first three places are Arthur, Simon, and

Kevin was just looking at the short woman with a look of confusion on his face, as if asking her, What now? But Mrs. Al-Jamil realized the matter and smiled before conveying a mental message to Kevin.

"Some people will come to pick you up now, so don't worry."

The next moment, Kevin saw some people surrounding him, politely asking him to come, and with that, Kevin disappeared from the arena and headed directly to the place where the winners were taken, which was a very luxurious and elegant yacht.


In a place far from the square and from the yacht, there was a man in a black suit and a detective's hat, beating some people in a narrow, scary alley full of burns and debris resulting from a battle.

"Come on now, guys, just tell me what you plan to do."

The man asked in his deep voice as he looked with amusement at the four men with whom he had smashed every bone in their bodies. One of them coughed and spat out a lot of blood before looking fearfully at the man in the black suit and classic hat.

"No, we can't; we will be killed immediately if he finds out about this."

"But I will kill you before he does if you don't speak up, and there's a chance he won't, right? But I, on the other hand,

The investigator approached the injured man and pulled his hair forcefully while looking into his eyes with amusement before smiling and saying,

"But I'm a good person, so I'll let you live. Just tell me, and it'll be over. I promise."

The man's eyes were trembling, and his face turned pale. He looked at his companions, who were in worse condition than him, then closed his eyes and sighed heavily before saying

"He plans to attack the winners of this year's competition."

The detective whistled in surprise before approaching the man's ear and whispering.

"See? This was easy, wasn't it? Thank you for your cooperation. Goodbye for now."

The investigator let go of the man's hair, causing him to fall his head to the ground while the investigator got up and walked out of the alley, but before the sunlight fell on his suit, he saw a rat passing by. He looked at him deeply for a moment, then turned quickly with a gun in his hand, and in the next moment the rat fled. Because he heard a loud sound coming from the darkness four times in a row, then seconds later the investigator came out, and behind him there was a pool of blood slowly spreading.


Returning to the arena, the commentator announced the beginning of the fourth round, which consisted of important questions and fateful choices that tested the intelligence of the participants. This round was like a boring but also important written test that would test the intelligence of potential future champions.

The questions mentioned various things, such as the Butterfly War, in which ancient humans defeated mysterious and barbaric monsters that attacked them. The origin of the heroes and how they grew up after the war, along with the current threat, which is the forgotten monsters, due to the radiation left behind by the war, which also caused a strange disease that afflicted some people, called Hope Syndrome, Hero centers, the Supreme Council, the Hand of Truth organization, the most important people that heroes must protect before others, and other questions

At the end of the round, the best bookworm in the arena was Alfred, who got first place and an increase of 20 points, followed by Caitlin and some people, then Simon in fifth place, Arthur in tenth place, and then Xhya in twentieth place, which is supposed to be less than that much, but the fact that there are many participants who have already given up and handed in a blank answer sheet

For the final ranking

First place: Arthur Paz, 128

Second place: Simon Baz, 118 points

Third place: Xhya Leoy, 107 points

Fourth place: Alex Roxer, 106 points


Sixth place: Alfred Yagel, 68 points

Seventh place: Katelyn Poseidon, 65 points

The first three places have been determined, and the results were very close between fourth and third place, but Xhya Leoy is the one who will go with Arthur and Simon Baz to the Heroes Institute, where they will be formed and trained to be future heroes, and although Xhya always seems fierce and... Her facial features were evil, but she smiled for a moment when she finally succeeded in winning the competition. She placed her hand on her chest as she thought of her parents, who had died before they could see what their daughter had achieved today, but that did not matter because she had made a promise to herself to make them We are proud of her in the world of the dead, as she becomes a famous and powerful heroine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what a wonderful year! There are new and interesting talents and enthusiasm everywhere. I now, as a commentator on this wonderful event, say with all sincerity that I"

The commentator was interrupted by the sound of an explosion that occurred in the stands without warning. Only three people got up from the stands and screamed before they blew themselves up, causing massive destruction and killing many citizens, whose limbs and organs were flying everywhere while blood was pouring. Like heavy rain on the square below, in the middle of that situation, and everyone was shocked, a black spot appeared in the sky, and something emerged from it in a white robe and a black headdress. There were ears resembling the ears of a fox appearing on the headdress, while his face, covered in darkness, showed some red hair.

An unknown object was flying in and standing in the sky while crimson smoke swirled around it, and in the next moment, something was happening at the same time.

In front of that thing floating in the air, there was a spear that stopped directly in front of it, while a black-haired woman with scars on her beautiful body held it, and she looked with hateful eyes at another person who appeared in front of the fox-like thing, stopping her spear, while another blonde-haired woman was raising it. She looks at the floating thing with bright violet eyes, like a precious jewel. At the same time, in the arena, there was a crimson smoke passing between the participants, some of whom had already disappeared, but upon closer examination, they did not disappear. This was because there was a mass of red fat and fluids placed in their previous place. That mass of fat and fluids was moving somewhat, and it was as if she were trembling—in fact, as if there was something inside her still pulsing—but after only a few seconds, that pulsing stopped.

Everyone's eyes were open, and their bodies were fixed in place. This was because all of this happened in just seconds. Their minds were unable to comprehend everything that had happened, but unlike them, the crimson smoke was quick to comprehend it. Half of them had already died, and while that smoke was making its way, They finally realized one thing:

They must move, or they will die.

At that moment, their senses returned to them, and they heard the screams coming from the stands and felt their hearts beating rapidly in their chests. They all felt afraid and started running hysterically, but at that moment, there was a malicious smile on that fox's face. Behind the participants, there was another person wearing that robe. He raised his two hands to the sky as if he were welcoming every person who was escaping to save his life, but that welcome was by placing transparent threads around the arena, and these threads usually cause serious injury to anyone who just touches them, but for For a frightened human being running like an animal that relies on instinct, the participants became pieces of meat and bones flying into the sky before falling to the ground in silence before warning others of the terrible fate that awaits them. Therefore, the slices of meat did not stop flying around the place; one squirmed. The other.

In the midst of the severed heads, arms, and legs, that man advanced when he noticed the remaining participants in the middle. Among the more than three thousand spectators in the stands, there was no way to know who survived because of all those corpses covering the place, and out of more than a thousand participants, there were only ten people left whose bodies were still in one piece.

In the midst of all these events, that person approached the ten teenagers, smiling kindly.