
Aeon Ascendant: Bound By The Cosmos

In the far reaches of human territory, on the desolate moon of Naru, Jake Avalon, once the privileged son of a disgraced governor, finds himself grappling with the harsh reality of a new life. Forced to flee Earth with his family after his father's corruption scandal, Jake adapts to a stark contrast from his former lavish existence. Everything changes when Jake is entrusted with "The Atlas," a highly advanced AI designed to seek out individuals deemed worthy to locate the elusive ChronoScribe. Crafted by the first civilization, this ancient device recorded the entirety of history and possesses the ability to peer into the future. However, after gaining sentience, the ChronoScribe concealed its identity, creating Atlas devices as a means to guide the chosen ones. As Jake becomes an Aeon Ascendant, a rare bearer of the Atlas, he unwittingly places a colossal galactic target on his back. The existence of Atlas holders sparks a ruthless race among secret organizations, powerful individuals, and vast empires, all vying to secure the key to unlocking the ChronoScribe's vast knowledge. In a dangerous journey filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the constant threat of imminent danger, Jake struggles to navigate this treacherous galactic pursuit. His singular goal: protect his family and unearth the secrets hidden within the ChronoScribe. The stakes are high, and Jake must gather the strength to confront the myriad forces racing against him. Join him as he embarks on a perilous quest, where the line between survival and annihilation is as thin as the threads of time itself.

L0ne_Traveller · Ciencia y ficción
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61 Chs

Chapter 3: Human-Thraxian War ||

The Thraxians surprised by humanity's new vessels had thought of the attack as a last ditch effort by dissenters and completely moved in to wipe out the remainder of the enemy.

As soon as they had entered combat, the entire navy of the GAE had sprung into the battle completely wiping the fleet blockading the planet.

The offensive pushed to Luna with planetary bombardments and invasions taking place almost instantly.

The Thraxians who had spread their military system-wide had lost their advantage with the GAE-N picking apart their Navy fleet by fleet from planet to planet until finally reaching the final Thraxian defence on the dwarf planet of Pluto.

The only hope left for the Thraxians was reinforcements from Thrax which would be able to stop the steamroller which was the GAE-N.

The GAE-N which were also severely weakened due to the speed of the offensive which resulted in massive casualties due to the nature of the operation. If they had gone any slower, the fleets of Thrax would have time to reinforce with each other and wipe them out.

Unfortunately for the GAE-N, Thrax had been alerted and announced another fleet which was to reach just in time for the final assault on Pluto and Humanity was for the first time in complete despair.

However, when the offensive began and the Thraxian defences started to crumble, no fleet had arrived sending the Thraxian leadership into disarray.

Humanity on the other hand was full of momentum and finally smashed through Thraxian lines and captured its leaders who felt abandoned and shocked at their defeat.

Operation Retribution had lasted 6 months which shocked and unsettled many Civilizations across the galaxy on the Thraxian defeat even though such a conflict compared to the galaxy was next to nothing.

Any communication by Thrax to Earth regarding the treatment and return of prisoners was met with silence. Thrax had even cited Earth's laws such as the Geneva Convention.

The GOE laughed at the Thraxian negotiations and said that only applied to Humans and instead had executed every single Thraxian prisoner which terrified the Thraxian populace and had other civilizations wary of contacting Earth.

The only race that did contact Earth was the Kreedians.

The Kreedians, a race of humanoid beings who closely resemble humans are a neutral species in the Galaxy from the Kreedian Empire and have lived in relative peace for the last 10 000 years with its neighbours albeit for one being the Thraxians.

The Kreedians shocked the galaxy when they went against their principles of neutrality to blockade the planet of Thrax and come to the aid of Earth, effectively putting an end to the Human-Thraxian conflict.

The Kreedians resemble humans in general except for a few distinct features that you could easily tell apart.

They have slightly luminescent skin that gives off a gentle, soft glow in various colours, such as pale blues, soft greens, or subtle purples.

The intensity of the glow can change based on their emotions or environmental conditions.

Their eyes have large, expressive pupils with an additional, narrow ring of colour around the iris that shimmers in the same hues as their skin.

This ring of colour tends to intensify when they experience heightened emotions.

Kreedians have hair that appears to be made of fine, radiant filaments.

It grows in an array of iridescent colours, and it's often styled in intricate patterns. Their ears are slightly pointed, with a graceful curve at the top.

Their pointed ears have an array of small, bioluminescent dots that emit a soft, soothing light.

The biggest difference however in terms of their comparison with humans would be their lifespans with Kreedians being able to easily live a few thousand years allowing a much more stable and peaceful society.

When the Kreedians contacted Humans, The GOE was very wary of their intentions and approached the Kreedians with a threatening statement.

However, the Kreedians were much calmer in their approach and had explained their stance in the galaxy and their part in the Human-Thraxian conflict.

Humanity which had now realised they had made an ally in the vast and cold universe welcomed the Kreedians with open arms and soon enough, had established an Embassy on Earth.

Soon enough Kreedian aid flowed into Earth as well as non-military technologies such as terraforming and advanced medical technologies which changed the future of Humanity forever.

In exchange for entry into the galactic economy, Kreed and the GOE had managed to negotiate the independence and trade agreements of Earth by abiding by 2 rules.

1. As long as Kreed does not supply or sell Earth military technology, Earth would be recognised as an independent state and a pact of non-aggression would be signed for a thousand years.

2. Earth would be allowed to trade with the galactic economy through Kreed and Kreed alone to prevent any disagreements with other civilizations which would result in a conflict.

To the Kreedian Empire, these terms were considered remarkably severe towards Earth and integrating humankind into the Galactic System but to their surprise the GOE was remarkably pleased with these terms and due to their recent conflict had no interest in interacting with any civilizations other than the Kreedians.

The GOE had put a priority on the reconstruction of Earth through the terraformation and growth of additional planets and systems and soon would turn Earth into a shining beacon of hope and pride for all humanity, again turning from a single-planet civilization to a multi-system civilization in less than 2 centuries.

Perhaps the greatest gift given to Earth from the Kreedians was Serum K.

Serum K given to Earth after the colonisation of their entire solar system and had effectively doubled the lifespans of humanity allowing human civilization to develop at an even faster rate.

The Alliance with Kreed stays strong to this day with Humans and Kreedians incorporating one of the busiest trade routes in perhaps the entire solar system relative to their size.

'Kreed had only ever sent research and civilian vessels since their Alliance with Earth. I wonder why it's changed now?' Jake thought to himself.