

A sub story to Lookism but with my OC

Selimhan_Goktekin · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

Prologue and/or lore


Chapter 1/Lore characters:

Kang Jin-ho = me (6-16)

Gongseob Ji = master (father figure, 22)

James Lee = enemy (18)

Kim Min-Jae = "best friend" (8-18)

Kang Jun-ji = brother (8-18)

Ethnicity =

South Korean


Age: Chapter 1

6 —> 16

Gender, sexuality: male, straight

My appearance:

Height: 185cm/6 feet

Weight 78 kg/ 171 lbs

Short black hair

Lean body type

A very symmetrical face with dark eyes and cut eyebrows slits

I mostly wear pants and shirts of the same color and put a jacket of the opposite color on top.

My personality:

Most of the time I'm friendly and lively and I can be a bit protective of things and sometimes I can be something I don't want to like a psycho.

✅️ Likes:

spicy foods, women's rights, and master

❎️ Dislikes:

egoistic people, bullies, and oily/buttery food

✳️ Phobias:

Thalassophobia °fear of drowning°, Thanatophobia °fear of losing loved ones°





Power levels: F ===> XXX

Stats: age 16

Normal mode:

Strength = B

Speed = A

Durability = SS

IQ. = B-

BIQ. = B+

Potential. = SS

Fighting Styles:

Iron boxing

Raw Strength (heat mode only)

Dirty boxing

Special traits:

Very high pain tolerance,

Heat mode/self-hatred

High reflexes.

Timeline: right before James Lee attacked Gongseob Ji



"Everyone knew already that I was a bit crazy since birth, I did things that I still regret to this day such as: giving dead animals as gifts and playing with knives around my younger twin siblings" sigh "I did once accidentally hurt 1 of them Jun-Ji to be exact while playing with knives I accidentally gave him a scar across his eye" * I was still 6 years old* "so It was no surprise that they thought of me as a psycho and threw me onto the streets. So began my Jin-Ho's life living on the streets before I met the town's king °Gongseob Ji° When he first saw me he Looked shocked and sad when I asked him if he was okay he answered


"Yeah yeah, it's just I resembled you to someone I used to know." Deep sigh "Do you have anywhere to go," he asks

I looked down with sadness and back at him ~Jin-ho~ "No sir my parents threw me out house I have been living on the street for the last week, stealing left and right"

Gongseob put his hand on my head and said "I am gonna take care of you" As he took my hand

As we had been living together for a few weeks already, 1 day when we came back from the convenience store, a kid was lying in front of the door we took him inside and gave him warm soup


"Thank you both so much, idk when was the last time I had warm food"


"Now can you tell me who you are and where you come from" he looks a bit serious

I call him over to another room and ask him "Sir Why are you so serious normally you're always smiling and laughing"

As he answers with


"I just something about my past, that I don't like to talk about, sorry"

I just nod in


"Well my name is Kim Min-Jae and I have been living in the trash recently after my parents passed away" as he starts tearing up


"Woah, don't cry I will help you too" as he points to me "he will be your brother from now on"

I wave hello, he waves back

After I and Min-Jae talked for an hour we noticed that we clicked immediately and had a lot in common.