
Adventures of Yavetel, last of the Scythewings

this is a survival story originating in the How To Train Your Dragon world ( around the same timeframe shown in the movies series) except for one difference.. I created my own species of dragon. The Scythewing is very similar to the nightfury in intelligence and build, but it takes on weaponry as a part of it's design. imagine a nightfury with slightly longer wings... except they have sharp blades at the end. ( resembling a current day scythe blade without the handle) allowing the creature to divebomb and attack fiercely as well as have an advantage in Arial combat. This serves as a armour rather than a permanent part of the creature. ( more like scales, they can fall off and be damaged but can be re-grown as well) some other features and powers can be discovered throughout the novel! yes, because I thought that a basic survival story would slowly become boring (basically eat, sleep, drink) I added the well-known system to this story , and no the character is not reincarnated. if you want a logical reason for the system, the dragon god gifted it as a way to help the species stay alive. thank you for your time and if anyone has judgement or advice I will happily accept it as this is my first novel and everything helps!

Kiko_The_Dragon666 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Knowledge

As the hatchling assessed the creature in the book, he grew curious of it's power. 'If this thing is able to kill a dragon with that stick, then it must be dangerous! I need to learn more about them to see how strong they are'

Leaving behind the first book, the small dragon searched around the cave for any other books that might mention the strange species.

After a few minutes of reading through the titles to improve his speech, the dragon found a book with a cover showing the odd species. 'What's this?' Reading the title of the book out loud, "His-story of Human-ity?" 'Is the creature I saw called humanity?' Turning to the first page of the book, the dragon read through the first few paragraphs out loud. Taking up about 30 minutes because of his slow speech.

After the dragon finished the first chapter (taking around an hour to finish) The baby dragon had learned a lot about the species. 'So.. they are called humans and not humanity, but if referring to all ever-existing human's it's humanity. And apparently most if not all books have been made by humans called writers! But they use stone and other 'metals' to harm dragons and kill them if given the chance... If I'm a dragon them they... might hurt me like they did the that Monstrous Nightmare dragon.'

The dragon decided to read some more, and when night fell upon the outside world, the hatchling had finished the book. 'Wow.. humans are so complicated.. but dragons attack them for their food resources! Why would dragons do such a thing?? I need to think about this some more.'

Being unsure on his views of dragons and humans, the black dragon decided it was time to rest, and padded out of the library. Going back through the tunnel and returning to the small pool of fish.

The baby dragon dove under the water scattering fish as he swam to the bottom. He shot up out of the water a few minutes later with a fish in his claws. Landing from the jump onto the edge of the pool.

Dropping the dead fish, the dragon started eating while sorting his thoughts. ' So the dragons attack humans for their food, and humans attack dragons out of spite for stealing their food. Yet more dragons are killed than humans, and the book said something about the dragons being controlled by a large "queen". So the queen dragon is the problem?'

The hatchling soon finished half of the fish and decided to think more about this later, as he still needed to explore the last cave. 'Hmm if I want the humans and dragons to stop fighting I would need to get rid of the queen. But I'm not strong enough to do that, I'm not even strong enough to beat this "Nightfury"! I need to get much stronger!

The hatchling grew tired and walked over to it's sleeping spot from the previous day. He laid down on the stone floor, thoughts still filtering through his head as he closed his eyes to sleep. Tomorrow I will become stronger..'

POV: ???

Waking up from his slumber, a small child with brown hair and tattered clothes heard a commotion outside the window. Walking over to open the door to his home, he looked out upon a field of fire and bloodshed as vikings and dragons were fighting.

Seeing the destruction he ran over to a weapon filled hut and met with another person, a stout blond haired adult male. The the other person spoke first "Hiccup! help me with the weapons!" nodding the boy fumbled to help pass out weapons, but after a few minutes he started daydreaming over a blond haired girl that was helping put out fires across the way.

A few seconds later a shout shook him out of his daydream. Some one shouted a short distance away, "NIGHTFURY" In a second a loud whistle was heard and the nearby tower exploded from a high-pressure attack.

The creture swooped around for another attack, but hiccup had already prepared his contraption, a launcher with nets connected to weighted rocks as the ammo. The nervous boy aimed carefully and shot the net at a shadow in the night sky.

An ear piercing roar was heard before the creature crashed to the earth in the nearby woodland. 'I did it...'